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mung beans中文翻译,mung beans是什么意思,mung beans发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

mung beans中文翻译,mung beans是什么意思,mung beans发音、用法及例句

1、mung beans

mung beans发音

英:  美:

mung beans中文意思翻译



mung beans双语使用场景

1、Soybeans, mung beans, red beans, black beans, kidney beans, peas, green beans, cowpea, beans.───黄豆,绿豆,红豆,黑豆,芸豆,豌豆,青豆,豇豆,蚕豆。

2、Boil the kelp, mung beans and sweet almond with water in a pan then add the rose bag.───将海带,绿豆和杏仁加水煮,然后加入玫瑰花包。

3、Mung beans are made into bean milk and then the bean milk is mixed with milk and sugar to become mungbean milk drink after sterilization.───绿豆经脱皮、磨浆、除渣等工艺制成绿豆浆,然后与牛奶、砂糖等调配在一起,经均质、杀菌制成绿豆乳饮料。

4、Professor Chang said that, in our daily diet, almonds, yam, white radish, Lily, and mung beans are good Runfei food.───常教授说,在我们的日常饮食中,杏仁、山药、白萝卜、百合、绿豆都是不错的润肺食物。

5、Buy: Mung beans, Sesame, Dry chilli, Millet, soybean, Red kidney bean.───采购:绿豆,芝麻,干辣椒,粟,大豆,红芸豆。

6、Import (Sell) Items : Green Mung Beans, Butter Beans, Cashew Nuts, Yellow Maize, all Myanmar Origin.───求售进口产品:缅甸农产品包括绿豆,白凤豆,腰果,玉米等。

7、Buy: pumpkin seeds, pine nut, peanut, dehydrated carrots, mung beans, dried chilli, buckwheat in shell, sunflower seeds.───采购:南瓜子,松果,花生,脱水胡萝卜,绿豆,干辣椒,荞麦,葵花籽。

8、This year alone, speculators have driven up the price of garlic, ginger and mung beans, popular for their medicinal value.───仅仅今年一年,随着大蒜,生姜和绿豆的药用价值为越来越多的人接受,投机者借机哄抬它们的价格。

9、It is not the first time bean sprouts- including adzuki, alfalfa, lentils and mung beans- have been associated with a healthcare.───这不是豆芽第一次——包括赤豆、苜蓿、小扁豆和绿豆——导致人们的健康恐慌。

mung beans相似词语短语

1、jumping beans───跳豆

2、aduki beans───配件

3、runner beans───n.红花菜豆

4、moong beans───蚕豆

5、bush beans───矮菜豆

6、mung bean───n.[作物]绿豆

7、string beans───豆角

8、moong bean───月亮豆

9、winged beans───四季豆


Food preparation: Job's tears 100g, mung beans 100g, red beans 100g, lotus seeds 100g, a piece of tremella, cassava powder 200g, appropriate amount of sugar, coconut milk 400ml, Xiancao powder 30g, and appropriate amount of drinking water.

The first step is to wash job's tears, mung beans, red beans and lotus seeds one night in advance and soak them separately.

Step 2: add 15 grams of white sugar and the amount of water that has not been used as food ingredients to each bowl. Put it into the pressure cooker and inject proper amount of water into the pressure cooker. Medium pressure for 25 minutes after SAIC. Open the cover after natural cooling.

Step 3: make burnt fairy grass. Use 150g cold water to adjust 30g fairy grass powder until there is no pimple. Boil a pot of 1000 grams of water. After the water boils, pour in the prepared fairy grass powder. Continue to boil, you can add an appropriate amount of sugar. Then turn off the fire, cool it, and it will be frozen. Then cut small pieces with a knife.

Step 4: soak Tremella to remove the root, cut small pieces and wash. Boil it in boiling water for about 5 minutes, turn off the fire and take it out for standby.

Step 5: make QQ fruit, 200g cassava powder, 90g freshly boiled water, and add appropriate amount of sugar. Mix directly into dough. Knead for about 20 minutes, then knead the strips and cut them into small pieces with a knife.

Step 6: boil a pot of water, put the cut QQ fruit in it and boil it until there is no white spot. Take it out and soak it in cold water, it will become transparent.

Step 7: boil a pot of sugar water. The specific amount of sugar should be added according to everyone's taste. If you like sweet, add more sugar. Boil and let cool for standby.

Step 8: pour a proper amount of sugar water into the bowl, add the prepared ingredients, add some coconut milk, mix well, and you can eat.

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