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camellia japonica中文翻译,camellia japonica是什么意思,camellia japonica发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

camellia japonica中文翻译,camellia japonica是什么意思,camellia japonica发音、用法及例句

camellia japonica

camellia japonica发音

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camellia japonica中文意思翻译




camellia japonica双语使用场景

1、Camellia japonica as the floral emblem of Qingdao, in recent years, concerned.───山茶作为青岛市的市花,近年来备受关注。

2、Preliminary Exploration on Extraction and Characterization of Red Pigment from Camellia japonica L .───山茶花红色素的提取及其性质初探。

3、Determination of chemical composition of utility parts of anti-osteoporosis in the seeds of Camellia japonica L.───山茶种子抗骨质疏松有效部位群化学成分的含量测定。

4、Cutting propagation test of Camellia japonica Linn .───山茶扦插育苗试验。

5、Some Methods of Vegetative Propagation of Camellia japonica L .───茶花无性繁殖实践经验小结。

6、Determination of chemical composition of utility parts of anti - osteoporosis in the seeds of Camellia japonica L.───与山茶种子 抗 骨质疏松有效部位群化学成分的含量测定>>相似的文献.

7、Studies on photosynthetic characters of 'naidong' Camellia japonica───耐冬山茶光合特性研究

8、This moment staring at the camellia japonica which lets me be moved, the heart is being faintly painful, feels that;───此刻凝视这朵让我感动的山茶,心在隐隐地痛着,感受那;今生爱无缘,来世情遥远的伤憾。

camellia japonica相似词语短语




“花中珍品”所指的是山茶花,学名 Camellia japonica 别名 山茶、茶花、曼陀罗树、晚山茶、耐冬、檀、洋茶、菇春、山椿。

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