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short term中文翻译,short term是什么意思,short term发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

short term中文翻译,short term是什么意思,short term发音、用法及例句

short term

short term发音

英:  美:

short term中文意思翻译


短期; 近期


short term双语使用场景

1、In the short term, chemical sprays are clearly an effective way to control pests.───从短期来看,喷洒化学药品显然能有效控制虫害。

2、The capital account covers three sub - accounts: direct investment 2 , portfolio investment 3 and short term capital.───资本项目包括三个分项: 直接投资 、 有价证券投资和短期资本.

3、European short term rates raised from % 75 % in the UK and the US.───欧洲短期利率由3.5厘调升至75厘.英国及美国利率则维持不变.

4、short term, he suggested imposing centralised clearing-something associated with exchanges-on parts of the market that can be standardised.───在这里我看到了一个危险的陷阱:如果你经历某事在短期内感觉很好,但从长期来看实际上是有害的,那该怎么办?

5、I see a dangerous trap here: what if you experience something that feels very good in the short term but is actually harmful in the long term?───不过,他们表示,投资者或多或少都应对市场短期表现采取极为谨慎的态度。

6、In the short term, neither candidate can do much.───短期内, 两位候选人在这方面都难有所建树.

7、The modeling and short _ term scheduling of synthetic vehicle performance test line are presented.───研究了汽车综合性能检测线批次检测车辆的建模与短期调度问题.

short term相似词语短语

1、short metre───短米

2、short for───是…的略称

3、short story───短篇小说(指一万字以内的小说)

4、short film───短片

5、short reams───短令


7、short ream───短铰刀






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