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passtime(pass time中文翻译,pass time是什么意思,pass time发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

passtime(pass time中文翻译,pass time是什么意思,pass time发音、用法及例句)

pass time

pass time发音

英:  美:

pass time中文意思翻译



pass time双语使用场景

1、Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.───阅读是在火车上打发时间的最好方式。

2、Four things are not to be brought back: a word spoken, an arrow discharged, the divine decree, and pass time.───有四样东西收不回来:说过的话,射出的剑,神发的意旨,逝去的时间。

3、Still, hiring managers don't want to hear that you're just taking this job to pass time until you find a real job that you care about.───尽管如此,招聘主管们也不愿听到你只是把这份工作当做过渡打发时间。

4、Vivian: However, I'm not complaining. Jenny: Yeah, staring at the ceiling to pass time is still better than doing pages of algebra!───詹妮:是啊,盯着天花板打发时间到底还是比做一页页的代数作业好多了。

5、Cao Cao is holding a stack of newspapers to pass time, see his son come into the word, they guess he is to demand money.───曹操正拿着一叠报纸在打发时光,见儿子一言不发地走进来,便猜到他又是来要钱的。

6、Many people find solitude to be a pleasant experience that allows one to think, be creative, rest, or simply pass time in solitary activity.───许多人享受孤独,独自一人的时候他们可以尽情思考,尽情发挥创造,小憩一下甚或这样简简单单地度过时光。

7、This can be a very fulfilling way to pass time while meeting some kindhearted and down to earth people.───这是一个消磨时间的好方法,同时你也能见到一些好心且务实的人。

pass time相似词语短语

1、waste time───浪费时间

2、party time───派对时间(歌曲名)

3、spare time───n.消遣时间;业余时间


5、press time───n.截稿时间

6、post time───邮件发送时间

7、press times───n.截稿时间

8、part time───n.部分时间;兼任;adj.兼职的;部分时间的

9、fast time───夏令时间;日光节约时间(daylight-savingtime)


应该是pass time, 只是说“打发时间“,不是指特定时间,所以不需要用到the.

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