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likelihood ratio statistic中文翻译,likelihood ratio statistic是什么意思,likelihood ratio statistic发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

likelihood ratio statistic中文翻译,likelihood ratio statistic是什么意思,likelihood ratio statistic发音、用法及例句

likelihood ratio statistic

likelihood ratio statistic发音

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likelihood ratio statistic中文意思翻译



likelihood ratio statistic双语使用场景

1、Based on the likelihood ratio test theory, a new detection statistic is proposed in this paper for monitoring the machine tool cutting chatter development.───根据似然比检验原理提出了一种新的机床切削颤振监测统计量,能识别切削过程中产生的信噪比为0.15的微弱振动成份。

2、The maximum likelihood estimators(MLE) of means and standard deviations and the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio statistic are given.───均值、平尾均值的定义和截尾正态分布,本文得到了这两种均值都是最或然估计量。

3、maximum likelihood estimators(MLE) of means and standard deviations, and the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio statistic were given.───给出了正态总体均值和标准差的最大似然估计(M LE),似然比检验统计量及其渐近分布等结果。



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