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drop to中文翻译,drop to是什么意思,drop to发音、用法及例句

04-03 投稿

drop to中文翻译,drop to是什么意思,drop to发音、用法及例句

1、drop to

drop to发音

英:  美:

drop to中文意思翻译



drop to双语使用场景

1、Drag and drop to move or copy registry keys and values.───拖放移动或复制的注册表项和值.

2、There was a vertical drop to the ocean.───至海洋有一段垂直落差。

3、And then shall I come to you, a boundless drop to a boundless ocean.───然后我便奔向你, 有如一滴无痕的水珠落入一片无垠的大海.

4、Your veil will drop to your feet.───你的披纱将褪落到脚上.

5、When the magnetics drop to zero , people go insane.───当地磁降到零点时候, 人们趋于狂乱.

6、Colder still. The temperature will drop to five below zero.───更冷. 气温将降至摄氏零下五度.

7、Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper.───她的声音将要降低成轻视性的低语。

8、The temperature will drop to five above ( below ) zero tonight.───今晚温度将降到零上 ( 下 ) 五度.

9、Now the proportion is 30 %, and set to drop to 10 % in a few years.───现在降至30%, 并且预定今年内要降到10%.

10、They now drop to fourth in the qualification group with Israel to second.───英格兰现时在预选赛分组当中已跌到第四,而以色列则排第二.

11、She added that she expects inflation to drop to a'much more moderate rate'next year.───她还预计通胀率明年将降至更为适中的水平.

12、If this is the standard to which I have to drop to gain membership, then count me out!───如果要加入就得降低到这一标准的话,那我就不参加了。

13、As the addition of signal frequency, oscillograph will drop to demonstrating ability correctly of signal.───跟着信号频率的增添, 示波器对信号的正确显示能力将回升.

14、The road ends abruptly in a drop to the sea.───道路的尽头是一个通向大海的陡坡.

15、Prices drop to £315 in the low season.───到旅游淡季,价格会降到315英镑。

16、The chaos is caused when the geomagnetic poles of the Earth drop to zero.───当地球磁极降到零点时候引起混乱.

17、The price of gasoline will unlikely drop to rock bottom.───汽油价格,似乎不会降到最低.

18、It is a deep drop to the valley below.───那是通向下面山谷的一个很深的陡坡.

19、The temperature is expected to drop to eight degrees below zero today.───今天的温度可能会降到零下八度.

20、The temperature will drop to 10 degrees centigrade.───气温将降至摄氏10度.

21、Temperatures can drop to freezing at night.───夜间温度可能会降到零度以下。

22、Turn off supply pressure and observe float drop to open air inlet.───关闭供应压力,观察浮子下降,因此开启空气进口.

23、Suppose the drop to be larger and the spoonful bigger, you have the world.───假设那一滴再大一点,那一匙也再大一点, 便是这世界了.

24、Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper.───她会把声音压低,轻蔑地低语。

25、Temperatures can drop to freezing at night.───晚上气温能陡降到零度以下。

26、We cannot the index the rise and drop to appraise the share reform.───我们不能用指数的涨跌来评价股改.

27、From the path there was a vertiginous drop to the valley below.───从小路向谷底望去令人眩晕。

28、The Commercial bank uses the new capital agreement the act drop to pull open finally.───商业银行采用新资本协议的大幕终于拉开.

29、The company attributed the drop to the economic crisis and financial restructuring charges.───公司将利润下降的原因归结为经济危机和商业重组支出.

drop to相似词语短语

1、drop by───顺便拜访

2、drop goal───放弃目标

3、drop box───[纺]升降梭箱;投件箱;低输出轴变速器


5、cop to───接受;承认

6、crop top───露脐上衣

7、hop to───跳到

8、crop tops───露脐上衣

9、drop in───(使)落进;(使)往里坍塌:;偶然(或顺便)走访(或访问)(on);逐渐进入:;[口语](有选择地)加入;愿意(或决心)参加:;【戏剧】放下(吊幕),吊装布景:

2、drop in at和drop in to到底什么区别drop in to什么意思?

区别是:这两个词组都表示“顺便访问”的意思,但是后面所接的宾语不一样。drop in on后面接表示人的名词或代词; drop in at后面接表示处所的名词或代词。

例句:drop in on

1、It's improper to drop in on him so casually. 这样冒冒失失去找他可不好。

2、I'm sorry to drop in on you without calling. 很抱歉我没有事先打电话就来冒昧拜访了。

3、Oh! I just drop in on him for a chat. 哦,我只是顺便来和他聊聊天。

drop in at

1、Please drop in at my office when you happen to be free. 如果你碰巧有空的话,请到我的办公室来。

2、If I were you, I would drop in at the department store on my way there this afternoon.


3、Now and then they would drop in at the house and chat with the workers.


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