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cleanclear(clean clear中文翻译,clean clear是什么意思,clean clear发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

cleanclear(clean clear中文翻译,clean clear是什么意思,clean clear发音、用法及例句)

clean clear

clean clear发音

英:  美:

clean clear中文意思翻译



clean clear双语使用场景

1、Simple, clean, clear and SEO friendly interface with white or light grey background colors.───简单,干净,清晰和搜索引擎友好的界面与白色或浅灰色的背景颜色。

2、Quality target for workshops and storehouses: keep the site clean, clear without in-disorder.───车间和仓库质量目标:现场整洁,不凌乱,标识清楚。

3、Therefore, you can generate clean, clear the edge network and can be used to make fine screening line.───因此,可以爆发肮脏的、边际澄辉的网点,可以用来制息粗忽的增网线数。

4、Use it once a week to find clean clear skin over the long term.───一星期用它一次会发现干净的,洁净的皮肤能维持很长一段时期。

5、The air was clean, clear and the ecological balance of the planet was restored.───大气清洁,天空晴朗,地球的生态平衡得到恢复。

6、Rub lightly in the upwards direction while applying to the face. Wash after 10 minutes to find clean clear skin.───轻轻地往上按摩直道敷满整张脸,10分钟后洗去就会发现干净的、洁净的皮肤。

7、Keep it clean, clear, pseudo impartial, but definitely focused on benefits for specific customers.───尽量简洁、清楚,还要看起来不偏不倚,但是重心一定要放在特定客户的利益上。

8、Let the clean clear waters (energies) wash over you. Be free, be at one, be of love - you are blessed.───让清新纯净的能量之流洗涤你的心灵吧。感受自由,感受合一,感受爱—你被祝福着。

clean clear相似词语短语

1、clean air───洁净空气;新鲜空气

2、clean sheet───不失球;清白的历史


4、clean sweep───全胜;快速整理


6、clean cloth───清洁布

7、clean water───清洁(饮)水

8、all clear───解除警报

9、clean slate───n.清白的记录

clean up和clear up有哪些区别?

clear up和clean up的区别:

两者用法不同、使用场景不同。在用法上,clear up的 意思是“整理;


归纳”,clean up则偏向于“彻底打扫;

清理干净”。另外在 使用场景上,clean up多是用于实物的打扫,clear up则多是用于虚拟物体的打扫, 比如清空电脑文件。

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