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08-01 投稿


numerous 发音

英:[ˈnuːmərəs]  美:[ˈnjuːmərəs]

英:  美:

numerous 中文意思翻译



numerous 短语词组

1、numerous vast most massive ─── 无数最庞大的

2、most numerous numerous( ─── 很多的,许多的)的最高级形式

3、more numerous numerous( ─── 很多的,许多的)的比较级形式

4、resisted numerous ─── 抵抗了无数次

5、numerous targets ─── 众多目标

6、sweated through numerous ─── 汗流浃背

7、numerous marriages now end in ─── 许多婚姻现在都以失败告终

numerous 词性/词形变化,numerous变形

比较级--more numerous;最高级--most numerous。

numerous 相似词语短语

1、numerals ─── n.数词;数字符号(numeral的复数)

2、-merous ─── 梅罗斯

3、6-merous ─── 6重要

4、3-merous ─── 3梅罗斯

5、8-merous ─── 8重要

6、numerously ─── adv.无数地,多数地

7、innumerous ─── adj.无数的;数不清的

8、7-merous ─── 7处

9、dimerous ─── adj.双器官的;由两部分组成的

numerous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Hope Project has helped numerous poo. ─── 希望工程自创建以来已经帮助了无数的贫困学生。

2、He busied himself with numerous tasks around the house. ─── 他忙于家里的许多事情。

3、There are numerous subdivisions of the Department of Justice. ─── 司法部设有许多部门。

4、Her numerous progeny were all asleep. ─── 她的小辈们都睡著了。

5、He survived numerous plots to kill or oust him. ─── 他经历了无数次谋杀或取缔他的阴谋,他都挺过来了!

6、What the telephone numer you want? ─── 你要的**号码是什么?

7、Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in1976. ─── 在1976年,无数的房屋因唐山地震而倒坍。

8、She helped us with numerous suggestions. ─── 她给我们提了很多建议。

9、He gives numerous entertainments to his friends. ─── 他常常宴请很多客人。

10、The names of items are too numerous to enumerate. ─── 名目繁多不胜枚举。

11、Numerous books have been published since last year. ─── 去年以来出版了大量的书。

12、In later years, I have gone through numerous rounds of farewell. ─── 在以后的几年里,我又经历了无数次的离别。

13、Your guidance is real, close and numerous. ─── 你们的指导是真实、亲密和无数的。

14、I have numerous engagements next week. ─── 下星期我有许多约会。

15、They saw the numerous tanks and trucks stationed along the river. ─── 他们看见沿河停放着数不清的坦克和卡车。

16、He received an honorary degree and numerous tributes. ─── 他接受了荣誉学位和无数称颂之词。

17、The typhoon uprooted numerous trees. ─── 台风把许多树连根拔起。

18、The Danes made numerous descents upon the English coast during the 10th century. ─── 丹麦人在十世纪曾对英国海岸发动过无数次袭击。

19、Instances are too numerous to list. ─── 例子多得举不胜举。

20、He saddled himself with numerous debts. ─── 他负了很多债。

21、China has numerous quakeprone areas but they are widely scattered. ─── 中国有许多具有地震危险的地区,但非常分散。

22、He designed and introduced numerous new operating instruments. ─── 他设计并且采用了许多新的手术器械。

23、She does not like an essay padded out with numerous quotations . ─── 她不喜欢用许多引语添凑起来的短论。

24、The pitfall of working abroad is numerous. ─── 在国外工作存在许多的无法预期的困难。

25、There are numerous hurdles on the road to success. ─── 在通往成功的路上会有许多障碍。

26、Why the Chinese are so numerous? ─── 为什么中国人口如此众多?

27、He had numerous excuses to offer for being late. ─── 他对迟到有无数的托词。

28、They claim that hypertension has numerous causes. ─── 他们认为高血压有许多原因。

29、He won numerous adherents to his cause. ─── 他的事业赢得了许多人的支持。

30、Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captive bred birds seem to be getting smaller. ─── 无数的鹰猎者观察发现圈养繁殖的鸟类似乎是越养越小了。

31、The Oxford has received numerous endowments . ─── 他在音乐方面有很高的天赋。

32、The presence of numerous international golfers set the seal on the tournament. ─── 大批国际高尔夫球手前来参加这次锦标赛,使其获得世界公认。

33、A constantly changing scene composed of numerous elements. ─── 变幻无常的情景由许多情景构成的不断变化的场面

34、Nonetheless, the threat of the enemy provoked numerous changes on Coruscant in the name of increased security. ─── 不过,敌人的威胁还是在科洛桑激起了许多以加强安全为名的变化。

35、He had ranked himself in the numerous phalanx of unbelievers. ─── 他一直象其它无数怀疑者一样持怀疑态度。

36、In order to improve his theory,he makes numerous experiments. ─── 为了改进他的理论,他做了多次的试验。

37、Nevertheless, numerous stores employ loyalty cards. ─── 尽管如此,很多商店都使用忠实卡。

38、The example is too numerous to mention individually. ─── 例子不胜枚举。

39、After a year of numerous and unsuccessful medical treatments, he became resigned to a life of rasping whispers. ─── 经过为期一年的无数以失败告终的治疗后,他只能听天由命地用粗哑的嗓音低声说话。

40、The space numerous asterism spot, is the angeleye. ─── 天上繁星点点,是天使的眼睛。

41、Stain of the sediment reveals numerous bacteria . ─── 尿沉渣染色显示无数细菌。

42、The winter sky is studded with numerous stars. ─── 寒星点点布满冬日的夜空。

43、They issued numerous decrees and ordinances for the suppression of the people. ─── 他们发布了无数法令来镇压人民。

44、He has a numerous collection of stamps. ─── 他收藏着许多邮票。

45、Any of several plants,such as knotgrass,producing numerous seeds. ─── 多子植物一种植物,如两耳草,可产生许多种子

46、His views have been expressed in numerous speeches. ─── 他已在无数次发言中表达了自己的观点。

47、May I have your name and phone numer,please? ─── 可以告诉我你的姓名和**吗?

48、Any of numerous yellow or orange butterflies. ─── 多种**和橙色的蝴蝶。

49、Numerous marriages now end in divorce. ─── 现在许多婚姻都以离婚而告终。

50、The condition or quality of being numerous. ─── 大量众多的状态或者特性

51、A precious gem, especially a diamond, finely cut in any of various forms with numerous facets. ─── 宝石一种精细地切割成多个面的各种形式的宝石,尤指钻石

52、He was surrounded by his numerous progeny. ─── 众多的子孙簇拥着他。

53、The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees. ─── 台风吹倒了无数棵小树苗。

54、The causes are few, but the reasons given are numerous. ─── 其原因屈指可数,但提出的理由却难以胜计。

55、He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny. ─── 他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。

56、He had numerous excuses to offer for being absent from class. ─── 他有无数个借口来为他缺课做解释。

57、The cardigans in numerous varieties are a feast for the eyes. ─── 品种多样的羊毛衫,琳琅满目。

58、There were numerous articles for the Nazi party newspaper, the V? ─── 他在纳粹党的报纸上发表了很多文章,包括"V?

59、One day, she told Vadim about her mother Frances Fonda, a beautiful and insecure socialite who'd had numerous plastic surgery procedures. ─── 有一天,她向瓦迪姆谈起她的母亲弗朗西丝·方达,她是一个美丽的但是没有安全感的交际花,且曾做过多次整形手术。

60、Pat Goss has authored numerous books on auto maintenance. ─── 帕特·戈斯已经创作发表了好几本关于汽车保养的书。

61、They had numerous mental conventions. ─── 他们有数不清的精神上的规矩俗套。

62、They are too numerous to be mentioned. ─── 不胜枚举。

63、Heads of state attend numerous functions every year. ─── 国家首脑每年要出席很多重大宴会。

64、You completed numerous race simulations as part of your preparation during the last test. Do you feel you are ready to contest a race? ─── 在最近的测试中,你做了很多模拟来作为准备的一部分。你觉得你做好参加比赛的准备了么?

65、Her impressions were numerous. ─── 她获得的印象是丰富的。

66、Having numerous veins,as a leaf or the wings of an insect. ─── 具脉的,多脉的具有许多脉的,如叶子或昆虫的翅膀

67、The dinner was a grand one, the servants were numerous. ─── 宴会气派十足,仆役众多。

68、He has numerous letter to deal with. ─── 他有大量信件要处理。

69、Wild boar are numerous in the valleys. ─── 这些山谷里有无数的野猪。

70、Which contains numerous useful links to articles, tools, and so on. ─── 其中包含了大量至文章和工具等有用链接。

71、Very numerous; existing in great numbers. ─── 包括许多个体的无数的;大量存在的

72、The numerous research findings do not seem to be very pertinent. ─── 为数众多的研究结果看来并不十分有用。

73、He has been late on numerous occasions. ─── 他已经迟到过无数次了。

74、Bearing numerous leaves; leafy. ─── 叶子茂盛的生长繁多的叶子的; 多叶的

75、He has been late on numerous occasions. ─── 他已经迟到过无数次了。

76、Numerous other aides have deep roots on the Hill. ─── 像这样在国会根系繁多的幕僚不胜枚举。

77、They dined wonderfully and had numerous drinks. ─── 他们吃了顿丰盛的饭菜,并且喝了各种各样的饮料。

78、He was attended by a numerous retinue. ─── 他有许多随员陪同。

79、Performing for Numerous Soups, Stews and Ragouts... ─── 三段式温度调节装置,适合各类褒汤,炖煮烹调

80、They encountered numerous difficulties in conducting the experiment. ─── 他们在做这项实验时碰到了许多困难。

81、He has bylined numerous magazine pieces. ─── 他给杂志写过许多篇署名的报道。

82、It took quite a while, but when the project was made public, it was documented well enough to appeal to numerous developers. ─── 花了很长一段时间,但是当项目公布后,有人曾记载,也足以吸引众多的开发商。

83、Brought about numerous problems of overpopulation. ─── 人口过多带来诸多问题。

84、The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe. ─── 地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。

85、Numerous lesser roads branched off from the main highway. ─── 从主要公路上分出无数小道。

86、A plural society is one composed of numerous races. ─── 一个多元社会是一个由多种族组成的社会。

87、Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous. ─── 对地毯的询盘日益增加。

88、His collection of books is numerous. ─── 他的藏书很多。

89、He is accomplished in numerous arts. ─── 他精通各种技艺。


Something about my study life

After several weeks of study, I have a very deep feeling that majoring in English is just like living in a paradise. O f course I have eacaped from the hell of senior high school!! How joyful and colorful!

Everyday we have a class of our foreigner teacher named Mark. I suppose that the period of time staying with Mark is the most wonderful one in the whole day. He is from America and he is now learning Traditional Chinese Medicine in our school.He always set various of themes and offer us numerous of opportunities to discuss the topics. In fact, no matter if you have did a good job , he is always ready to encourage you and give you a great many of \"good\".

The most interesing and special in Mark's class is that we can gain lots of \"money\" if we muster our courage to speak something. Haha! He has prepared colorful papers representing the note of 1$,5$ and 10$. Maybe it is a motive for performing actively.

Mark sometimes shows his Chinese which makes us laugh.

We also listen to English songs and watch English movies on other classes.

It's funny here and there.



Phase of numerous living beings.

Phase 指外观,也指不同阶段,层次等等方面,所以可以很贴切的用在 "相" 这个字面上的翻译。


The appearance of numerous living beings.

appearance 不止是指外相,还有一切显相,所以可以这麼翻译。

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