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little brother中文翻译,little brother是什么意思,little brother发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

little brother中文翻译,little brother是什么意思,little brother发音、用法及例句

little brother

little brother发音

英:  美:

little brother中文意思翻译




little brother双语使用场景

1、My little brother is a pest when he spoils my games.───我的小弟弟破坏我的各种游戏真讨厌.

2、She represented her little brother as a simpleton.───她把她的弟弟描绘成一个傻瓜。

3、He likes watching Pleasant Sheep and Big Wolf. So does my little brother.───他喜欢看《喜羊羊和灰太狼》。我的小弟弟也是。

4、Ann helps her little brother anyway within her reach.───安想尽办法帮助她弟弟.

5、Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother.───汤姆编故事逗他的小弟弟.

6、My little brother was taken to the infirmary.───我的小弟弟被送进医院.

7、My little brother can count from 1 to 10.───我的小弟弟能从一数到十.

8、My little brother is a very cheerful helper.───我的小弟弟很乐于帮忙.

9、If you can't live in peace with your little brother then get out of the house.───如果你没法和你弟弟和睦相处,就滚出这座房子。

10、My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night.───我的弟弟在晚上上床之前通常洗个澡.

11、My little brother is full of curiosity.───我的小弟弟充满好奇心.

12、Don't be so mean to your little brother.───对你的小弟弟不要如此刻薄.

13、Is he Lucy's little brother?───他是露西的小弟弟 吗 ?

14、Mother, ever the peacemaker, pointed her finger at my little brother and said, "See? Now stop!"───一向充当和事佬的妈妈用手指着弟弟说:“看到了没?快住手!”

15、And I am going to make a toy for my little brother.───我要给弟弟弄个玩具.

16、My little brother always stands up to the bigger boys.───我小弟弟总是勇敢地面对那些大孩子.

17、He taught his little brother how to wrestle.───他教他小弟弟如何摔跤.

little brother相似词语短语

1、big brother───哥哥;老大哥

2、little cuttle───菱鳍乌贼

3、little wonder───难怪

4、lay brother───修道院做杂役的僧侣;凡人修士;庶务修士(修会中从事庶务工作的修士)

5、little bro───小兄弟

6、cattle breeder───养牛人

7、kid brother───(美国英语)弟弟

8、foster brother───义兄弟

9、half brother───同母异父(或同父异母)兄弟

little brother是什么意思?

little brother意思有几个兄弟间,哥哥称呼弟弟,会说my little brother朋友间或者不熟的人,意思相当于中国人说 小兄弟。

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