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celiac disease中文翻译,celiac disease是什么意思,celiac disease发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

celiac disease中文翻译,celiac disease是什么意思,celiac disease发音、用法及例句

celiac disease

celiac disease发音

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celiac disease中文意思翻译




celiac disease双语使用场景

1、Caveat: While more than 30,000 patients with diagnosed celiac disease were studied, the calculations for latent celiac disease were based on only roughly 3,700 patients.───注意:尽管共对3万多名乳糜泻确诊患者进行了研究,但潜在乳糜泻的计算结果仅是根据约3,700名患者得出的。

2、Celiac disease in the elderly.───腹腔疾病的老人.

3、These conditions are reported to be more common in women with untreated celiac disease, though miscarriages have many causes and occur in up to one-fourth of all pregnancies.───报道这些情况在患有未经治疗的麸质过敏症中更普遍,虽然流产有很多原因而且只会在整个孕期的四分之一阶段发生。

4、In addition, stomach surgery (gastrectomy), weight-loss surgery and conditions such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease and Cushing's disease can affect your body's ability to absorb calcium.───另外,胃部手术(胃切除术)、减肥手术以及如克罗恩氏病,腹部疾病和库兴氏病等这些情况有可能影响到身体的钙吸收能力。

5、People who have celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley.───脂泻病患者对于谷蛋白(小麦中的一种蛋白) 、 黑麦 、 大麦不能耐受.

celiac disease相似词语短语

1、coeliac disease───乳糜泄

2、bacterial disease───细菌性疾病

3、combat disease───与疾病作斗争

4、black disease───n.黑疫

5、coeliac diseases───乳糜泄

6、social disease───花柳病,性病

7、celiac diseases───乳糜泻;脂泻病



麸质是一种蛋白质,大麦、小麦、黑麦等都含有麸质,由于有麸质成分,面包与其他烘焙食品在烘烤后会产生嚼劲,食物口感也较有弹性。只有麸质过敏症(Celiac Disease)、对麸质很敏感的人不能吃含麸质食物,而这些人只占一小部分。现在越来越多人虽然健康却采行无麸质饮食,目前还缺乏证据证明减少麸质摄取量真能促进长期健康。

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