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no longer中文翻译,no longer是什么意思,no longer发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

no longer中文翻译,no longer是什么意思,no longer发音、用法及例句

no longer

no longer发音

英:  美:

no longer中文意思翻译



no longer双语使用场景

1、Our journey had taken on a new aspect. The countryside was no longer familiar.───我们所到之地呈现出一派新景象。乡村变得不再熟悉。

2、Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.───尽管我们可能对自己的良好鉴赏力感到十分自豪, 但我们不再能任意选择我们所需要的东西了, 因为我们受到了广告的微妙影响.

3、He no longer found her physically attractive.───他认为她的外表已经失去吸引力.

4、He could contain no longer.───他再也无法自制.

5、To be sure, it is no longer winter; neverthless, it is quite cold.───现在固然已不是冬天了, 可是天气还是相当冷.

6、No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish.───他不当董事长就不受职务约束了, 想说什么就说什么.

7、After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine.───大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。

8、Surely modern women want to be informed of world current affairs; we are no longer chained to the kitchen sink!───当代女性当然想了解时事,我们不再只是受缚于家务小事。

9、Uncorroborated confessions should no longer be accepted by courts.───没有证据证实的供词不应再被法庭采用。

10、You will no longer have a use for the magazines.───你再也用不着这些杂志了。

11、He's no longer a depressive character.───他不再是一个抑郁的人物。

12、We can no longer support the President's continuance in office.───我们不能再支持总统继续任职。

13、They are no longer anything like as fey and reserved as they once were.───他们不再像从前那样羞怯矜持了。

14、They are no longer part of a duopoly on overseas routes.───他们不再是垄断海外航线的两强之一。

15、That kind of money is no longer going about now.───那种货币已不再在市面上流通了.

16、Women are no longer dominated by the men in their relationships.───在两性关系中女性不再受制于男性。

17、I met Mary no longer ago than last Sunday.───就在上星期天我还遇到玛丽.

18、It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends.───她和查尔斯不再跟老朋友们来往,这让她非常苦恼。

19、The company can no longer service its debts.───那家公司已无力支付债务利息。

20、If you exaggerate, people will no longer believe you.───如果你说话虚夸, 人们便不会相信你了.

21、When a thing has been used, it is no longer new.───当一件东西被用过后, 就不再是新的了.

22、She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope.───她考虑了那么一瞬间就果决地撕开了信封。

23、Stenography is no longer a marketable skill.───速记法已没有多大市场了.

24、Today, most people think that argument no longer holds.───今天,大多数人认为那个论点已经站不住脚了。

25、He's no longer in his first flush.───他不再洋溢着青春的活力.

26、She could no longer afford to keep him at school.───她已无法再供他读书。

27、Uninstall any programs that you no longer need.───将不再需要的程序全部卸载。

28、He no longer lives here.───他不再住这儿了。

29、When his employees were no longer of use to him, he pensioned them off.───员工对他不再有利用价值时,他就发养老金迫使他们退休。

30、Many of the British upper classes are no longer very rich.───英国的上流社会许多人已不再富得流油。

31、Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.───素食者不再被视为有怪癖的人。

32、The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was.───建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。

no longer相似词语短语


2、go long───买进;多头



5、any longer───(不)再


7、to linger───徘徊

no longer是什么词性?

no longer 是一个短语,没有词性。通常只有单词才有词性。

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