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see eye to eye(eye to eye中文翻译,eye to eye是什么意思,eye to eye发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

see eye to eye(eye to eye中文翻译,eye to eye是什么意思,eye to eye发音、用法及例句)

eye to eye

eye to eye发音

英:  美:

eye to eye中文意思翻译




eye to eye双语使用场景

1、We usually see eye to eye on the things that really matter.───我们对于重要事情总是看法一致.

2、I don't see eye to eye with him.───我跟他说不来.

3、'm glad we see eye to eye.───高兴我们的看法一致。

4、I see eye to eye with you on it.───我完全同意.

5、But they could never see eye to eye, and argued constantly.───可他们俩的意见从来不一致, 常常要吵架.

6、We saw eye to eye in the matter of reducing income taxes.───我们在减少所得税事情上意见完全一致.

7、Clive , as you know, your mother and I saw eye to eye about sending you to university.───克莱夫, 你知道,关于你上大学的事, 你母亲和我意见一致.

8、John and Jane see pretty well eye to eye on most things.───约翰与简在大部分事情上看法很一致.

9、Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production.───百合子和尤尔几乎在生产的每个方面都看法一致。

10、It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.───他们在这一点上见解一致完全是偶合.

11、Patrick and I see pretty well eye to eye on most things.───我和帕特里克在大多数事情上看法相当一致.

12、We see eye to eye with each other on this.───对于这件事,我们俩的意见完全一致.

13、Hi, I'm Katie Couric , welcome to Eye to Eye.───大家好, 我是凯蒂库里克.欢迎收看面对面.

14、I see eye to eye with you.───我与你的意见一致.

15、I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this.───恐怕我们在这一点上达不成共识.

16、Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production.───百合子和尤尔几乎在产品的每一个方面都意见一致。

17、James and I see pretty eye to eye on most things.───我和詹姆斯在很多事情上观点一致.

18、Maybe they don't see eye to eye.───也许它们彼此看不顺眼。

eye to eye相似词语短语

1、to eye───直视

2、eye test───视力检查



5、eyeball to eyeball───面对面;对峙

6、see eye to eye───看法一致

7、eye teeth───眼牙,上尖牙

8、to see eye to eye───意见一致

9、electric eye───电眼;光电池


看法一致、意见一致的意思。I see eye to eye with you on it.关于它我和你意见一致。

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