middle-aged 发音
英:[ˌmɪd(ə)l ˈeɪdʒd] 美:[ˌmɪd(ə)l ˈeɪdʒd]
英: 美:
middle-aged 中文意思翻译
middle-aged 相似词语短语
1、middle games ─── 中局
2、middle ages ─── 中世纪;中古时期
3、middle-aged ─── 中年的
4、middle-agedly ─── 中年
5、middle game ─── 中局
6、middle age ─── 中年;中世纪
7、middle-age ─── 中年;中世纪
8、middle names ─── 中名
9、middle name ─── 中名(名和姓之间的名字);突出的个性
In one night, a couple at the table ready to eat. Paved tablecloths table knife and fork on the plate stood. Diminutive husband, beard, has a long nose, he clenched his fists, stood by the table to his wife complained. His wife is a middle-aged woman, wearing glasses, wearing a dress, hand under his chin and looked at her husband, thoughtfully.
In one night, a couple were waiting for having dinner in front of the table.There are dishes with knives and forks in them on the table which had paved tablecloth. The husband had a short stature with whiskers and had a long nose, with clenched fists, complain to his wife who standing at the table.His wife is a middle-aged woman who wearing glasses and a long skirt. She was holding her hands in her face and seemed to think about something.
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