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调和级数是什么意思(harmonic distortion中文翻译,harmonic distortion是什么意思,harmonic distortion发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

调和级数是什么意思(harmonic distortion中文翻译,harmonic distortion是什么意思,harmonic distortion发音、用法及例句)

harmonic distortion

harmonic distortion发音

英:  美:

harmonic distortion中文意思翻译


谐波畸变[失真]; 非曲线畸变


harmonic distortion双语使用场景

1、There are now two criteria that are used to evaluate harmonic distortion.───现有两个准则可用来评价谐波畸变。

2、We observed that the total harmonic distortion ( THD ) increases due to non - linearity in the triangular wave.───我们注意到由于三角波边缘线性度不够而造成总谐波失真上升的情形.

3、Stereo channel separation of 50 dB and low harmonic distortion for testing FM stereo receivers.───立体声通道分离五零分贝和低谐波失真测试的调频立体声接收机.

4、It affects the SNR signal - to - noise ratio and the THD ( total harmonic distortion ) of a conversion.───它影响转换的SNR( 信噪比)和THD ( 总谐波失真 ).

5、Especially, harmonic distortion has been fully researched which workgroup has not touched before.───而有关非线性失真性能,是以往在宽带视频切换矩阵的研究中很少涉及的.

6、The total harmonic distortion ( THD ) is written as the following expression.───总谐波失真 ( THD ) 是书面下列表达.

7、Total harmonic distortion below 9% is obtained.───结果显示总谐波失真小于9%。

8、Faraday are incorporated into the ultra - low distortion motor, further reducing? harmonic distortion as much as 20 dB.───超低失真马达采用法拉第振铃, 进一步降低谐波失真达20分贝之多.

9、The effect is termed harmonic distortion.───这种作用就称为谐波畸变.

harmonic distortion相似词语短语

1、gross distortion───严重变形,大变形

2、enharmonic modulation───非谐波调制

3、harmonic motions───[力]谐运动;简谐运动;[力]谐波运动

4、harmonic series───[数]调和级数;[物]谐波系


6、harmonic distortions───[电子]谐波失真

7、harmonic motion───[力]谐运动;简谐运动;[力]谐波运动

8、barrel distortions───负畸变;[光]桶形畸变;[电子]桶形失真

9、barrel distortion───负畸变;[光]桶形畸变;[电子]桶形失真


谐波电流畸变率 针对此值国标有相关规定要求

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