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medical insurance中文翻译,medical insurance是什么意思,medical insurance发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

medical insurance中文翻译,medical insurance是什么意思,medical insurance发音、用法及例句

1、medical insurance

medical insurance发音

英:  美:

medical insurance中文意思翻译



medical insurance双语使用场景

1、Knowing that she had medical insurance took a great load off her mind.───知道自己有医疗保险,她不再担心了。

2、Medical insurance is very pricey.───医疗保险费用昂贵。

3、How much is the co - pay for this medical insurance?───这种医疗保险的自付率是多少 啊 ?

4、cost of this is included in your medical insurance.───这个费用包括在你的医疗保险里了。

5、Where is the Shen Yang City District medical insurance centre in?───沈阳市和平区医疗保险中心在哪里?

6、Probably the most important kind of insurance is medical insurance.───最重要的保险或许是医疗保险.

7、Objective : To study the effective cost control measures of elders medical insurance.───目的: 探讨老年人医疗保险费用控制的有效措施.

8、Yes we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well.───还有,我们公司还有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险.

9、These items are not covered by your medical insurance.───这些项目不在你的医保范围之内。

10、What kind of medical insurance are you covered by?───你享有那种医疗保险?

11、All personnel in this company are entitled to medical insurance.───公司急需工程技术人员.

12、Medical insurance: a way of protecting yourself from very large medical costs.───医疗保险: 一种就大额的医疗花费保护你自己的方式.

13、Medical insurance is very pricey.───医疗保险很昂贵。

14、A copy of membership card issued by the group medical insurance company.───由提供团体医疗保障之保险公司所发出之会员咭影印副本.

15、Copy of your Child's Medical Insurance Card or Medical Policy.───儿童医疗保险卡或医疗保险单的复印件.

16、There are countless types of medical insurance offered to the students.───学生可以选择的医疗保险种类数不胜数.

17、Fourth, the desalination and cancels basic medical insurance individual account finally.───四是淡化并最终取消基本医疗保险个人帐户.

18、Retirement pensions and medical insurance coverage will both rise starting next week.───退休金和医疗保险的覆盖范围在下周将同时扩大.

medical insurance相似词语短语

1、general insurance───[保险]普通保险;[保险]一般保险

2、medical insurances───医疗保险

3、dental insurance───牙科险

4、mutual insurance───互助保险

5、national insurance───n.国民保险;(英)国民保险制度

6、vehicle insurance───车辆保险

7、general insurances───[保险]普通保险;[保险]一般保险

8、social insurance───社会保险

9、medical assistance───医疗救助


医疗类商业保险(Medical Insurance)是指由商业保险公司提供的一种保险产品,用于保障个人或家庭在医疗方面面临的风险和费用。


1. 医疗费用保障:包括住院费用、手术费用、药品费用等医疗费用的保障。

2. 门诊医疗保障:包括就诊门诊费用、特殊检查费用等在不住院的情况下的医疗费用保障。

3. 医疗服务保障:包括就诊医生的费用、医院服务费用等的保障。

4. 迟发性疾病保障:包括罹患某些疾病后的高额医疗费用保障。



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