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worn into(woven into中文翻译,woven into是什么意思,woven into发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

worn into(woven into中文翻译,woven into是什么意思,woven into发音、用法及例句)

1、woven into

woven into发音

英:  美:

woven into中文意思翻译



woven into双语使用场景

1、Jewels are woven into the carpet where stands my king, but there are patient clods waiting to be touched by his feet.───珠宝织进地毯,其上站立着君王,但贫病的泥土等着他的脚去触踏。

2、as the word approached English the design on the fabric moved from fine embroidery to a pattern woven into a cheaper cloth.───当这个词进入英语体系,织物上的图案从精致的刺绣转而成为编织进另一种更便宜的布料的花样。

3、To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan.───对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上一个吸血鬼,既是充满甜蜜的幻想,又是深不可测的梦魇,危险的现实正步步逼近。

4、It seems to be woven into my being.───它仿佛融入了我的本在。

5、It looks as if they are woven into a starry, glistening fabric by an invisible hand.───它们似乎被一只无形的手用隐秘的线编织起来,终至星罗棋布。

6、Thread of real gold can be woven into silk.───真金线可以被织入丝绸中。

7、We work closely with in-country experts to understand local practices and customs that must be woven into the fabric of the new hospital.───我们与当地的专家一起工作,了解必须融入新的医院的当地习俗。

8、The designs and images on the surface of a tapestry are woven into the cloth as opposed to being only on the surface of the cloth.───织成布,而不是仅在布面上的挂毯表面上的设计和图像。

9、The strips of willow are woven into baskets.───用柳条编成篮子。

woven into相似词语短语

1、moves into───进入

2、moved into───移入;迁入新居

3、moving into───移入;迁入新居

4、comes into───进入;得到

5、worked into───进入;掺和

6、;oken into───闯入;破门而入

7、move into───移入;迁入新居

8、gotten into───进入

9、come into───进入;得到

2、Woven Into My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Woven Into My Heart

歌手:Freddie Jones Jazz Group

专辑:My Father's House

"Listen To Your Heart"

I know theres something in the wake of your smile.

I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.

Youve built a love but that love falls apart.

Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.

Listen to your heart when hes calling for you.

Listen to your heart theres nothing else you can do.

I dont know where youre going and I dont know why,

but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.

The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.

Theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems,

the feeling of belonging to your dreams.

And there are voices that want to be heard.

So much to mention but you cant find the words.


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