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isn't it(isn t it中文翻译,isn t it是什么意思,isn t it发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

isn't it(isn t it中文翻译,isn t it是什么意思,isn t it发音、用法及例句)

isn t it

isn t it发音

英:  美:

isn t it中文意思翻译



isn t it双语使用场景

1、I am sometimes asked rather probing questions by giggly friends. "What about sexual tension? Isn't it a bit weird? "───有时朋友笑着问我比较尖锐的问题,“会不会有两性之间的吸引?是不是会感到有些奇怪?”

2、Golly," he says, "Isn't it exciting!"───他说,“天哪!这真是太令人兴奋了!”

3、She looked at it critically for a moment. 'It's all right' she said, 'but, isn't it upside down? '───她用挑剔的眼光看了一会。“还可以吧。”她说,“不过,是不是挂倒了?”

4、amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life s history?───一个人,在适当的时候和地方因为一句话而改变了他的人生历程,你会感到惊异和不可思议吗?

5、Perhaps this article would better fit Halloween, but it's always funny to see amazed eyes of your nearest and dearest, isn't it?───或许,这篇文章更适合发表在万圣节前夕,但能让你心爱的她感到惊喜,不是很好的事么?

6、Isn't it cold today?───今天真冷,是不是?

7、M: Oh, right. You know, I really wish that this house were as big as our old one. It is a bit small, isn't it?───也对,你知道的,我真希望这间房子能够像之前的旧家一样大,这里太小了。不是嘛?。

8、This is typical winter, isn't it? A bit dull and lifeless, however, you can still do a lot, skating, mountain-climbing, skiing. . .───冬天都这样,有点死气沉沉。不过活动还是很多,溜冰,滑雪,登山…

9、Some would raise such a question: Isn't it a conflict to showcase ourselves while being modest?───有人就提出疑问了:那要自我表现跟谦虚不就产生冲突了么?

isn t it相似词语短语

1、out to it───去吧

2、hop to it───开始干

3、foot it───步行

4、cut it───停止;快走

5、put to it───逼使

6、in it───abbr.初始化(initialization)

7、beat it───跑掉;走开

8、as it is───实际上;事实上;既然如此

9、cane it───拐杖

英语句子中后边有isn't it 代表肯定还是疑惑

he is a boy, isn't he?

yes, he is


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