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寄宿学校英语(boarding schools中文翻译,boarding schools是什么意思,boarding schools发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

寄宿学校英语(boarding schools中文翻译,boarding schools是什么意思,boarding schools发音、用法及例句)

boarding schools

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boarding schools中文意思翻译


n.寄宿学校( boarding school的名词复数 )

boarding schools双语使用场景

1、the best of the day and boarding schools.───让走读生和寄宿生得到了最完美的组合。

2、A few opt to send their children to boarding schools in England.───少数人选择把他们的孩子送到在英国的寄宿学校。

3、City Experimental Middle School in July 1,2005 established a public, full boarding schools.───大同市实验中学于二00五年七月一日成立,是一所公立的 、 寄宿制完全中学.

4、As we are boarding schools, many children are accompanying parents to report.───由于我们是寄宿制学校, 很多孩子都是家长陪着来报到.

5、Due to high tuition fee, most of ordinary families cannot afford to send their children to boarding schools.───因为较高的学费,大部分普通家庭无法担负他们的孩子上寄宿学校的费用。

6、Boarding schools to implement full - closed management, and provide students with first - class logistics services.───学校实行寄宿制全封闭管理, 为学生提供 一流 的后勤服务.

7、Often these schools were " boarding schools " because roads were rough or distance great.───因为路远难行,这些学校往往都是 “ 寄宿学校 ”.

8、Some people think that boarding schools should be abolished.───有些人认为寄宿学校应该被废除.

9、Emma is no stranger to girls'boarding schools attends the single - sex Headington School in Oxford, England.───艾玛对女子寄宿学校并不陌生 ——— 她在英格兰牛津郡的一所女子学校读书.

boarding schools相似词语短语


2、Latin schools───拉丁学校

3、boarding school───n.寄宿学校

4、boarding cards───乘车证;乘客证(boardingcard的名词复数)

5、board schools───(旧时由地方税纳税人选出的董事会所管理的)学校

6、board school───(旧时由地方税纳税人选出的董事会所管理的)学校

7、beacon schools───灯塔学校(工作时间后仍开放的公立学校)

8、motoring schools───汽车学校

9、riding schools───骑马学校


您是不是要找:boarding schoolboarding schooln.寄宿学校复数: boarding schools双语例句1She sent her son to a boarding school in the East 她送儿子上了东部的一所寄宿学校。

2Of course, now she is away at boarding school. 当然,她现在住在寄宿学校那边。希望对你有帮助

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