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daylily(day lily中文翻译,day lily是什么意思,day lily发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

daylily(day lily中文翻译,day lily是什么意思,day lily发音、用法及例句)

day lily

day lily发音

英:  美:

day lily中文意思翻译



day lily双语使用场景

1、Day Lily came form China and was brought to Europe by traders along the silk road.───百合花来自中国,商人们沿丝绸之路将它带到欧洲,荷兰人钟爱此花.

2、Day Lily: this flower has a sweet taste and can be eaten raw.───黄花菜:这种花味甜而且能生吃。

3、Bracken, mushrooms, day lily, rose thorns are very high food value of wild plants.───蕨菜 、 蘑菇 、 黄花菜 、 刺玫瑰等都是食用价值很高的野生植物.

4、Qingyang , Gansu Province, Pingliang, such as the day lily Longdong ranked first in quality.───甘肃省庆阳 、 平凉 、 陇东等地的黄花菜质量名列全国之首.

5、Like do not let day lily is the day lily buds formed by dry processing.───干黄花菜是以含苞未放的萱草花蕾经干制加工而成.

6、In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe.───在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。

7、Carved and planning a variety of day lily flower, peony, lotus, fish, and waterfowl for multi - subject.───刻花和划花以各种萱草 、 牡丹 、 莲荷 、 双鱼 、 水禽的题材为多.

8、New China, local farmers have to again seven day lily cultivation.───新中国建立后,当地农民重又栽培七须黄花菜。

9、Pick a handful day lily and pumpkin flowers for the morning table.───摘一手把金针花南瓜花做早餐.

10、Any of various similar or related plants, such as the day lily or the water lily.───百合科植物一种类似百合科的或与此有关的植物, 如''.'黄花'.''''.'菜'. ''或水百合.

11、Therefore, the child often eats the day lily to be beneficial to the healthy brain.───所以, 儿童常吃黄花菜对健脑非常有益.

12、Medicinal herbs, day lily, such as a good momentum of development follow - up industry.───药材 、 黄花菜等 后续 产业发展势头良好.

13、Rich town of the original high - quality day lily.───镇原盛产优质黄花菜.

14、Chrysanthemum head, day lily can use as already afforest nursery stock, can edible.───菊花脑.黄花菜既可用作绿化苗木, 又可以食用.

day lily相似词语短语

1、day girls───(寄宿学校的)走读女生


3、cow lily───黄花菜

4、fairy lily───天仙百合

5、sand lily───沙百合

6、day lilies───百合科萱草属植物(等于daylily)

7、day boy───走读生

8、fawn lily───小鹿百合

9、boat lily───紫万年青




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