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nice是什么意思中文(nice and中文翻译,nice and是什么意思,nice and发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

nice是什么意思中文(nice and中文翻译,nice and是什么意思,nice and发音、用法及例句)

1、nice and

nice and发音

英:  美:

nice and中文意思翻译



nice and双语使用场景

1、What pretty hair she has, nice and thick.───她的头发多漂亮啊,好看又浓密。

2、Bucolic, conservative stuff, but nice and solid.───这是农村风味的保守的作品, 但是很好,很扎实.

3、Yes. Nice and sunny, with a fresh breeze blowing.───是的,美好而又阳光灿烂, 并伴有轻轻的微风.

4、It gets nice and cool after a spatter of rain.───下了一阵雨,天气凉快多了.

5、The room was nice and cool.───房间很凉爽.

6、Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy.───加上燕麦让混合料变稠,然后搅拌成奶油状。

7、Everyone arrived nice and early.───大家都早早地到了。

8、You'll be nice and ill tomorrow morning.───看吧,你明早就会害病的.

9、Butter, nice and cold and hard.───牛油新鲜又冷又硬.

10、The car is going nice and fast.───小汽车风驰电掣般向前飞驰.

11、He's so damned nice and he's so awful. He's my sort of thing.───他是那么可亲,又那么可畏. 他正是我要求的那种人.

12、It's nice and cool here. Let's sit down and have a rest.───这里凉快, 坐下来歇会儿.

13、Your bedroom is nice and tidy.───你的房间挺整洁.

14、The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm.───刚出锅的馒头真热火.

15、was nice and warm yesterday.───昨天的天气暖洋洋的。

16、He likes his tea nice and hot.───他爱喝滚烫的茶.

17、Even in the winter with the rain beating down, it's nice and cosy in there.───即使在大雨倾盆的冬天,那里也非常舒适。

18、It's a perfect day for it a little cloudy but nice and warm.───今天是最好的看球天气,有点云,但舒适暖和.

nice and相似词语短语

1、ice axe───冰镐

2、Alice band───发箍,头带

3、come and───来吧

4、nice guy───好人


6、ice age───冰期;冰河时代

7、dance band───n.跳舞乐队

8、nice one───(非正式)很好,不错

9、ice ax───冰斧


nice and new



1.The shower is a very big space which leads off the kitchen and is also used to rinse the dishes, very nice and new also.


2.My school is new and nice. I like it very much.


3.Guess you went to abroad many times these days. Please read it with your nice English and New Yorker's pronunciation.


4.the bookseller gave him a nice new pencil and some writing paper.


5.My father had a very nice new BMW and the interior is just loaded with metallic looking plastic details and it frustrates me to no end.


6.The rooms are wonderful with a comfortable bed and shower, great bath products, and a nice new TV.


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