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又饿又渴的英文(go hungry中文翻译,go hungry是什么意思,go hungry发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

又饿又渴的英文(go hungry中文翻译,go hungry是什么意思,go hungry发音、用法及例句)

go hungry

go hungry发音

英:  美:

go hungry中文意思翻译


挨饿; 喝西北风; 断顿; 断炊

go hungry双语使用场景

1、For myself, I would rather go hungry than dishonor myself for money.───对我而言, 我宁愿挨饿也不愿为了金钱使自己的名誉受损.

2、So we're supposed to go hungry because your butt's vibrating?───那我们就该因为你屁股那儿颤动就挨饿 吗 ?

3、I'd rather go hungry than eat that!───我宁可挨饿也不吃那种东西!

4、Friends don't let friends go hungry and thirsty All right.───朋友不会让朋友饿得发慌,渴到不行.好吧.

5、If you marry me, you'll have to go hungry. "───你嫁了我要挨饿的. ”

6、Close to a billion people go hungry each day.───每天有近十亿人口挨饿。

7、The pigeons can go hungry for a minute, okay?───和平鸽饿一会也没关系的对不对?

8、Refugees often go hungry.───难民时常挨饿.

9、Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane.───像狼一样去经受饥寒, 像鹤一样去跋涉河川.

10、Who is going to go hungry?───谁将挨饿?

11、Poor people often go hungry.───穷人经常饿肚子.

12、Father to a child often go hungry fish stresses the matter.───爸爸给鱼鱼讲小时候经常挨饿的事.

13、Go hungry and cold like the wolf.───像恶狼一样人手饥寒的考验.

14、so hard seeing children go hungry.───看着孩子们挨饿太让人难受了”。

15、Mostly, you go hungry and watch your children do the same.───基本上, 你只能挨饿,也只能眼睁睁地看着你的孩子挨饿.

16、I'd rather go hungry than eat that.───我宁愿挨饿也不吃那东西.

17、More than one billion people go hungry each year.───每年都有10亿人挨饿.

18、We can either eat now or go hungry later.───我们要么现在吃,要么待会挨饿.

go hungry相似词语短语



3、go long───买进;多头

4、go hard───努力吧

5、to hurry───匆忙

6、go bung───去吧,伙计。

7、go bang───砰地一声关上;爆炸

8、to hunger───饥饿

9、go awry───失败;出错




我觉得我很饿 的翻译是:I feel hungry

我渴望成为一名教师的翻译是:i am hungry to be ateacher

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