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upgirl(up girl中文翻译,up girl是什么意思,up girl发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

upgirl(up girl中文翻译,up girl是什么意思,up girl发音、用法及例句)

up girl

up girl发音

英:  美:

up girl中文意思翻译



up girl双语使用场景

1、I'm sure, nobody to read this would ever imagine I was an almost nearly grown up girl.───我相信,读到本书的人没有一个会想到我几乎是一个大姑娘了。

2、Haven't I the right to make it up girl?───丫头,我们就不能和好吗?

3、This is an accusation from a grown up girl to her parents when the girl recalls her broken family in her childhood.───这是一个家庭破碎的女孩子在面对成人之后的人生的时候,对自己的父母的一种控诉。

4、The boy immediately ran past, ripping up girl called her name, for a while, the girl finally awoke.───男孩马上跑过去扶起女孩,用力叫她的名字,一会儿,女孩终于醒了。

5、Wake up girl, dieting might bring great negative effects to you.───醒醒,节食可能会给你带来很大的负面影响。

6、Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.───表面上,我是个有教养的女孩子,内在,我很叛逆。

7、Seeing her parents standing beside her bed, the wake-up girl realized that she was badly injured.───醒来后,看到父母都站在病床边,她才知道自己伤的不轻。

8、I'm just a fucked-up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind.───我只是一个正在寻求内心宁静的糟糕女孩。

up girl相似词语短语

1、It girls───时尚女性


3、It girl───时尚女性


5、bus girl───餐厅侍者女助手


7、bus girls───餐厅侍者女助手


The girl was brought up in comfortable surroundings.这个女孩在舒适的环境中长大。

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