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in no time中文翻译,in no time是什么意思,in no time发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

in no time中文翻译,in no time是什么意思,in no time发音、用法及例句

1、in no time

in no time发音

英:  美:

in no time中文意思翻译


马上,立即; 即将


in no time双语使用场景

1、After breakfast, I brush my teeth and get dressed in no time.───早餐后, 我很快的刷好牙、穿好衣服.

2、Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.───只要你招招手, 立刻就会有对外租赁车.

3、Leave all that to my daughter and she will fix it in no time.───把所有那些都留给我女儿吧,她很快就会把事情办妥的.

4、The manager expressed anxiety that It'should be done in no time.───经理担心的是没有时间去做这些事.

5、You can download those files in no time and get that to your design work.───你可以立即下载这些资料然后把它应用到你的设计中去.

6、She will be sure to blab and it will be all over the town in no time.───她肯定会乱说,而全城的人立刻就会知道这件事情.

7、In no time the locusts came down and started eating everything.───很快蝗虫就飞落下来开始吃东西,什么都吃.

8、He's going to be just fine. At his age he'll heal in no time.───他会好起来的。以他的年纪,他很快就会痊愈。

9、The dogs saw them off in no time.───条狗立刻把他们吓走了。

10、These old buildings will be replaced by modern apartment buildings in no time.───这些旧建筑将很快为现代化的公寓所代替.

11、In no time, the hunter and the boar, both were lying dead at the same spot.───顿时, 猎人和野猪都躺在同一个地点死去.

12、A couple of dozen prints were rolled off in no time.───一下子就印好了几十张图片.

13、Driving motorcycle a snap. You'll figure it out in no time.───开摩托车很简单的, 你不用花什么时间就能学会了.

14、He expressed anxiety that It'should be done in no time.───他急切希望这事能立即做好.

15、I'll whip up a meal in no time.───我将会很快做出一顿饭菜.

16、He finished off two bowls of noodles in no time.───他很快就吃完了两碗面.

17、He finished off two bowls of chicken noodles soup in no time.───他很快吃完了两碗鸡汤面.

18、Hurry! hurry! the police will come in no time; help the box down; throw it into the car.───赶快! 赶快! 警察快来了; 帮助把箱子搬下来, 塞进车里.

19、Bear up, out troubles will blow over in no time.───打起精神来, 我们的困难马上就会消除的.

20、She'll have them eating out of her hand in no time.───她很快就会让他们俯首帖耳的。

21、The lullaby had the baby into the land of Nod in no time.───催眠曲一下子就把婴儿送入了睡乡.

22、In no time at all , lawmakers in New Jersey granted their wish.───新泽西州的立法者立即批准了他们的请求.

23、They cleaned the entire house in no time.───他们不用多久就把整个房子打扫干净了.

24、He had Tom washed, shaved, and dressed in no time.───他立即给汤姆洗澡 、 刮胡子及穿衣.

25、Clothing seems to wear out in no time nowadays.───现在的衣服好像很快就穿破了.

26、It looked a big dish, but it was almost knocked off in no time.───看起来是一大盘菜, 但几乎一下子就扫光了.

27、The kids will be leaving home in no time.───孩子们很快就要离开家了。

28、The wounded soldier should be sent to the hospital in no time.───伤员应立刻送医院.

29、They finished the task in no time.───他们一下子就完成了任务.

30、In no time the firemen arrived asas the policemen.───在很短的时间消防员以及警察到了.

31、I promise I will become a real Chinese expert in no time.───相信我,不久我就会成为一名中国通的.

32、William inherited a fortune but ran it through in no time.───威廉继承了一笔遗产,可是很快就花光了.

33、He predicted that my hair would grow back "in no time"───他预言我的头发“一眨眼”就会长回来。

in no time相似词语短语

1、at any time───在任何时候

2、in nomine───n.以……的名义

3、in jig time───飞快地

4、in no case───决不

5、to do time───待办事项时间

6、in good time───及时地;迅速地

7、in time───及时;适时

8、in real time───实时的;及时的;立即

9、lose no time───不失时机;立即,赶快

2、in time和in no time区别?

at no time 与 in no time区别为:词义不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。


1、at no time:at no time词义是绝不,从来没有,从不。

2、in no time:in no time词义是马上,立即,立刻。


1、at no time:at no time侧重于否定。

2、in no time:in no time侧重于时间上速度快。


1、at no time:位于句首时要倒装:At no time should you give up studying. 任何时候你都不应该放弃学习。

2、in no time:位于尾首:He predicted that my hair would grow back 'in no time' 他预言我的头发“一眨眼”就会长回来。

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