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internet access中文翻译,internet access是什么意思,internet access发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

internet access中文翻译,internet access是什么意思,internet access发音、用法及例句

1、internet access

internet access发音

英:  美:

internet access中文意思翻译




internet access双语使用场景

1、What is the rate for internet access?───上网费是多少?

2、A good modern example is Internet access.───因特网接入就很好地说明了这一点。

3、Our spirit has access to this world through the mind in the same way that we plug into the phone socket to get internet access.───我们的精神以同样的方式经由我们的意识进入到这个世界,我们都要插入电话插座才能获得因特网的上网许可。

4、All University - managed accommodation is self - catering and most now includes wireless internet access.───学校所有的住宿全是膳食自理,并大多数拥有无线网络接口.

5、Excuse me, are there any computers available for internet access?───打扰一下, 有能上网的计算机 吗 ?

6、The company threw in Internet access for only $ 5 a month.───公司还向员工提供互联网接入,费用每月仅为五美元.

7、Internet Service Provider includes Internet Access Provider and Internet Content Provider.───网络服务商包括网络连接服务商和网络内容服务商.

8、Question: details of how to query single broadband Internet access?───问题: 怎样查询宽带的上网详单?

9、All rooms are covered with wireless broadband Internet access!───所有房间覆盖有无线宽带网络接入!

10、In all likelihood, you already own an MP3 player and have Internet access.───很可能,你已经拥有了一台MP3播放器,并连接上了互联网。

11、It comes with Internet access a spa, mini - bar and a pool table.───豪华套间里有网络、温泉浴场 、 迷你 酒吧和台球桌.

12、Please close one or more applications to allow further Internet access.───请关闭一或多个应用程式以能继续连结网路.

13、There is no internet access even in expensive hotels.───即使在昂贵酒店也不能联接上因特网.

14、How will this pervasive Internet access affect our daily lives?───网络无处不在会如何影响我们的生活?

15、An imperative question when you are looking for some free internet access!───迫切的问题时,您正在寻找一些免费上网!

16、It really a drag, roommates Internet access, home of the home.───最近真的好无聊, 室友们上网的上网, 回家的回家.

17、Internet access was charged at S $ 6 for 15 minutes.───上网也是需要付费的,每十五分钟6美元.

18、The hotel lobby and meeting rooms all have wireless Internet access.───酒店的大堂及会议室均具备无线上网的功能.

internet access相似词语短语

1、Internet access───互联网接入

2、internet accesses───互联网接入

3、internet auction───网上拍卖

4、internet banks───网络银行;网上银行

5、internet sites───互联网网站


7、internet cafés───网吧网吧

8、internet café───网吧,提供上网服务的小餐馆

9、instant access───即时接入;即时访问


1、无线网 Wireless network


WiFi (= wireless fidelity)


abbr. 无线联网技术

Wi-Fi is short for wireless fidelity.

Wi-Fi是wireless fidelity的缩写。

The cost to set up this kind of Wi-Fi network is usually less than US$300.


He installed a wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) network in the barbershop to offer customers high-speed wireless Internet access.



adj. 无线的;无线电的

n. 无线电

I heard it on the wireless.


To communicate with or send communications by wireless.


He sent the wireless set there to be mended.



n. 忠诚;尽责;精确;保真度

fidelity to the text of the play


Emerald symbolizes fidelity and goodness.


You have invariably been models of courage and fidelity.


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