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country road中文翻译,country road是什么意思,country road发音、用法及例句

04-03 投稿

country road中文翻译,country road是什么意思,country road发音、用法及例句

country road

country road发音

英:[ˈkʌntri roʊd]  美:[

Country road

英:  美:

country road中文意思翻译




country road双语使用场景

1、The lights receded like a tail - light racing down a dark country road.───灯光象一辆在黑暗的乡间道路上奔驰的汽车的尾灯那样暗淡下来了.

2、The jeep bowled along over the smooth country road.───那辆吉普车轻快地行驶在平坦的乡间道路上.

3、They walked along the green country road. Hagen asked quietly, " Why did you run away? "───他们两个沿着长满青草的农村小道走去, 黑根心平气和地问道: “ 你当时为什么跑掉? ”

4、You can see the fresh buffalo dung on the country road.───你可以在乡间小路上看到刚屙下不久的水牛粪.

5、I was marooned on a lonely country road.───我在一条僻静的乡间道路上闲荡.

6、" The carriage left the streets behind, passed the North Barrier, and emerged upon the country road.───“ 马车把街道丢在后面, 穿过北门关隘进入乡间道路.

7、Our car bowled along on the smooth country road.───我们的汽车快而稳地行驶在乡间平坦的公路上.

8、She was cycling along a country road near Compiègne.───她正沿着贡比涅附近的一条乡间小路骑车。

9、The car bucketed over the country road.───轿车在乡间路上颠簸前进.

10、She was cycling along a country road near Compiegne.───她正骑车行进在贡比涅附近的乡村道路上。

11、At last we got into a real country road again.───最后,我们又走上了富有乡村风味的道路.

12、The Rolls Royce purred down the country road.───那辆劳斯莱斯沿着乡村小路咕隆隆地开走了。

13、This beautiful quiet country road is soon going to become a highway.───这个漂亮的安静的乡间路很快就要变成公路了.

14、The tongue was so wide and so long that it looked like a country road.───这条舌头又宽又长,看上去就像一条乡间小路。

15、The bumpy country road wound deeper into the scrubland until at last an undulating shape appeared in the distance.───颠簸的乡间小道蜿蜒深入灌木丛,直到远处浮现出起伏的轮廓。

16、I want a stout bike, as the country road is bad.───我要一辆结实的脚踏车, 因为乡下的路不好走.

17、The Boulevard at that time was little more than a country road.───那条林荫大道当时和一条乡村大路差不多.

18、There are road blocks on the country road.───乡间的马路上设有路障.

country road相似词语短语

1、country rock───[矿业][地质]围岩;原岩;主岩

2、country risk───国家风险

3、country folk───乡下人;乡村民谣

4、country roads───农村道路

5、county board───县委员会

6、corduroy road───木排路

7、country seat───别墅;乡间邸宅,乡间宅第

8、country code───国家代码

9、country rocks───[矿业][地质]围岩;原岩;主岩

结语:Mr.Greenwasdrivinghiscaralongalonelycountryroad.Hehadd,Take me home country road 乡村之路带我回家 Almost heaven West Virgini 在天堂般的西弗吉尼亚 Blue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah River 有蓝岭山脉 雪纳杜河 Life is oldcountryroad中文译文COUNTRYROADAlmostheavenWestVir,round her.Miner';s ladies.Stranger to blue water.Dark and dusty,painted on the sky.Misty taste of Moonshine.Teardrop in my eyes.}} Country road take me home ,

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