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yearns for中文翻译,yearns for是什么意思,yearns for发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

yearns for中文翻译,yearns for是什么意思,yearns for发音、用法及例句

yearns for

yearns for发音

英:  美:

yearns for中文意思翻译



yearns for双语使用场景

1、Everyone yearns for that kind of life.───每个人都渴望那种生活。

2、That might have been the way to fight the last war, but now, they say, the country yearns for something else.───虽然这在以前也许行得通,但是现在,这个国家渴望一些其他的模式。

3、His spirit yearns for a monastery, but his body hungers for women and weed; his feet long to roam, but his personality is too passive.───他精神上渴求修道院般的禁欲,但他的身体却渴望女人,有着俗世的欲望。他想要漫游四方,但是性格太消沉。

4、Chances are, each of you is comfortable with a different level of physical intimacy: One yearns for more; the other is happy with less.───可能的情况是,夫妻双方可能对亲密接触的可适感不同:一方渴求更多,另一方则渴望更少。

5、Elsa yearns for the day she can return to her native country.───埃尔莎渴望有朝一日能回到自己的祖国。

6、Orange offers a life to be lived to the full, too often not the safe and reliable pair of hands the hard pressed coach yearns for.───黄色给生命带来活力,但常常不是重压下教练们所希望得到的那双安全可靠的手。

7、A state that yearns for a semblance of normality between its wars cannot let such attacks become routine.───一个渴望在战争间歇期恢复正常秩序的国家不会对这种攻击感到习以为常。

8、What I dread is to get into a rut. One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas.───我害怕的就是墨守成规。人总是向往新思想和新观念的。

yearns for相似词语短语

1、declaring for───v.表明赞成(拥护)

2、asks for───请求,要求;寻找

3、declares for───v.表明赞成(拥护)

4、calls for───要求;需要(callfor的第三人称单数形式)

5、heading for───前往;出发;取向于

6、heads for───前往;出发;取向于

7、be in for───必定遭到;参加

8、as for───关于,至于

9、falls for───迷恋;信以为真



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