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follow on中文翻译,follow on是什么意思,follow on发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

follow on中文翻译,follow on是什么意思,follow on发音、用法及例句

1、follow on

follow on发音

英:  美:

follow on中文意思翻译




follow on双语使用场景

1、You go first and I'll follow ( on ) later.───你先走,我随后就到.

2、main follow on was a flash warming of the Earth.───紧接其后的就是地球的急速变暖。

3、The conference and exhibition will follow on Tuesday and Wednesday.───会议和展览将延续到周二和周三.

4、Sui and Tang dynasties, the ancient light of prevailing winds, and follow - on generations.───隋唐以后, 历代灯火之风盛行, 并沿袭传于后世.

5、I'll be back soon. Meanwhile follow on.───我马上就回来, 你继续干下去好了.

6、More trouble and misery are sure to follow on.───更多的麻烦和不幸必将随之而来.

7、I'll be back in a minute. Meanwhile follow on.───我马上就回来, 你们继续干下去好了.

8、As more project information or characteristics are gathered and understood, follow - on actions may be required.───随着收集和了解到的项目信息或特征的增加,就可能要采取后继行动.

9、The second half of the concert will follow on in twenty minutes.───音乐会下半场20分钟后继续.

10、Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on ! Follow ! Follow!───不论往何地方, 我要跟随主跟随跟随!

11、You go ahead, and we'll follow on.───你先走,我们随后就到。

12、You go ahead and I'll follow on.───你在前面走,我跟着来.

13、Some comments follow on the next page.───下一页还有一些评论.

14、This course for bridge players with some experience is intended as a follow-on to the Beginners' course.───这门课程面向的是有一定经验的桥牌玩家,是初级课程的延续。

15、You go first, and we'll follow on after a short rest.───你先去, 我们稍微休息一下跟着就来.

16、We shall follow on from where he left off.───我们将从他停下的地方接下去.

17、You go to the beach with the kids and I'll follow on when I've finished work.───你和孩子们去海滨,我办完事随后就去。

follow on相似词语短语

1、following on───继续下去;接着发生

2、to follow on───继续



5、follow out───执行,贯彻;把……查到底

6、followed on───继续下去;接着发生

7、follow up───跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事

8、follows on───继续下去;接着发生

9、follow shot───跟镜头

2、move on和go ahead的区别?

move on表示离去、继续前进

Mr. Brooke moved on from Paris to Belgrade.


go ahead表示着手、先走、开始做

The project is to go ahead following renewed promises of aid from the UN.


You go ahead, and we'll follow on.


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