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results in中文翻译,results in是什么意思,results in发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

results in中文翻译,results in是什么意思,results in发音、用法及例句

results in

results in发音

英:  美:

results in中文意思翻译



results in双语使用场景

1、Must be able to handle up to 10, 000 customers with various amounts of keywords. (See attached example of Google Places results in SERP).───必须能够处理各种与关键字达10,000名客户。(见搜索结果页面的谷歌学位结果附例子)。

2、Well-being of the surface appears to be "good" results, in fact, the situation is caused by the outside world the feelings of a heart.───幸福表面看来是“好事”带来的结果,实际上是由外界情况引发的一种内心感受。

3、Wellness can be defined as a balance between the mind, body and soul that results in a state of overall well-being.───思想、身体和心灵达到平衡的状态谓之健康,这能够让你的身体达到完全的健康。

4、Buoyant demand from the new rich created by Asia's economic boom was one of the main factors behind the company's record results in 2011.───亚洲经济的繁荣造就了一批新富人群,斯沃琪之所以能在2011年实现史上最佳业绩,这类人群的旺盛需求是主要推动因素之一。

5、Organic fertilizers will have very positive results in the long term.───有机肥料从长远来看将产生非常积极的效果。

6、The results in a film with the stage show, designed to let people out of the big ugly actress, Debbie has come.───结果在一次随片登台的表演中,众人设计让女星出了大丑,黛比也反败为胜。

7、That solution is relatively easy to implement, but often results in an inflexible implementation.───这种解决方案比较容易实现,但是得到的实现常常不够灵活。

8、of two signed ints results in a signed int.───两个有符号整数相加的结果是一个有符号的整数。

9、lack of communication and negotiation rather than frequent economy exchanges that results in the collisions between different cultures.───缺乏沟通和协商而非频繁的经济交流导致了不同文化间的冲突。

results in相似词语短语



3、gets in───进入;到达;陷入;收获

4、counts in───把…计算在内

5、butts in───插手;插嘴;闯进


7、cuts in───插嘴;超车;插入

8、rules in───规则

9、reels in───卷;绕

results in是什么词性?

results in 是动词词性短语,译为造成、导致,详解如下。

动词短语是有些动词可以和一些别的词构成短语(以动词为中心),表达一个概念,作用和一个单独的动词差不多,这种固定搭配叫动词短语。在实际使用中,要把动词短语当成一个整体。动词与介词构成的词组在词义上相当于一个及物动词,宾语总是在介词后面,例:I don’t much care for television.我不很喜欢电视。(care for=like)。

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