granaries 发音
英: 美:
granaries 中文意思翻译
granaries 词性/词形变化,granaries变形
名词复数: granaries |
granaries 相似词语短语
1、grandaddies ─── 格兰达迪斯
2、Canaries ─── n.[鸟]金丝雀(canary的复数);特高频噪声
3、graperies ─── n.葡萄园
4、grandbabies ─── 外孙女
5、grangerises ─── 农事
6、urinaries ─── adj.尿的;泌尿的;n.尿壶;小便池(等于urinal)
7、panaries ─── 泛亚
8、gradatories ─── 梯度
9、grannies ─── n.奶奶;外婆;婆婆妈妈的人
granaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Come against her from every side; Open her granaries. Pile her up like heaps; Destroy her utterly; Let nothing of her remain. ─── 你们要从四围来攻击她,开她的仓廪,将她堆如高堆,毁灭净尽,丝毫不留。
2、The granaries are full. ─── 仓廪充盈。
3、The granaries themselves are circular and quite sophisticated. ─── 这些小谷仓本身是圆形的,构造精良。
4、On the Management Policies of the Granaries in the Hah Dynasty ─── 论汉代国家的仓储管理制度
5、1.N-S DIV (Zhou): granary master 2.TANG, JIN: director of granaries ─── 司仓
6、1. But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries. ─── 不过现在它们已经被改建,用作库房或粮仓了。
7、Lineages and Charitable Granaries: Charitable Relief in the Yixing and Jingxi Areas during the Qing ─── 宗族与义仓:清代宜兴荆溪社区赈济实态
8、Villagers had a plentiful harvest earlier this month, but all sweetcorn and rice in their granaries have rotted or sprouted after being soaked in floodwater. ─── 村民月初沉浸在丰收的喜悦里,但是洪水来袭后仓库里的甜玉米和稻谷已开始发霉发芽。
9、Yet India and Africa have the potential to become the granaries of the world. ─── 然而,印度和非洲有可能成为世界粮仓。
10、Their grian reserves reach total 180000 jin and are kept in two granaries. ─── 他们的储备粮达到18万斤,存在两个粮仓里。
11、Such is the object of all buildings for industrial purposes; all manufactories, warehouses, docks, granaries, barns, farm-buildings devoted to cattle, or to the operations of agricultural labour. ─── 所有工业用建筑物,如厂房、仓库、船坞,以及谷仓、牲口棚或农业劳动用房,其目的都是如此。
12、A state that merely survives enriches the high officials, and a state that is about to perish, enriches its the king's own granaries and storehouses. ─── 没落的国家,只图增加中上层贵族们的财富;濒于灭亡的国家,只图增加君王自己的库存财物。
13、Exo 22:29 "Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats. ─── 出22:29你要从你庄稼中的谷和酒醡中滴出来的酒拿来献上,不可迟延。
14、The granaries are full to bursting. ─── 这些粮仓都堆得满满的。
15、They turned the hills into orchards and plains into granaries. ─── 他们把山坡变成了果园,把平地变成了粮仓。
16、Goujian distracted him with Yue's most beautiful women, bribed his officials and bought enough grain to empty his granaries. ─── 勾践用绝色美人勾引夫差,还收买他的官员,已经买空吴国的粮食储备。
17、In this paper,the development of the Granary Distributed Computer Monitor &Control System is discussed,which is of momentous significance in construction of modern granaries. ─── 本文论述了一个粮库分布式计算机监控系统的研制。粮库分布式计算机监控系统对于现代化新型粮库的建设具有很大的实用价值。
18、The granaries in old period in Beijing and the anti-fire work ─── 北京的古代粮仓与防火
19、The discoveries the two researchers describe appear to be small granaries, about three metres across and three high. ─── 研究报告显示,两位博士发现的是长宽高均约为3米的小型谷仓。
20、Come against her from afar. Break open her granaries; pile her up like heaps of grain. Completely destroy her and leave her no remnant. ─── 你们要从极远的边界来攻击她,开她的仓廪,将她堆如高堆,毁灭净尽,丝毫不留。
21、The discoveries the two researchers describe appear to be small granaries, about three metres across and three high. ─── 研究报告显示,两位博士发现的是长宽高均约为3米的小型谷仓。
22、In the others build granaries and pump out workers and troops. ─── 在另外一些城市中建造粮仓来建造工人和军队。
23、granaries filled to plenitude. ─── 已装满的谷仓
24、"Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats. "You must give me the firstborn of your sons. ─── 你要从你庄稼中的谷和酒榨中滴出来的酒拿来献上,不可迟延。你要将头生的儿子归给我。
25、To settle down in one place requires a reliable food supply, so the discovery of granaries is no surprise. ─── 译为:要在一个地方定居下来需要充足的粮食,因此谷仓的发现也就不足为奇了。
26、With its storehouses bursting with grain,the farm had to build more granaries. ─── 农场的仓库都堆满了粮食,只好新盖一些谷仓。
27、The granaries are full. ─── 仓廪充盈。
28、Yahweh will order the blessing to be with you in your granaries and in your activities. He shall bless you in the land which Yahweh, your God, gives you. ─── 在上主你的天主赐给你的土地上,必要祝福你。
29、Originally money was a form of receipting grain stored in temple granaries in Sumer in ancient Mesopotamia, then Ancient Egypt. ─── 起初钱是古美索不达米亚苏美尔的寺庙粮仓储存粮食时出具票据的一种形式,然后其也在古埃及出现。
30、Stock had been slaughtered, granaries raided and burned, wells poisoned. ─── 家畜被屠杀,谷仓被洗劫与烧毁,水井被投过毒。
31、Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats. "You must give me the firstborn of your sons. ─── 你要从你庄稼中的谷和酒酢中滴出来的酒拿来献上,不可迟延。“你要将头生的儿子归给我。
32、Kublai repaired the Grand Canal and public granaries and made Buddhism the state religion. ─── 忽必烈还修建大运河以及公共谷仓,并立佛教为国教。
33、With a repeated good wheat harvest, we should enlarge our granaries space. ─── 今年的小麦又丰收了,我们应该扩大谷仓了。
34、Selling the grain stored in public granaries at fair prices in famine years is a grain purchase system which is good both for the country and its people. ─── 平籴是一种利国利民的粮食收购制度。
35、The government sells the grain stored in public granaries at fair prices in famine years to stabilize the grain price in the disaster area and benefit the people there. ─── 政府平粜粮食,是为了稳定灾区粮价,使灾区人民受益。
36、This year however, a terrible draught hits the region and the termites, usually a precious ally to the Mofu, have left the fields and invaded the huts and granaries. ─── 但今年,一场严重的旱灾袭击了当地的居民和白蚁。白蚁原为当地人的珍贵同盟,但旱灾后蚂蚁大举入侵他们的房屋和谷仓。
37、The most significant ruins in Range Creek are all high, inaccessible sites, many of them granaries. ─── 在牧溪谷,许多最重要的遗址都因为高得遥不可及而无法进入,其中许多都是弗里蒙特人的粮仓。
38、It is strengthened by prudence. Its granaries are filled by knowledge with all that is good, precious and desirable. ─── 各种珍奇可爱的宝物,因著智识可储藏满室。
39、Under this excellent situation, a great quantity of granaries are needed in the broad countryside. ─── 在这样的大好形势下,我们接受了设计粮仓的任务。
40、Founded in 2006,Xin Beijing Art Gallery is located in three 600-year old royal granaries outside the east gate of the Forbidden City. ─── 新北京画廊2006年成立,位于有着600年历史的皇家粮仓文物建筑内。
41、Around 2000BC metal tokens, the forerunners of coins, were produced as receipts for quantities of grain placed in granaries. ─── 大约公元前2000年,硬币的原形??金属代币作为谷仓存放谷物数量的收据而被创造。
42、The Chinese government has listed Yellow River Delta as one of the first five new granaries. ─── 中国政府已把黄河三角洲列为全国新增五大粮仓之一。
43、They were referred to as "The Granaries of Joseph[6] " and "The Mountains of Pharaoh". ─── 它们被认为是“约瑟的谷仓”和“法老的群山“。
44、What are bursting granaries compared with him, who is the Husbandman, and feeds thee with the bread of heaven? ─── 谷仓爆满了,能与以天上的粮食喂养你的那一位相比较吗?
45、Their court(-yards and buildings) shall be well kept, but theirfields shall be ill-cultivated, and their granaries very empty. ─── 假如我稍微地有了认识,在大道上行走,唯一担心的是害怕走了邪路。
46、This year is a famine year not seen in a hundred years, all public granaries are distributing grains of rice. ─── 今年是百年未遇的灾年,各地的义仓都在放粮。
47、Gui Yuanjin and Zhao Rui, commanders of Yuan Shao's who were returning with a grain delivery, saw the flaming granaries and raced to the rescue. ─── 眭元进、赵睿运粮方回,见屯上火起,急来救应。
48、7. In granaries the tyroglyphida and cheyletida Catching acarid mites, which Consisted the main group of stored product mites make up about 70% of the total. ─── 粮食仓库里的粉螨,以及以粉螨为食的肉食螨,两者构成了储粮螨类的主体,约占整个储粮螨类的70%.收藏指正
49、When the people have enough of food and clothing, they know what is honor. When their granaries are full, they know what are decorums. ─── 衣食足而知荣辱,仓满而知礼节。
50、The storehouses are in ruins, the granaries have been broken down, for the grain has dried up. ─── 仓房凄凉,廪室翻毁,因为五谷令人失望了。
51、The discoveries the two researchers describe appear to be small granaries, about three metres across and three high.They are made of mud, in some cases reinforced by stone. ─── 两位研究人员发现的遗迹像是小型的谷仓,主要由泥土制成,有的由石头制成,长宽高各三米。
52、NIV The seeds are shriveled beneath the clods. The storehouses are in ruins, the granaries have been broken down, for the grain has dried up. ─── 新译本谷种在土块底下朽烂,仓库荒凉,谷仓破烂被拆毁,因为五谷都枯乾了。
53、Folk granaries such as She and Yi storage were relatively weak, they developed slowly and declined quikly. ─── 社、义等民间仓储力量薄弱,发展较慢但衰落却很快。
54、They could store their food in granaries, and still afford to give birth every two years, if not more often. ─── 他们可以把食物存于仓廪,供养得起每两年生一个孩子,如果说不是常常生得更多的话。
55、Do not raise the slogan, "Open the granaries to relieve the poor". ─── 不要提“开仓济贫”的口号。
56、15 Her entire house she fills with choice foods, her granaries with her harvest. ─── 敬畏上主是智慧的圆满;她用自己的果实,使敬畏上主者沉醉。
57、In granaries the tyroglyphida and cheyletida Catching acarid mites, which Consisted the main group of stored product mites make up about 70% of the total. ─── 粮食仓库里的粉螨,以及以粉螨为食的肉食螨,两者构成了储粮螨类的主体,约占整个储粮螨类的70%.
58、Some structures are thought to have been granaries. ─── 一些建筑物被认为是谷仓。
59、That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. ─── 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
60、The granaries are full to bursting. ─── 这些粮仓都堆得满满的。
61、And now let us do what we purposed:For we have gathered silver,9dAnd many are the husbandmen in our houses."9eAnd our granaries are (brim) full as with water, ─── 7现在我们随意支配;我们积蓄银子,我们的谷仓丰富,我们的家中富得流油。
62、"Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats."You must give me the firstborn of your sons. ─── 你要从你庄稼中的谷、和酒醡中滴出来的酒、拿来献上、不可迟延。你要将头生的儿子归给我。
63、But land grabbing in China only filled the granaries of the landlords with grain rents.Thus the process was not productive, but parasitic in nature. ─── 而中国的土地兼并只是使地主的囤子堰满租粮而已,这是寄生性的,而不是生产性的。
64、Their slogan was"Open the granaries to relieve the poor." ─── 他们的口号是"开仓济贫"。
65、His government brought in tax revenues and maintained price-regulating granaries. ─── 他的政府徵收赋税,并主持调控市价的谷仓。
66、Regional Features of Shaanxi Community Granaries in Qing Dynasty ─── 论清代陕西社仓的区域性特征
67、Such is the object of all buildings for industrial purposes; all manufactories,warehouses,docks,granaries,barns,farm-buildings devoted to cattle,or to the operations of agricultural labour. ─── 所有工业用建筑物,如厂房、仓库、船坞,以 及谷仓、牲口棚或农业劳动用房,其目的都是如此。
68、The advanced architecture of the Harappans is shown by their impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls. ─── 哈拉帕人先进的建筑表现在造船、谷仓、仓库、砖块做的平台和给予保护的墙壁上。
69、To provide against possible famines, granaries were ordered built throughout the empire. ─── 为了抵御饥荒,政府下令在帝国境内修建谷仓。
70、To settle down in one place requires a reliable food supply, so the discovery of granaries is no surprise. ─── 在一个地方定居需要可靠地食物供应,因此谷仓的发现不足为奇。
71、When he saw a good cricket, an officer of the local rice-granaries exchanged it for his best horse. ─── 当他看到一个很好的板球,一名当地的水稻粮仓交换了它,他最好的一匹黑马。
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