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slowmotion(slow motion中文翻译,slow motion是什么意思,slow motion发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

slowmotion(slow motion中文翻译,slow motion是什么意思,slow motion发音、用法及例句)

1、slow motion

slow motion发音

英:  美:

slow motion中文意思翻译




slow motion双语使用场景

1、A trial in the lab with a carbonated beverage in glass : the fall in slow motion.───这个实验向人们展示了装有碳酸类饮料的 玻璃瓶 子落地时的慢动作.

2、Why do hot girls always walk in slow motion?───为什么辣妹们走路总是慢节拍的?

3、It seemed almost as if he were falling in slow motion.───他看上去几乎是以慢动作倒下的。

4、The issues on your mind unfold clearly, as if they were in slow motion.───你的心结就像是慢动作似的在你的面前清晰地展开.

5、The wonderful shots of goals are usually shown again in slow motion.───精采的射门镜头常常用慢镜头重映.

6、General comments: video broadcast should not be used in slow motion, or live feel more stimulated.───总评: 不应该用录相播慢动作, 还是现场直播的感觉更刺激.

7、Even when you swing in slow motion, you're a muscle memory that will stay with you.───甚至当你在慢动作中挥拍的时候, 你将刻凹痕于肌肉记忆,那将与你同在.

8、This can be seen easily with the benefit of slow motion video playback.───借助于慢镜头的回放,可以很容易地看清楚这个过程。

9、The elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal.───被吸引到那里的老人们,或是成对欢愉地沿着马林百列缓步慢行,或是不紧不慢地经过海鸥咖啡店,要去往远处的某个地方。

10、Andrew: at the slow motion!───安德鲁: 看慢动作!

11、This insect's brain works so rapidly, it perceives most movement in slow motion.───这种昆虫的大脑运转速度非常快, 大部分动作它都可以用慢动作的方式来感知.

12、It seemed almost as if he were falling in slow motion.───看起来他那时几乎像是在以慢动作倒下。

13、Let's see it in slow motion.───让我们通过慢镜头再看一遍.

14、The first camera could not even photograph slow motion.───最早的照相机甚至无法拍摄哪怕是很慢的运动.

15、Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion.───这部影片的有些部分用慢镜头重映.

16、This point also obtained the slow motion playbacking proof afterward.───这一点随后也得到了慢镜头回放的证明.

17、Practice this at home slow motion without a ball.───在家无球练习上述九重打法.

18、Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion?───有其他人认为她应该以慢动作移动 吗 ?

19、The jury watched the tape dozens of times in slow motion and in freeze frame.───陪审团通过慢放和定格把录像带反复看了许多遍。

20、Some scenes were filmed in slow motion .───几组镜头被拍成了慢动作。

21、The conditions for it have been building , in slow motion, for years.───促发战争的种种条件都在长年累月中缓慢地积蓄起来.

22、It is like a dream to me now, floating through my mind in slow motion.───现在想来, 那些情景仿佛是一场梦境,浮现在我的脑海缓缓放映.

slow motion相似词语短语

1、show emotion───流露感情


3、snow moon───雪月

4、stop motions───停车装置;停止运动;静态

5、slow motions───慢动作;慢镜头

6、lost motion───[机]空动;失位;空转;无效运动



9、stop motion───停车装置;停止运动;静态

2、初音的Slow Motion罗马音

konbini yotte bentou katte

heya ni kaette terebi wo mite ta

kuizu no kotae dakyou to shitte

yume to kotaeru boke wo tsuduke te

netsu ga dechatte kusuri wo non de

futon mogutte me wo toji te i ta

kimi no manuke na kao ga ukan de

mada shini taku nai nante nobose nagara

juu dai doya gao de satotta hito

ni juu dai haji ni kidui ta hito

san juu dai minotake shitta hito

sono dore mo ga zenbu onaji hito

ase wo kai te ne maki wo kigae tara

tokei no hari gozen rei ji

kono kyoku ha ima ippun to chotto

anata ha ima umare te nan nen?

SLOW MOTION youshou kara rounen made

CONDITION souutsu no rankouka de

nenchaku de mo bushou de mo nai ai hitotsu todoke tai noni

COMMUNICATION nerai sugi ha subette

AUDITION shinbi me mo rougan ni natte

haji no ooi shougai nante mezurashii mon ja nai shi

daijoubu da yo

konomi niyotte PARTS ijitte

ai wo ataeru bijinesu shitte

sugi ta jikan to kono shunkan to

nokori jikan ga shinya mazatte

seki ga hidoku te mizunomi hoshi te

shinkokyuu shi te mata kangae ta

hana wo susutte heiwa negatte

kushami wo shi tara fukitobu shogyoumujou wo

katsute ha mujaki ni warae ta hito

tsuma dui te mo namida korae ta hito

dandan kutabire ta kao no hito

soshite shiwa no fue ta onaji hito

nuruku natta hie pita wo torikae te

jikan ha mada ushimitsu ji

kono kyoku ha nokori ni fun to chotto

anata no jumyou ha ato nan nen?

GRADUATION nyuugaku kara sotsugyou made

PARTITION suimen ka de kenka shiatte

wasure cha ike nai koto igai ha dou demo yoku narya ii noni

IMAGINATION shigeki de donka shichatte

RELIGION moumoku na sennyuukan de

hen gao no ikasu iei datte azatoi to tsutsukareru

sonna mon da yo

norarikurari notauchimawari

jiwarijiwari mioboe no nai basho ni

kanshou kanshou ni mi wo yatsushi te mo

hekku sho n hekku sho n kushami ha baka ppoi na

guusupii guusupii hana zumari no fue wo

aizu ni yoru ga ake te ku

SLOW MOTION asa ni natte netsu hii te

CONDITION kaisei no aotenjou de

hansei shi tari choushi koi tari nonbiri kutabatte iku

SLOW MOTION aidoru datte toshi kutte

wai dosho u nigiwase te hone ni natte

umare ta toki to saigo no toki ga yukkuri tsunagaru fushigi

COMBINATION ii hito ni deau tame

kuesu chon ii hito tte donna n ka ne?

haji no ooi shougai nante dongara gaccha n sore sore

sukkarakan no horehore mezurashii mon ja nai shi

daijoubu da yo



yukkuri owatte yuku

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