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organization name中文翻译,organization name是什么意思,organization name发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

organization name中文翻译,organization name是什么意思,organization name发音、用法及例句

organization name

organization name发音

英:  美:

organization name中文意思翻译



organization name双语使用场景

1、This information is typically different than the core customer data (organization name and address, geography, region, and so on.)───此信息通常与核心客户数据(组织名称和地址、地理位置、区域等等)不同。

2、Note that in this sample application, the organizationId retrieved from the request is just an external representation used to simplify the input of original organization name information.───注意,在此示例应用程序中,从请求检索的 organizationId 只是用于简化原始组织名称信息输入的外部表示形式。

3、The accurate identification of military organization name is crucial to military information retrieval and information extraction.───能否正确识别出军事组织机构名是军事领域信息检索和信息抽取的关键。

4、If you are building applications for an organization, use your organization name as a high-level domain.───如果您为某个组织构建名称空间,您可以使用组织名作为顶级域。

5、Because Prompt could be the name of a class in several applications or libraries, providing this namespace with the organization name and project name sets this Prompt apart from the others.───由于Prompt可能是多个应用程序或库的类名,所以为该名称空间添加组织名和项目名能够让这个prompt类与其他同名的类区分开来。

6、Nobody uses "Good American" , "Good Chinese" , or "Good British" as a company name or organization name. What does "Good Samaritan" mean?───没有听说过有人用“好美国人”、“好中国人”、或者“好英国人”来作为公司商家或者社团的名字,偏偏用“好萨马利亚人”来作名字,这是为什么呢?

7、information options: text message contains the organization name, business card holder name, title and contact information.───信息选择:文字信息包含单位名称,名片持有人名称,头衔和联系方法。

8、Automatically generate computer names based on organization name. An Organization must be specified for this option to be available.───根据单位名称,自动生成计算机名。必须为此选项指定一个单位以便使用。

9、At present, there have been a lot of works on Named Entity Recognition, especially on the person name, place name and organization name.───现阶段国内外在命名实体识别方面已经有大量的研究工作,尤其是在人名、地名和机构名的识别上。

organization name相似词语短语


2、organization men───组织人;(组织机构内)驯顺的成员

3、organization charts───组织图(organizationchart的复数)


5、organization man───组织人;(组织机构内)驯顺的成员


7、organization chart───n.组织系统图



abbr. 非盈利组织(Other organizations)

n. (Org)人名;(瑞典)奥里


Org (the name of an organization).



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