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sleeping dogs中文翻译,sleeping dogs是什么意思,sleeping dogs发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

sleeping dogs中文翻译,sleeping dogs是什么意思,sleeping dogs发音、用法及例句

sleeping dogs

sleeping dogs发音

英:  美:

sleeping dogs中文意思翻译



sleeping dogs双语使用场景

1、He might decide to let sleeping dogs lie.───他可能会决定让睡狗的谎言。

2、Example : I'd let sleeping dogs lie and not re - open the investigation into the crime.───我会让睡着的狗就这么躺下去的,我不会把这个案子重新调查立案的.

3、Why can't she let sleeping dogs lie?───为什么她就不能不多事?

4、It's best to let sleeping dogs run themselves.───最好还是听其自然.

5、Let the sleeping dogs lie.───睡着的狗别惹它.

6、Let sleeping dogs lie.───莫惹事生非.

7、It is ill to waken sleeping dogs . [ let sleeping dogs lie ; don't wake a sleeping dog. ]───别多 事, 别惹麻烦.

8、It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.───[谚]别多事,别惹麻烦.

9、When we meet the girls, don't say anything about what happened last year. Most people have forgotten about it, and it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.───再见到那些女孩的时候,不要再提去年发生的事了。许多人都把它忘了,我们最好别再自找麻烦了。

10、Let sleeping dogs lie . ( pro. )───( 谚 ) 莫惹事生非;不要讨论麻烦问题.

11、He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, " let sleeping dogs lie. "───他从来不干招惹是非的事. 他会说: “ 莫惹是非 ”.

12、Don't wake him up. It's better to let sleeping dogs lie.───别弄醒他, 最好不要自找麻烦.

13、Dave: I really think you should just let sleeping dogs lie.───戴夫: 我真的觉得你不该?事找事.

14、Don't tell Mother that you broke the window. Let sleeping dogs lie.───不要对母亲说你把窗户打破了. 莫自找麻烦.

15、Don't tell the teacher what you have done. Let sleeping dogs lie.───不要告诉老师你做了什么。莫惹是非。

16、Don't tell others. Let sleeping dogs lie.───不要告诉别人. 莫惹是非.

17、Wait until they notify you that you must appear; why invite trouble ? Better let sleeping dogs lie.───等他们通知你必须露面时再说, 何必自找麻烦 呢 ?最好还是随他去.

18、Theo: Carly, just let sleeping dogs lie.───西欧: 卡莉, 不要没事惹事好不好.

sleeping dogs相似词语短语

1、sleeping areas───睡眠区

2、sleeping bags───睡袋

3、sleeping cars───卧车

4、leading dogs───领头的狗

5、sleeping out───睡在户外;不住在工作处

6、sleeping bag───睡袋

7、sleeping off───vt.以睡眠消除



英 [ˈsliːpɪŋ] 




The captain was astern, pretending he was sleeping.


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