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push forward(pushes forward中文翻译,pushes forward是什么意思,pushes forward发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

push forward(pushes forward中文翻译,pushes forward是什么意思,pushes forward发音、用法及例句)

1、pushes forward

pushes forward发音

英:  美:

pushes forward中文意思翻译



pushes forward双语使用场景

1、At the same time, hope development of the university who pushes forward Chinese enterprise on this account.───同时,希望以此推进中国企业大学的发展。

2、These forces constitute a system that pushes forward the social development in Wuhan City.───综合上述诸方面,构成武汉社会发展的精神动力体系。

3、Human resource is a central link of enterprise management. Computer assisted management pushes forward normalization, scientism and information integration of human resource management greatly.───人力资源是企业管理的中心环节,计算机辅助管理对人力资源管理的规范化、科学化以及信息集成起到重大的推动作用。

4、And also industrial revolution pushes forward the development of society as well as creates enormous material wealth .───工业革命推动了人类社会的发展,为人类创造了巨大的物质财富。

5、CIRC actively pushes forward the adjustment of insurance business structure and underline the development of protection type business.───保监会积极推动保险业务结构调整,着力发展保障型业务。

6、It is only the harmonious social development that pushes forward the all-around development of human being.───只有社会全面和谐发展,才能真正推动作为社会主体的人的全面发展。

7、The clock pushes forward, so adolescents and teens are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to.───它仿佛是慢了几个小时似的,青少年们忽然间都无法在他们以前习惯的时间入睡了。

8、Investors welcomed Friday's jobs report as a positive sign that demand for fuel could pick up, as the economic recovery pushes forward.───鉴于经济复苏继续向前推进,投资者认为周五的工作报告(jobsreport)是一个对石油燃料的需求增加的的积极信号。

9、Along with the implement of developing western region greatly, the structure adjustment of Ulanchap just pushes forward progressively.───随着西部大开发的实施,乌兰察布市结构调整正积极地推进。

pushes forward相似词语短语

1、puts forward───v.提出;拿出;放出;推举出

2、push forward───推进;抓紧进行

3、fasted forward───快进

4、pushing forward───推进;抓紧进行

5、power forward───大前锋;强力前锋

6、buys forward───购买期货;买入期货

7、pushed forward───推进;抓紧进行

8、comes forward───涌现;自告奋勇;被提出来讨论

9、fasts forward───快进

2、pushes forward是什么意思

pushes forward



Obviously trying helps us to explore new things, and pushes forward thedevelopment of science. 




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