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lie in中文翻译,lie in是什么意思,lie in发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

lie in中文翻译,lie in是什么意思,lie in发音、用法及例句

1、lie in

lie in发音

英:[ˌlaɪ ˈɪn]  美:[ˌlaɪ ˈɪn]

英:  美:

lie in中文意思翻译



在于; 位于; 躺在; 分娩

lie in双语使用场景

1、A lie in time save nine.───及时补一针,省得补九针.

2、holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in.───明天放假,你可以睡懒觉了。

3、These parts lie in lower layer in security middleware, are the most important kernel and foundation.───这些部分是安全中间件层次结构中较下层的部分, 是安全中间件中最核心和最基础的部分.

4、Normally, a woman will lie in a few hours before the birth of her child.───在一般情况下, 孕妇在分娩前几个小时要卧床待产.

5、Students were paid substantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed.───学生们得到了一大笔钱,而所要做的就是整天躺在床上什么也不做。

6、The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America.───落基山脉位于美国西部.

7、She threw the lie in his face.───她当着他的面指控他撒谎.

8、The time had come for her to lie in.───她分娩的时间到了.

9、To take cover or lie in or as if in a kennel.───待在或躺在狗窝或类似狗窝的地方.

10、The future of agriculture will eventually lie in bioengineering and other highly advanced technologies.───将来农业问题的出路,最终要由生物工程来解决,要靠尖端技术.

11、All their hopes lie in him.───他们把所有希望都寄托在他身上.

12、Lie precariously at the edge of the mattress and fume if you must, but lie in the same bed.───躺在床的边沿,摇摇欲坠,如果你一定要的话,可以发火,但要躺在同一张床上。

13、My strengths lie in the ability to learn quick and to work under stress.───我的强项是进修能力强和压力下工作能力强.

14、A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people.───许多国家公园都位于少数民族聚居的地方.

15、We lie in the sunshine for hours, getting a tan.───我们躺在日光下几个小时进行日光浴.

16、So far there is no effective way to get rid of it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms.───为止还没有有效的方法来摆脱它,但是一项新的研究表明答案可能在一些饥饿的蠕虫的胃里。。

17、Do not lie in bed all morning!───不要整个早上都躺在床上.

18、I trapped a lie in my throat.───我把就要脱口而出的一句谎话忍住了.

19、The artistic activity does not lie in art itself as such.───艺术的活动并非全是在艺术本身.

20、The most startling variations, however, lie in the interest your money can earn.───然而, 最令人吃惊的变化是你的钱可以赚到的利息.

21、You ought to lie in tomorrow and catch up on your sleep.───明天你该晚些起床,多睡会儿.

22、They have something to tell us, as the fallen heroes lie in Arlington whisper the ages.───他们向我们述说着什么, 正如在阿灵顿(Arlington)公墓长眠的阵亡英雄在漫漫岁月中的轻声呼唤.

23、You can also lie in the chair by lowering the upholstered back.───列车员:您还可以把软靠背放低一点,躺在椅子上.

24、I can have a lie in tomorrow. Whoopee!───我明天能睡懒觉了,哈哈!

25、I'd rather lie in bed and have a good rest.───我宁愿躺到床上去好好休息休息.

26、" Drunk be damned, " cried the captain. " He can lie in the gutter for all I care.───" 什么喝醉了,见鬼去吧, " 队长说, " 他要是醉得躺在污水沟里,我也管不着.

27、She made her bed , let her lie in it.───她是自作自受.

28、Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.───警察设伏等待那些在晚上跟踪目标伺机作案的歹徒。

29、Who knows that troubles lie in store for you?───谁知道你们将会遇到什么麻烦?

30、The answers may lie in a close reexamination of the fossil evidence.───通过对化石证据的仔细反复的研究是可以得出答案的.

31、When the day is done, do you lie in your bed?───当一天结束之后, 你是否躺在了你的床上?

32、Our strengths lie in problem solving.───我们的优势在于解决问题的能力.

lie in相似词语短语



3、tie in───使结合;使配合得当

4、pipe in───v.用电讯设备传送;用管道输入;吹奏管乐器迎入

5、live in───住进

6、give in───v.屈服;让步;交上

7、lain in───躺着

8、laid in───贮存

9、lies in───存在于


lie in,lie on, lie to的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,意思如下:;一、意思不同;1.lie in意思:存在于。;2.lie on意思:坐落在…的。;3.lie to意思:位于,停泊。;二、用法不同;1.lie in用法:表示地点或位置的词,指找到某人某物所在的确切位置或来源,后面多接表示地点或位置的名词,其后接sb 时,表示弄清某人所在的地点,并不是找到某人。;2.lie on用法:表示“设置在(某地)”,其被动式通常表示“位于〔坐落于〕某处”。;3.lie to用法:在美国口语中可用作不及物动词,意思是“定居,设置在…”。;三、侧重点不同;1.lie in侧重点:侧重于表示在某范围之内,是其中的一部分。;2.lie on侧重点:侧重于表示在某范围之外,两者之间一般互相连接。;3.lie to侧重点:侧重于表示在某范围之外,两者之间可以互相连接,也可以不连接。

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