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integration by parts中文翻译,integration by parts是什么意思,integration by parts发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

integration by parts中文翻译,integration by parts是什么意思,integration by parts发音、用法及例句

1、integration by parts

integration by parts发音

英:  美:

integration by parts中文意思翻译



integration by parts双语使用场景

1、don't expect that you would need integration by parts, although I still hope that some of you remember it from single variable calculus.───不要求掌握分部积分公式,但还是希望,有些人能在单变量积分中记住它。

2、a series Integration formula of indefinite integral by inverse function method, which use the relationship of a function and its inverse function and the Integration by parts.───由原函数与反函数的关系、分部积分公式以及变量代换得出利用反函数法求不定积分的一系列积分公式。

3、This article introduces a pithy formula, a simple method of operation by using integration by parts.───本文介绍了表解法 、 口诀法在人体组织解剖学教学中的应用.

4、example, in a calculus course it's not terribly difficult to memorize the formula for integration by parts for integrals.───例如,在微积分课程中,记下分步积分法的公式并不是特别难。

integration by parts相似词语短语



3、integrating factors───[数]积分因子

4、international laws───国际法;国际公法


6、integrating factor───[数]积分因子

7、integrated bars───集成条形图

8、integrated bar───综合律师协会



For the first time to participate in the "APEC Finance and Development Program Annual Forum" at the opening ceremony, I am deeply honored. At the same time had the privilege to see from China's neighboring countries and that policy makers, leading academics, senior government officials and private sector managers, I am very happy.

World Bank to work with the Chinese government jointly sponsored the forum honor. Our chief economist of the World Bank on behalf of participating in the forum today, I am very pleased that we have proved the importance of this initiative.

Personally, I would also like to congratulate the Chinese government; you in the creation of the "APEC Finance and Development Project (AFDP)" has played a leading role in determining the AFDP an important theme, that is, to strengthen financial intermediation and promote economic growth, development and stability Has shown foresight and sagacity.

Over the past few years, in the region for the reform of the financial system, five years to address emerging problems is a headache to spend a lot of energy in dealing with the Asian financial crisis, the main source of ethics, that is, the balance is too high, too much foreign currency debt, corporate And improper management of the financial sector, as well as the formal financial system supervision, and other adverse side has made great progress. Post-crisis economic recovery beyond most people's expectations. But we can not be complacent, can not be satisfied with the ability to build stability in the country's financial system. No country's financial problems could spread and weaken other economies in the region, which is particularly important in this forum. Will be the region's financial system into a network of reliable, and fully aware of the economies of the interdependence between is very important. We have only one of the world, Asia, as well as a member of the family members of the other parts of the world will continue to live in the same world, you may be more than any other people more aware that the establishment of a sound and stable financial system can promote the achievement of these goals, and the fragile financial System will be a threat to goal.

In the economic integration with the world economy, we should promote financial sector development to help countries to establish a diversified and competitive financial services industry in order to make the development of the national economy and innovation. I believe that with China's accession to the WTO, China will be the Government's efforts to deal with one of the challenges is how to make full use of the advantages brought about by integration.

We can not only see the bank's role in the mobilization of savings - this regard, China and other Asian countries have done a very good job, but also should be noted that banks in the national economy to seek investment opportunities in the productive role of financial intermediation, in particular, how to better To assess the performance of small businesses and great potential for development. This is because many small businesses to enjoy the country's financial services is not enough. Here, I would like to challenge the Chinese government will AFDP identified as the focus of research in this area of congratulations.

We have to pay a lot of effort, but we can not stop there.

We can not just challenge the financial sector will be called the document is to establish the banking system, but should pay more attention to the establishment of capital markets, providing new tools to help them enrich and strengthen the financing structure, reduce financing costs, and better prevention of financial Other risk

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