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for one thing中文翻译,for one thing是什么意思,for one thing发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

for one thing中文翻译,for one thing是什么意思,for one thing发音、用法及例句

for one thing

for one thing发音

英:  美:

for one thing中文意思翻译



首先, 一则

for one thing双语使用场景

1、You get a low mark, for one thing, because you did not do your homework.───你得到低分, 原因之一是因为你不做作业.

2、Astronomy served many purposes. For one thing, it was needed to keep a calendar.───天文学有许多用处, 其一是要用它来算出历书.

3、This story is unsuitable. For one thing it's too long, for another it's too dull.───这篇故事不合适, 一则太长, 二则太乏味.

4、She was unable to sell it, because for one thing its size was awkward.───她卖不掉它,一来是由于尺寸用起来不方便。

5、'I could have stood it if it hadn't been for one thing,'he said.───“ 要不是为了一件事,我还忍得下去, ” 他说.

6、"How have the sanctions affected your life in Belgrade?"— 'Well. for one thing. we already have shortages.'───“制裁措施对于你在贝尔格莱德的生活有多大影响?”——“嗯,首先,我们已经缺乏物资。”

7、Too cold, for one thing.───首先,太冷了。

8、But for one thing, McTeague would have been perfectly contented.───只要再有一样东西, 麦克梯格就会完全称心了.

9、Don't set him the task. For one thing he's old; for another he's in poor health.───不能让他去干, 一则年纪大, 二则身体弱.

10、Well , for one thing, he's my sister's boyfriend. Ann talks about Jack all the time.───首先, 他是我妹妹的男朋友. 安整天就是杰克长杰克短的.

11、Many people want to buy it because, for one thing , the price is low.───许多人想买它,原因之一就是价格便宜.

12、For one thing, he didn't trust his legs to hold him up.───首先,他不相信自己的腿能站起来。

13、For one thing, they simplify the design of a rocket engine.───首先, 它们可以简化火箭发动机的设计.

14、The lights come on, for one thing - the companionable lights.───不说别的, 单说灯光就亮起来了――可亲的灯光.

15、For one thing, I've no money; and for another I'm too busy.───一来我没钱, 二来我太忙.

16、For one thing the personality of his patient made It'singular.───首先,患者这个人与众不同.

17、It means getting some help for your addiction for one thing.───意思是能对你戒掉毒瘾有所帮助.

for one thing相似词语短语

1、worrying thing───令人担忧的事

2、horrible thing───可怕的事情

3、for nothing───免费;徒然

4、or anything───或者别的什么

5、sort of thing───诸如此类东西

6、for the asking───一经索取免费赠送;免费

7、the done thing───完成的事情

8、be one thing───做一件事

9、or something───或是什么的;诸如此类的什么

for one thing 和for another用法?



Being responsible for one's own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter.对自己的健康负责是一码事,但对别人的健康负责完全是另一码事。

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