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08-01 投稿


profligate 发音

英:['prɒflɪgət]  美:[prɔflɪɡət]

英:  美:

profligate 中文意思翻译



profligate 网络释义

adj. 放荡的,不检点的;恣意挥霍的n. 放荡者;享乐者

profligate 词性/词形变化,profligate变形

副词: profligately |名词: profligacy |

profligate 同义词

make | gain | welfare | receipts | income | favour | profits | avail | improvement | utility | plus | net | net income | earn | returns | lucre | good | revenue | reward | help | blessing | sake | return | serve | net profit | earnings | loss | proceeds |advantage | advancement | purse | convenience | aid | use | bring in | benefit | interest

profligate 反义词

lose |break even

profligate 相似词语短语

1、propagate ─── vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传;vi.繁殖;增殖

2、profligacy ─── n.肆意挥霍;放荡;浪费

3、profligately ─── 挥霍

4、profligateness ─── 挥霍

5、profligates ─── adj.放荡的,不检点的;恣意挥霍的;n.放荡者;享乐者

6、obligate ─── v.(使)负有法律(或道义)责任;以(资产)为担保;(使)感激;adj.专性的;必需的;n.专性有机体

7、colligate ─── vt.综合;绑

8、promulgate ─── vt.公布;传播;发表

9、prolongate ─── vt.延长,拉长;拖延

profligate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You cn say Chinese people are entitled to live profligate and extravagant lives but it only works if you have a spare planet to live on. ─── 你可以说中国人有权过享乐的奢侈的生活,但前提是我们有另一个星球可供生存。

2、The profligate glory days of limitless water everywhere seem to be over. ─── 那些大肆挥霍水的日子将一去不返。

3、Now the model is not deflating, but vanishing: once profligate American consumers are saving instead of spending. ─── 如今,这一模式并非正在收缩,而是正在消失:曾经放荡的美国消费者们正在开始储蓄,不再大手大脚花钱。

4、image of profligate women ─── “荡女人”形象

5、The point of this profligate eye candy? ─── 这些点子都是些挥霍眼球的糖果吗?

6、The young profligate needs to be controlled. ─── 他年少狂荡,需要管教!

7、Tell the truth, in the man's blood, always taking factor of a bit profligate, those are peculiar manly, it is the unruly that female people often says. ─── 说实话,男人的血液中,总带着一点放荡的因子,那些特有男人气概的,就是女人们常说的不羁。

8、One who wastes,especially one who wastes money;a profligate. ─── 浪费者浪费之人,尤指浪费钱财的人;败家子

9、There’s a chance that eventually we’ll return all this kindness with the profligate spending the government once decried but now would like to harness to restart the economy. ─── 有可能我们最终将以政府曾经反对,如今却打算利用其来重振经济的普涨消费去回报这份热情。

10、China wants to cut inefficiency and create a "conserving society", but its efforts may be undermined by profligate local governments. ─── 中国期望通过减少资源浪费来创建"节约型"社会。但这一努力因"浪费型的政府"而受到了制约。

11、a profligate use of scarce resources ─── 对稀少的资源的恣意挥霍.

12、The Germans want a different sort of centralisation, built on rules to punish the profligate. ─── 德国人需要的是一种不同的集权制,它建立在惩罚挥霍的基础上。

13、"Xue's family is richer than Feng's, but a profligate like Xue Pan is sure to have troops of maids and concubines and to be thoroughly debauched-- he could never be as true to one girl as Feng Yuan." ─── "这薛家纵比冯家富贵,想其为人,自然姬妾众多,淫佚无度,未必及冯渊定情于一人者."

14、Friction dissipates energy in the same way that a profligate dissipates a fortune, by converting it from an ordered to a disordered form ─── 摩擦把有序能转变为无序能,就象浪子挥霍财产那样消耗着能量。

15、profligate sons of the rich ─── 纨绔子弟

16、A profligate heir who decimated his trust fund. ─── 急剧减少信托基金的恣意挥霍的继承人

17、Yet they have something in common: both involve the profligate deployment of resources. ─── 然而这些行为却有着一些共同之处:它们都牵涉了大肆的资源挥霍。

18、But China and the continental European countries, led by Germany, argue it is all the fault of profligate deficit countries. ─── 但中国和以德国为首的欧洲大陆国家辩称,一切都应归咎于恣意挥霍的赤字国家。

19、"why said ur profligate,but u wanna disavow ur love!"a friend asked me in Disco! ─── 为什么你要承认自己放荡,却要否认你自己的爱。

20、Profligate and unrestrained ─── 狂放不羁

21、But lending money to profligate governments at 4-5% for30 years may start to look like a bad deal. ─── 但是将钱借给大手大脚的政府,在30年里每年收取4-5%的回报可能开始被认为是不明智的交易了。

22、Therefore, I believe that the 30-year-old will never come. Therefore, I profligate enjoyment of their youth, as much as childish, as much as overspending. ─── 所以,我相信,三十岁永远不会来到。于是,我恣意地享受自己的青春,尽情地孩子气,尽情地挥霍。

23、A profligate person; a wastrel. ─── 放荡的人,恣意挥霍的人

24、Worse, they tend to lock developing countries into a needlessly profligate development path, heavily skewed towards fossil fuel. ─── 更糟糕的是,它们往往会让发展中国家陷入不必要挥霍的发展道路,向化石燃料严重倾斜。

25、A profligate man can never let women under the sun know his true thoughts about woman; a cautious husband can never let his wife know his frank opinions about his marriage. ─── 一个放荡的男人不能让天下女子知道他对女人的真实想法;一个规矩丈夫不能让太太知道他对婚的老实意见。

26、And European consumers have not been as profligate in recent years as American ones, so they have the scope to reduce their saving and spend more. ─── 欧洲消费者们这些年来并没有像美国人那样寅吃卯粮,超前消费,所以他们可以减少储蓄,增加消费。

27、They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." ─── 20对长老说,我们这儿子顽梗悖逆,不听从我们的话,是贪食好酒的人。

28、But like all the most successful illicit traders, China is ideologically profligate in its relations. ─── 就像那些成功的违法交易以一样,中国正在享受这种关系带来的好处。

29、Yet no euro-area country wants to give its more profligate fellows the impression that their debts will be covered. ─── 但是任何一个欧元区国家都不想给其他恣意挥霍的成员国留下为其债务埋单的印象。

30、that also should go whoring also is a few males to be being detested on reason of coquettish profligate female, the yearning however the crux of the problem on sensibility. ─── 也是一些男性对妖冶放荡的女性理智上厌恶、感性上却向往的症结所在。

31、a successful womanizer (after a profligate Spanish nobleman). ─── 一个著名的花花公子(放荡的西班牙贵族)。

32、One who wastes, especially one who wastes money;a profligate. ─── 浪费者浪费之人,尤指浪费钱财的人;败家子

33、Thus the crisis punishes the frugal more than the profligate. ─── 如此看来,危机对节俭者的惩罚,要比对恣意挥霍者更为严厉。

34、it could provide collective insurance for the prudent and conditional assistance for the profligate. ─── 大意:为谨慎者提供共同保险,为鲁莽者提供有条件的救助。

35、a profligate person ─── 放荡的人

36、Even if the whole problem disappeared tomorrow, it would take years to wean consumers and companies away from their profligate borrowing habits of the past. ─── 即便当下的问题明天就会消失,消费者和公司也要花费数年来改掉他们之前养成的敞手借钱的习惯。

37、He is wicked and profligate ─── 他厚颜无耻,道德败坏。

38、And so to the tune of "the superior person is he (she) who knows the times," "the profligate returned is worth his (her) weight in gold," and "the spirit of humanity is revived" and so on, relatives come and go even more frequently. ─── 于是在一片“识时务者为俊杰”、“浪子回头金不换”、“人文精神又回来了”的啧啧赞叹声中,亲戚们来往走动得更勤了。

39、Lazy and profligate ─── 怠惰放肆

40、If we do not stop this profligate spending soon, we risk hyperinflation and seeing a 95% devaluation every year. ─── 如果我们不迅速停止这场挥霍无度的政府开支,我们就是在冒着恶性通货膨胀的危险并将见到每年贬值95%价值的美元。

41、Why do you bring your profligate companions here? ─── 为什么你要把你那些酒肉朋友带到这里来呢?

42、When she was eight, her father, the profligate and choleric squire of Blickling Hall in Norfolk, challenged a neighbour to a duel for impugning his valour. ─── 她的父亲曾是诺福克郡布里克林庄园的乡绅,放荡不羁,脾气暴躁。

43、In particular, they reverse the role of victim and villain: in the savings-glut story, the thrifty are the villains and profligate the victims; ─── 特别是,它们颠倒了受害者和作恶者的角色:在储蓄过剩的说法中,节俭之人是作恶者,挥霍之人则是受害者;

44、Their profligate lifestyle resulted in Bankruptcy. ─── 他们挥霍的生活方式导致的破产。

45、But avoiding the sort of profligate spending of the US and UK has not saved Japan, Germany and China from credit bust fallout. ─── 但是,避免美英等国那种大肆消费习惯,并未使日本、德国和中国免受信贷萧条的冲击。

46、In reality, a country could live in such a profligate manner only so long as the rest of the world retained confidence in its economic prescriptions. ─── 现实摆在眼前,只要别国对美国的经济模式仍旧充满信心,我们就可以继续挥霍下去。

47、one who wastes,especially one who wastes money; a profligate ─── 浪费者,尤指浪费钱财的人;败家子

48、While the profligate satellite, who took advantage of a trifling tumult, inseparable from such occasion, to shed the blood of twenty of our fellow-citizens. ─── 而那个荒唐的狗腿子,利用当时难以避免的一点小小的骚动,喝了我们二十个同胞的血。

49、All fell back to make way for the sufferers; and all, even the very rudest and most profligate, were struck with shame and silence. ─── 群众立即后退,给这两个受苦人让路;连最粗野,最浪荡的人也感到难为情,静了下来。

50、Meanwhile, in the other group there was little inclination either to profligate spending or to good works. ─── 与此同时,在另外一个小组中却很少发现有肆意挥霍或致力于善行的倾向。

51、That, too, is a chance for the new government to show that it is not as profligate as its opponents have claimed. ─── 但这对新政府也是一个机会,可以表明他们并不是如其对手所谴责的那样恣意挥霍。

52、It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate. ─── 但事实并非如此:节俭者要依靠挥霍者。

53、neither profligate nor sparing of her time. ─── 她的时间既不浪费也不节制。

54、Investors would turn more selective again and governments would pay a toll for profligate policies. ─── 投资者会再次变得更具有选择能力,政府也将为各种极度浪费的政策付出重大的代价。

55、Even where troubled euro-zone countries had not been profligate, they have been running unsustainable current-account deficits. ─── 即使在欧元区的那些没有过度透支的问题国家里,他们也存在着不可持续的经常账户赤字。

56、from farms that are profligate with water to ones that are more efficient; ─── 从用水挥霍的农场流向用水效率更高的农场;

57、Only when it counts sexually are men profligate and women helpful. ─── 此外,他们不会总是把他们的资源浪费这些行为上。

58、More irksome still is that profligate America is able to borrow on better terms. ─── 使人恼怒的是,肆意挥霍的美国还能进行更为划算的借贷。

59、"The past few years of painful, slash-and-burn expense cutting have made top brokerage executives reluctant to revert to their former, profligate ways" (David Henry) ─── “过去几年来痛苦的费用削减已经让上层经纪业管理者不愿恢复过去奢侈浪费的经营方式”(戴维·亨利)

60、America can ill-afford another profligate Republican; and once again directing most of the benefits to the well-off is tone-deaf politics. ─── 美国已经不能在承受又一任的民主党败家总统了。还有就是,把诸多...

61、Russia's economy is more profligate with energy, but China is widely believed to be the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, and India is rapidly moving up. ─── 俄罗斯的经济更加挥霍能源,而中国被公认为世界上最大的二氧化碳排放国,印度的排放量正迅速提升。

62、He is a careless profligate ─── 他是个粗枝大叶的浪荡子。

63、Yet, if this is to happen, debtor countries have to stabilize their economies without another round of profligate private borrowing or an indefinite rise in government debt. ─── 然而,要实现这些目标,债务国必须稳定其经济,同时不引发另一轮挥霍性的私人借贷,或导致政府债务无限制地增加。

64、The cautionary tale of Gordon Brown, an avowedly prudent chancellor who turned profligate, must now be burnt into Britain's political culture. ─── 代替它们破坏性最小的方法或许是增加商品增值税,最好通过扩大征税基础(比如,将食品包含在内,通常食品消费不加增值税),而不是增加税率。

65、Since ancient times, "women who Yuet Yung own" little appreciation of the favorite with a strong admiration for, the more beautiful it becomes a profligate afraid. ─── 因为自古“女为悦己者容”,少了心仪的欣赏者与倾慕者,再多的美丽也只怕成了一种挥霍。

66、The man may loose, but cannot be obscene, the woman may the wanderer but not be able to be profligate. ─── 一个男人,可以风流,但绝不可以下流;一个女人,可以放纵,但绝不可以放荡.

67、profligate spending ─── 挥霍

68、"I am a profligate not only to my hometown, but also to the elapsing time. ─── 我不但对于故乡是荡子,对于岁月亦是荡子。

69、they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked, out in them. ─── 它们可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,当他们用度它伪装起来的时,就更增加了他们外表上的冷静、快活和魅力。

70、But avoiding the sort of profligate spending of the US and UK has not saved Japan, Germany and China from credit bust fallout. ─── 但是,避免美英等国那种大肆消费习惯,并未使日本、德国和中国免受信贷萧条的冲击。

71、For profligate United in the Manchester derby, Tevez was wastrel-in-chief. ─── 在曼彻斯特德比的比赛中,曼联浪费了众多机会,其中特维斯首当其冲。

72、A profligate fails to return ─── 荡子不归

73、But by the time he left office, his profligate combination of serial tax cuts and unrestrained spending guaranteed the deficit would again loom over his successor. ─── 但是他离任之后,由于他任意的进行一系列减税措施以及无限制的花费开支来保证赤字正常,造成的恶果会再次加在他的继任者身上。

74、In her profligate life, she lost all sense of decency. ─── 在她放荡的生活中, 她完全丧失了一个正常人的理智。

75、If Jeanie's distresses had admitted of aggravation, it must have been to find her sister under the charge of such a profligate as this man ─── 如果说还有什么事能够加重珍妮的痛苦,那就是她发现她妹妹竞处在这样一个无赖的管制之下。

76、This young man had all the inclination to be a profligate of the first water. ─── 这个青年完全有可能成为十足的浪子。

77、How do we make sense of the artistic bonanza facing us now, one that can only become even more profligate as time goes on? ─── 从录音公司的角度考虑,这个问题也很相似,但是表达却不同:这些东西到底值多少钱?

78、All fell back to make way for the sufferers; and all, even the very rudest and most profligate, were struck with shame and silence ─── 群众立即后退,给这两个受苦人让路;连最粗野,最浪荡的人也感到难为情,静了下来。

79、In contrast, the larger and more profligate galaxies have exhausted their resources and are no longer able to collect more from their environments. ─── 相反地,任意挥霍的大星系已将它们的能源用罄,无法再由环境中蒐罗到更多物质。

80、Similarly Americans have been profligate in the handling of mineral resources ─── 同样的,美国在处理矿产资源方面亦多浪费。

81、Banks and real estate tycoons in Japan were corrupt, profligate and unsympathetic figures, and no one wanted to help them. ─── 日本的银行和地产业巨头都是贪污,挥霍浪费和冷漠无情的角色,以至于没有人愿意帮助他们。

82、One who wastes, especially one who wastes money; a profligate. ─── 浪费者浪费之人,尤指浪费钱财的人; 败家子

83、Mr. Jackson appears to have been guilty of profligate spending and reckless indifference to his financial affairs. ─── 杰克逊似乎挥霍成性,同时对自己的财务也漠不关心。

84、they had have a profligate life, however were attracted by the future, and they overthrew the old waste culture while crating the new waste ones at the same time. ─── 他们生活糜乱,但对未来充满向往,他们在颠覆旧有的糜费文化同时也创造新的糜费。

85、Meanwhile, in the other group there was little inclination either to profligate spending or to good works. ─── 与此同时,在另外一个小组中却很少发现有肆意挥霍或致力于善行的倾向。

86、Back then Steve was a willful and profligate creator of new products but not very interested in profits. ─── 在那时候,乔布斯是一个任性的,毫无顾忌的产品创造者,但他对利润不是那么感兴趣。

87、I love the person precious flower has the host, loves me the personhorrible to look at, is not in is profligate goes bad, is in thesilence the metamorphosis. ─── 我爱的人名花有主,爱我的人惨不忍睹,不是在放荡中变坏,就是在沉默中变态。

88、Neither profligate nor sparing of her time ─── 她的时间既不浪费也不节制

89、Greece is a true profligate. ─── 希腊是一个真正的挥霍着。


He is not a typical city businessman, wearing a dark suit, with a good income do not try to memorize a lot of umbrellas and the actual gap between pretty words to the rapid expansion of vocabulary. Only vocabulary knowledge, almost worse than no knowledge, because of mismanagement and profligate spending, he has ridden the load from the poor wretch become a millionaire

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