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second floor中文翻译,second floor是什么意思,second floor发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

second floor中文翻译,second floor是什么意思,second floor发音、用法及例句

second floor

second floor发音

英:  美:

second floor中文意思翻译




second floor双语使用场景

1、They were in the sitting room on the second floor, waiting for supper.───他们当时正坐在二楼的起居间里等着吃晚饭.

2、She rented the second floor of the city hall for two months.───她租用市政厅大会堂的二楼,为期两个月.

3、Haughtily, he stalked out onto the second floor where I was standing.───他傲然跨出电梯, 走到二楼,我刚好站在那儿.

4、The Clarks live on the second floor of their house and lease the first floor.───克拉克一家住在他们房子的二楼,而把一楼租出去了.

5、The surge emptied out most of the apartments on the second floor.───巨浪已经把公寓二层楼上几乎所有的房间洗劫一空.

6、Our office is on the second floor.───我们的办公室在二楼.

7、The spacious living quarters were on the second floor.───宽敞的起居间在二楼。

8、The spare bedroom is on the second floor.───闲置的卧室在三楼。

9、Their offices are on the second floor of Chester House.───他们的办公室在切斯特大厦三楼。

10、The second floor gave way under the weight of the machines.───三楼地板在机器的重压下坍了下去.

11、The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground.───二楼的窗子通常离地面不太高.

12、She repainted the downstairs rooms and closed off the second floor.───她重新粉刷了楼下的房间,并把二楼封上了。

13、I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor.───我会偷偷溜进去,轻手轻脚地查看一下二楼。

14、There are a few vacancies on the second floor.───在二楼有几个空房间.

15、The spacious living quarters were on the second floor.───宽敞的生活区位于3楼。

16、She lives on the second floor.───她住在二楼.

17、Her office is on the second floor.───她的办公室在叁楼.

18、I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second floor.───我会悄悄溜进去,轻手轻脚地看一下二楼的情况。

second floor相似词语短语

1、ground floor───底层,基层;第一层楼

2、second floors───(美)二楼;(英)三楼

3、second ballot───第二轮投票

4、blind floor───百叶窗

5、second form───第二种形式

6、cement floor───水泥地面;水泥楼板




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