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dynamic range中文翻译,dynamic range是什么意思,dynamic range发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

dynamic range中文翻译,dynamic range是什么意思,dynamic range发音、用法及例句

dynamic range

dynamic range发音

英:  美:

dynamic range中文意思翻译




dynamic range双语使用场景

1、Full bandwidth frequency response, high clarity , excellent imaging, superb depth, wide dynamic range.───全频率带宽响应, 高解析度, 极致的效果,超低的下潜深度, 宽广的动态范围.

2、Stereo analog input & output with high dynamic range and low distortion.───立体声模拟输入 和 高动态范围和低失真的输出.

3、When supply modulation and contour modulation are working in concert, the dynamic range and efficiency of the power amplifier can be further improved.───当电源调制和轮廓调制协同工作时,功率放大器的动态范围和效率可以进一步提高。

4、The interrogation scheme allows ultrasound detection with wide dynamic range, high resolution strain and high speed.───这种解调方法检测超声波动态范围宽, 应变解析率高,高速.

5、The erhu has a pretty amazing tonal and dynamic range . Ms.───二胡拥有令人称奇的漂亮音色和多样的演奏方式.

6、This high - speed and wide dynamic range system can replace the traditional one which contains a multiple - cable.───本文提供一种全数字化的单芯同轴电缆、 高速 、宽动态范围的双向数据传输系统,以代替传统的多芯电缆传输系统.

7、Wide dynamic range, available for various signal output.───超宽的动态范围, 适合于各音频播发.

8、Analyses under loss - less condition loss condition and spur - free dynamic range ( SFDR ) are proposed.───建立了该种器件的理论分析模型,计算了不同条件下的传输特性和无毛刺动态范围 ( SFDR ) .

9、The current voltage controlled amplifiers towards high dynamic range, the width of linearity direction.───压控放大器的目前朝着宽的动态范围, 高的线性度方向发展.

10、The slave latches latch the values of the effective dynamic - range bits of these input data.───控制转换仆级闩是用来闩锁这些输入资料的有效动态?围的位元数.

11、Shield current source is controlled by using variable power circuit, this greatly improves dynamic range.───深、浅屏流源采用可变功率控制, 提高了仪器的动态范围.

12、This will enable the next generation, high dynamic range mixed signal technology and high frequency RF power sources.───这将有利于下一代高动态范围的混合信号技术和RF高频电源技术。

13、Dynamic range of an op amp may be defined in several ways.───运算放大器的动态范围有几种定义方法.

14、Dynamic range is the speed of scanning on a numeric sensor, especially in the dark area.───动态范围是扫描传感器感光度的对数值的量度, 特别是在暗部区更是如此.

15、Impressive clarity, bass response and dynamic range in a compact design.───印象深刻的清晰 、 低音反应和力学范围在紧缩设计.

16、I shoot in RAW mode for the widest possible dynamic range.───我在RAW模式下拍摄到最可能宽动态范围.

17、some of the fancy modes (like high dynamic range) require a lot of processing after each shot, during which time you can't use the camera.───一些有趣功能(例如:高动态范围图像),使用后需要较长时间的处理,这段时间,相机处于不可用的状态。

18、Good tonal response and dynamic range.───良好的色调响应和动态范围表现.

dynamic range相似词语短语

1、dynamic response───动态响应;动力特性

2、dynamic braking───[机]动态制动;[机]动力制动

3、dynamic markings───动态标记

4、dynamic marks───动态标记

5、dynamic insurance───动态保险

6、dynamic pricings───动态定价

7、dynamic ranges───[电子]动态范围


所谓HDR,是英文High-Dynamic Range的缩写,意为“高动态范围”。简单的说就是让你的照片无论高光还是阴影部分细节都很清晰。再说明白点,就是当拍摄光比比较大的作品时,缩小光比,营造一种高光不过曝,暗调不欠曝。打开了HDR曝光的照片更加清晰。

在设置 - 照片和相机 - 保留正常曝光的照片,把这个选项关掉,这样就不会产生双份的照片。

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