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take notice中文翻译,take notice是什么意思,take notice发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

take notice中文翻译,take notice是什么意思,take notice发音、用法及例句

take notice

take notice发音

英:  美:

take notice中文意思翻译



take notice双语使用场景

1、We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents.───我们希望政府对我们希望他们为单亲母亲应该做的事情提起注意。

2、When you recognize that you're complaining, stop and take notice of it.───一旦你明白你正在抱怨, 那么停止然后仔细掂量这种情感.

3、His achievement make many people sit up and take notice.───他的成就令许多人刮目相看.

4、He would hang out no signals , he would take notice of none.───他不肯挂出求和的信号, 对别的表示也不去理睬.

5、That's the kind of argument that causes people to sit up and take notice.───正是这种论点使人们耐心坐下来,并且给予注意.

6、To take notice of safe. The slippery are very crafty.───注意保险箱, 湿滑的东西非常狡猾的.

7、Take notice of your signals and do something about it.───注意你的这些信号,并且控制它们.

8、Don't take notice of Hammond's letters, they are nothing but hot air.───不要理会哈蒙德的那些信, 全都是吹牛.

9、Your new invention will make the whole world sit up and take notice!───你的新发明将使全世界为之注目.

10、He would hang out no signals, he would take notice of none.───他不会挂出任何求和的信号,也不会注意到别的信号。

11、Please take notice of my announcement.───请注意听我的通知.

12、He is too proud to take notice of others.───他很骄傲,不理睬别人.

13、This news makes us all sit up and take notice.───这消息立即引起我们大家的注意.

14、The entire world must take notice of something like this.───全世界一定要关注这样的事情。

15、The proposal had made his clients sit up and take notice.───这项建议引起了他的主顾们的关注。

16、His success made us sit up and take notice.───他的成功使我们大吃一惊.[误]:他的成功使我们坐起来看.

17、You will only injure yourself if take notice of despicable enemies.───如果去在意卑劣的敌人,反而会身受其害.

18、This should make people sit up and take notice.───这件事应引起人们的关注。

take notice相似词语短语

1、take no notice───不注意

2、to notice───注意

3、give notice───通知

4、take note───注意到;记笔记

5、rave notices───狂热的通知

6、take notes───记笔记;作笔记

7、charge notice───收费通知书

8、rave notice───狂欢通告

9、take advice───请教;征求意见


组词造句:理睬(4) 不要理睬他的无理取闹。

(5) 同学之间应该互相谅解,不应该互不理睬。(6) 不知道为什么,这几天小盈总是不理睬我。

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