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pitcher plants中文翻译,pitcher plants是什么意思,pitcher plants发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

pitcher plants中文翻译,pitcher plants是什么意思,pitcher plants发音、用法及例句

pitcher plants

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pitcher plants中文意思翻译



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1、Meanwhile, Felucia's alien vistas were expanded to include huge pitcher plants with a translucent sheen.───同时,费卢西亚的异域景色还包括巨大的瓶状叶植物,它有着半透明的光泽。

2、That's how researchers found them, swimming in tiny puddles of water captured by pitcher plants.───这也正是研究人员得以发现它的原因。它生活在猪笼草叶子内的小水池里。

3、To avoid capturing and consuming prospective pollinators, pitcher plants keep their flowers far away from their traps via long stalks.───为了避免伤害和吃掉准授花粉器,食肉植物花蕾远离陷阱,一条长茎互联互通。

4、There I found Camponotus schmitzi workers crawling on pitcher plants that grow as vines at the base of the meranti.───在那里我发现弓背蚂蚁工蚁们正在猪笼草(长得像莫兰蒂的藤蔓一样)上爬行。

5、Beneath the hazy canopies of the enormous pitcher plants and leafy growths is a surreal color-drenched landscape.───在这些枝叶繁盛的瓶状植物所形成的遮蔽下,有著如超现实般色彩鲜豔的地貌。

6、Scientists have discovered the Old World's smallest species of frog living inside pitcher plants in the jungles of Southeast Asia's Borneo.───在东南亚婆罗洲的丛林里,科学家发现源自远古世界的体型最小的蛙类在捕虫草里栖息繁衍。

7、As I just saw pitcher plants at the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge a couple weeks ago, it seemed the perfect subject.───那简直就像我前几周在密西西比州沙丘鹤国家野生动物保护区看到的完美景象如出一辙。

8、My favourite honeypot for these purposes is known as Nepenthes [ref 6], named after a genus of pitcher plants [ref 9].───为了这些目的我最喜欢的蜜罐就叫做“猪笼草蜜罐”,这个名字是按“猪笼草”这种植物来命名的。

9、This is true with Asian Pitcher Plants.───这才是真正的亚洲猪笼草。

pitcher plants相似词语短语

1、anchor plants───锚定植物

2、pie plants───派植物

3、batch plants───配料场,配料车间

4、gopher plants───地鼠属植物

5、poker plants───扑克牌植物

6、spider plants───吊兰

7、power plants───[电]发电厂

8、ice plants───制冰厂;[植]冰叶日中花

9、pitcher plant───n.猪笼草,捕虫草;囊叶植物



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