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tie down(tied down中文翻译,tied down是什么意思,tied down发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

tie down(tied down中文翻译,tied down是什么意思,tied down发音、用法及例句)

1、tied down

tied down发音

英:  美:

tied down中文意思翻译



tied down双语使用场景

1、As long as China stayed in the war, hundreds of thousands of imperial Japanese Army soldiers could be tied down on the Asian mainland.───只要中国不退出战争,几十万日本帝国陆军就会被牵制在亚洲大陆上。

2、He didn't want a family because he didn't want to be tied down.───他不想要家庭,因为他不想受限制。

3、Stretched over a punishment rack, his hands tied down and feet held, the prisoner was beaten.───犯人被拉到受刑台上,手被捆在下面,脚被摁住,接受鞭打。

4、Although we had a very happy relationship and there was so much I loved about him, I already felt tied down.───尽管我们相处的很开心,他的很多地方我也很喜欢,但是我有种束缚感。

5、I really don't wanna be tied down.───我真的不想被绑住。

6、Pirates from Tunis threatened the ship, there was a violent storm and the plant had to be tied down.───突尼斯的海盗威胁着船只的安全,船遇上了猛烈的风暴,咖啡树要被固定住才行。

7、Nonetheless, the analyst says Russia is tied down in Georgia and will not make any immediate military moves against Ukraine.───尽管如此,分析人士说,俄罗斯被牵制在格鲁吉亚,不会立即对乌克兰采取军事行动。

8、We are tied down by fuel.───我们被燃料死死地绑住了。

9、"Why, here's my button! " he cried. And he tried to pick it up. But, like all the other buttons on the mattress, it was tied down tight.───“为什么这儿有我的纽扣呢?”他大叫,并且试图捡起来。不过和床垫上其他的纽扣一样,这只纽扣被绑得紧紧的。

tied down相似词语短语

1、piped down───安静下来;吹哨停工

2、cried down───vt.贬低;喝止

3、lived down───v.改正行为而使…被人遗忘

4、died down───逐渐消失

5、bed down───v.铺床睡;安排舒服地睡觉

6、ties down───束缚;约束;栓系

7、wiped down───把…上下揩干净

8、toned down───缓和;柔和;降低

9、tie down───束缚;约束;栓系


1、consider v.考虑;思考;细想;认为;想;考虑到;相信;顾及;凝视

2、look after 照顾;照看

The three sisters took turns at looking after their sick father.三姐妹轮转着照顾生病的父亲。

Looking after her elderly mother is quite a drain on her energy.照顾年迈的母亲消耗了她大量精力。

3、keep an eye on 看管;留神;密切注意

Keep an eye on the luggage while I go and get the tickets.我去买票,你来照顾行李。

4、watch over 看守;照看;看顾

The shepherds were keeping watch over their flock.牧羊人守候着羊群。

5、take care of 照顾;照料;处理

Don’t worry at all. She will take good care of the child.你尽管放心,她会照顾好孩子的。

He was tied down to his job and unable to take proper care of his kids.他工作忙得抽不出身来照顾孩子。

I can take care of myself. You needn’t worry about me.我会照顾自己的,你不必为我担心。

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