sterile 发音
英:['steraɪl] 美:['stɛrəl]
英: 美:
sterile 中文意思翻译
sterile 词性/词形变化,sterile变形
副词: sterilely |名词: sterileness |
sterile 反义词
sterile 同义词
abortive | infertile | unfertile | impotent | fruitless | hygienic | pure | disinfected | unfruitful | bare | sterilized | unimaginative | unproductive | uninspired |barren | uninventive | sanitary | germ-free | childless | aseptic | antiseptic
sterile 短语词组
1、sterile cyst ─── [医] 不育囊(棘球蚴)
2、sterile abscess ─── [医] 无菌脓肿
3、emplastrum adhaesivum sterile ─── [医] 无菌绊创膏, 无菌橡皮膏
4、sterile meningitis ─── [医] 无菌性脑膜炎
5、sterile solution ─── [医] 无菌溶液
6、sterile adhesive plaster ─── [医] 无菌绊创膏, 无菌橡皮膏
7、sterile woman ─── [法] 不生育的妇女
8、self-sterile ─── [医] 自体不育的
9、male-sterile a. ─── 雄性不育的
10、Hansen sterile box ─── [化] 汉森无菌箱
11、Hocevar's sterile glands ─── [医] 霍塞伐尔氏无管腺, 克劳斯氏腺(结膜粘连腺)
12、sterile food ─── 无菌食品
13、positional sterile ─── [医]部位型不育
14、sterile seed ─── 不育种子, ─── 不孕籽粒
15、sterile absorbent gauze ─── [医] 无菌脱脂纱布
16、sterile operation ─── [化] 无菌操作
17、sterile pad ─── 无菌垫
18、sterile room ─── [化] 无菌室
19、cross-sterile ─── [医] 异种不育的
sterile 相似词语短语
1、puerile ─── adj.幼稚的;孩子气的;未成熟的;天真的
2、stere ─── n.立方米;立方公尺;n.(Stere)人名;(罗)斯泰雷
3、sterilely ─── 绝育
4、sterlet ─── n.小体鲟
5、sterilise ─── 杀菌
6、sternite ─── n.[昆]腹片;[无脊椎]腹甲,腹板
7、unsterile ─── 未消毒的
8、sterilize ─── vt.消毒,杀菌;使成不毛;使绝育;使不起作用
9、steric ─── adj.位的(副词sterically,异体字sterical);(原子的)空间(排列)的;n.(Steric)人名;(瑞典)斯特里克
sterile 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She cannot bear children because she is sterile. ─── 她患了不育症,所以不能生孩子。
2、He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings. ─── 他总是确保所有伤口都用无菌的敷料包好。
3、Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. ─── 不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。
4、Perhaps they need the drama to enliven the sterile atmosphere of the boardroom. ─── 他们可能需要这种戏剧性的场面,来活跃董事会枯燥的气氛。
5、Most commercial producers of Pinot do not sterile filter. ─── 大多数商业无菌过滤不生产者比诺。
6、The sterile plant rate of different row-ratio could be controlled about 5%. ─── 不同行比的不育株率可控制在5%左右。
7、Unlike red blood cells, blood substitutes can be pasteurized, filtered and chemical-cleansed to make them sterile. ─── 不像血红细胞,血液替代品能进行巴式灭菌、过滤和化学净化使之无菌。
8、Sterile, has become one of current public attention focal points. ─── 不孕,已成为当前公众关注的焦点之一。
9、Any werewolf can try to live among them, but modern cities are cold and alien places, vast and sterile. ─── 任何的狼人都可以与他们共同生活,但是现代城市是如此的寒冷而怪异、空旷而贫瘠。
10、Sterile means free of any viable organisms(6). ─── “无菌”就是没有任何存活的有机体。
11、"Basically, none of the food we eat is sterile. ─── 基本上,我们吃的食物没有一样是无菌的。
12、The central column of sterile tissue in the sporangium of liverworts and mosses. ─── 2蒴轴:苔藓的孢子囊中由不育组织构成的中央柱。
13、The often (nearly) white animals can suffer from blindness, deafness and/or be sterile. ─── 几乎这类的白色动物都会是耳聋和眼肓或者不育。
14、Cream and sterile saline solution for skin injuries or bites. ─── 一些碱性的消毒油脂,以备皮肤被叮咬和受伤时用。
15、But it also noted that some people have sneered at Singapore as a place that resembles a hospital - - sterile and boring. ─── 与此同时,它也指出某些人则嘲讽新加坡像一所医院,干净但乏趣。
16、One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses. ─── 侧丝通常出现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝
17、The other is Pink Shamrock, which has radical and larger leaves.Its flowers are purplish and sterile. ─── 另一种是紫花酢浆草,叶子基生,叶片较大,开紫花,不结果,而是靠地下的鳞茎来繁衍。
18、By 2005,expand access to essential commodities,including male and female condoms and sterile injecting equipment. ─── 到2005年,扩大男女获得基本计生用具的渠道,包括避孕套和节育注射设备。
19、In order to ensure that food is made totally sterile high doses of irradiation would be required. ─── 为了确保食物完全无菌,就需要用高剂量的辐照。
20、He had learned early in his marriage that he was sterile. ─── 他结婚不久便得知他不能生育。
21、To pump product solutions through cartridge filter systems (e. G.: Fine, sterile filtration, and virus removal). ─── 向各种筒式过滤系统泵送溶液(例如,精细、无菌过滤,以及病毒去除)
22、The coelomic cavity is also flushed copiously with warm sterile saline, then the fluid is suctioned out. ─── 体腔也需要用大量的消毒盐水来清洗,在把液体吸出来。
23、The kinetin(KT)content was low in four out of male sterile lines tested. ─── 在4/5的保持系中激动素含量低于保持系。
24、Later I mourned that the hospital,in their sterile wisdom,had not let me hold his hand as he had slipped away. ─── 后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染,父亲悄然离世时没让我握着他的手。
25、Sterile stem leaves in a rosette, simple or digitate, with 3-9 segments. ─── 在莲座丛内不育茎生叶,单或,3-9裂片的具。
26、Another candidate is so-called sterile neutrinos. ─── 另一个后选者是所谓的贫瘠的微中子。
27、He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility. ─── 他能把大片不毛之地变回沃土。
28、A closed sterile system of rearing chicks does not work when rearing birds for falconry. ─── 一个封闭的无菌系统饲养的雏鸟并不适合狩猎活动。
29、Rather than the sterile modern look, it had frilly organic lines around the edges of the letters. ─── 与那种想象力贫瘠的现代艺术风格不同,它在文字边缘周围有着有机体一样细密的褶纹。
30、A man partnered with an infertile woman is, infidelity aside, as evolutionarily irrelevant as if he were sterile himself. ─── 在不考虑外遇的情况下,一个男性与一个不能生育的女性作伴侣,进化不谐的程度和他自己不能生育差不多。
31、Women are all sterile shrews. ─── 女人都成了不育的悍妇。
32、Producing no fruit; sterile. ─── 不结果的不产果实的;不能生产的
33、This usually takes many flushings with sterile saline. ─── 大块的淤血用一种特殊的器材来清除。
34、George Lucas creates a sterile 25th century world in which mankind is drugged into a continual stupor. ─── 乔治.卢卡斯创造了一个没有生育的25世纪世界,人类使用药物无休止的长眠。
35、Always use sterile potting soil. Using garden soil can have disastrous effects. ─── 一定要用消过毒的盆栽土,随便用花园里的土会带来灾难性后果。
36、Use sterile gauze to lay on wound, and directly press about 10-20Min to stanch. ─── 3用消毒纱布垫在伤口上,直接压迫约10-20分钟止血。
37、Sterile pistil and tepals length equal or 3:2. ─── 不育的雌蕊和花被片长度等长或3:2。
38、sterile. When getting an X-ray of any part of the body, men should always request a lead shield for their testicles, says Dr. Goldstein. ─── 遭受大剂量辐射也会使男性永久丧失生育能力。戈尔茨坦说,无论身体的哪个部位接受。
39、Plug stopcocks with sterile plugs. ─── 在三通开关上塞上无菌塞子。
40、They then analyzed the DNA of the sterile males and identified the allele that caused the infertility. ─── 他们分析了不育雄性小鼠的DNA,鉴定出导致不育的等位基因。
41、France is hamstrung by a sterile debate between left and right over policing. ─── 左派政党总是针对右派在警察的方式无休止地争论警察管理方式问题,法国也因此受到束缚。
42、A sterile applicator is used to inject the microchip just under the skin. ─── 一个消过毒的涂药器被注射进微型芯片在表皮之下。
43、Mostly the mountains were still sterile. ─── 大多数山仍然光秃秃的。
44、If there are evident burns, cover them loosely with sterile dressings. ─── 如果有明显的灼伤,可以用消毒纱布宽松包扎。
45、Medical tests showed that he was sterile. ─── 医学检查表明他没有生育能力。
46、Sterile flowers usually with 1 expanded sepal, petaloid, margin entire. ─── 不育的花通常具1膨大的萼片,瓣状,边缘全缘。
47、This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile. ─── 这个盖子盖在瓶子上,保持奶嘴无菌。
48、Incapable of producing offspring; sterile. ─── 不生育的无生育后代之能力的; 无果实的
49、Do not expose contact lenses or lens storage cases to any type of water or other non-sterile solutions. ─── 不要使隐形眼镜或者其保存盒暴露于任何水或者是其他未消毒的溶液中。
50、As long as the love is in the heart, no matter how sterile soil, the sturdiest trees can grow up in it. ─── 只要心中有爱,无论在多么贫瘠的土壤里,都能长出最粗壮的树木。
51、Unable to bear young; sterile. ─── 不孕的;贫脊的。
52、Some male sterile plants were found in a seed field of the carrot variety "Imperator. ─── 在胡萝卜种株内检查出雄性不孕植株。
53、If giving less than5 ml of liquids, prepare medication in a sterile syringe without a needle. ─── 、如所给药液少于5毫升,备药时可使用无针头注射器。
54、Apply a pressure bandage (sterile gauze or a clean handkerchief) to stem or stop the bleeding of a cut or bite. ─── 对于划破或者咬伤的伤口要用消毒纱布和干净的手帕进行加压包扎;
55、Later I mourned that the hospital, in their sterile wisdom,had not let me hold his hand as he had slipped away. ─── 后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染,父亲悄然离世时,没让我握着他的手。
56、The culture vessel must be rendered initially sterile. ─── 培养皿必须先行灭菌。
57、Beneath his fun lurked the sterile bitterness of the still young man who has tried and given up. ─── 在他快活的外表下潜藏着一个尽了努力却不得不放弃希望的年轻人的失意的痛苦。
58、And you are looking at him on the screen as they are doing surgery, usually sterile tactically. ─── 你们正在看的,就是医生做手术时的情景,一般都是在无菌条件下。
59、In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable or sterile. ─── 在合子后隔离机制中,匹配可以进行,但或不产生杂种或杂种不育。
60、Tired of the sterile look of chrome and tile many people are choosing the warmth of wood again. ─── 人们厌倦了毫无生气的铬金属材料和瓷砖,再一次选择了有温暖感的木质材料。
61、Very carefully with a gentle lifting motion, open the blister with a sterile needle to drain any trapped fluid. ─── 小心提高乳头的位置,用消过毒的针把小泡刺破,把里面的液体放掉。
62、The farmers turned the sterile land into high fields. ─── 农民们把不毛之地变成了高产田。
63、The dentist puts a sterile cotton ball in the wound after the tooth is extracted. ─── 医生把一只消毒棉球放在拔过牙的伤口上。
64、If giving less than 5 ml of liquids, prepare medication in a sterile syringe without a needle. ─── 如所给药液少于5毫升,可用无针头注射器准备药液。
65、Using a wide-compatibly WA sterile line as female parent to select japonica WCR lines with CMS cytoplasm. ─── 以WA型广亲和不育系为母本,筛选同质广亲和恢复系;
66、Observe sterile technique at regular intervals when using this product. ─── 使用本产品时需要定期注意遵守消毒规定。
67、The manufacturer should validate that the ethylene oxide exposure does, in fact, produce a sterile product. ─── 制造商应验证环氧乙烷的暴露,实际上,生产无菌的制剂。
68、He felt creatively and emotionally sterile. ─── 他感觉自己既缺乏创造力又没有充沛的感情。
69、He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. ─── 他对这一切很高兴,因为从今以后他的世界中没有那些既无新意有没有作用的统治者
70、Tips are certified sterile, DNase-, RNase-, and pyrogen-free to prevent sample contamination. ─── 吸头经过消毒,无脱氧核糖核酸酶,无核糖核酸酶,无热原,可防止样本受到污染。
71、But ethics without practical application only lead to the sterile formalism and abstractionism of scholastic thought. ─── 但是,拟订道德标准而不付诸实施,只会导致毫无结果的形式主义和学究气十足的抽象思想。
72、He would still listen to the spoken word, which fell sterile on the unheeding mother. ─── 他会听她再讲一遍,不过这对毫不在意的母亲来说没有什么作用。
73、Among sterile lines 880A is a better A line, though it is susceptive in smut. ─── 不育系中,880A表现较好,但是易感黑穗病,需要改良。
74、Disinfectants and detergents used in Grades A and B areas should be sterile prior to use. ─── A/B区使用的清洁剂和消毒剂在使用前应该是无菌的。
75、Made of senior medical sterile soft glue, designed according to Asian people mouth shape. ─── 口塞部分为高级医用无毒材料精而成,大小特别适合亚洲人的口型。
76、Title: Influencing factors on anther culture of restorer of new cytoplasmic male sterile(NER)(Brassica napus L. ─── 关键词:甘蓝型油菜;新胞质不育系;新不育恢复系;花药培养
77、She was happy,but informed them that the radiation and chemotherapy had almost certainly left James sterile. ─── 听到这个消息,渥尔讷医生很高兴,但告诉他们,放射和化疗几乎肯定已导致詹姆斯不育。
78、Too sterile an environment deprives kids' bodies of the chance to learn how to fight infections. ─── 一个没有细菌的环境会剥夺孩子的身体学习如何抵抗传染病的机会。
79、Germination data is needed to determine whether or not a given lot of pollen is sterile or very weak. ─── 为了确定所收到的花粉是否不育或发芽力很弱,必须有花粉发芽的资料。
80、Rather than the sterile modern look, it had frilly organic lines around the edges of the letters. ─── 与那种想象力贫瘠的现代艺术风格不同,它在文字边缘周围有着有机体一样细密的褶纹。
81、Free threonine and arginine contents in sterile lines were obviously higher than those in maintainer lines. ─── 不育花药中游离苏氨酸和精氨酸含量均明显高于相应保持系的可育花药;
82、SOD activity of both types of sterile lines showed a downtrend from uninucleate stage to trinucleate stage. ─── 2类型不育系SOD活性从单核期到三核期都一直呈下降趋势。
83、Unending subclassifications of tumors and morphologic grading have generally proved to be a sterile pathologic exercise. ─── 对肿瘤进行无止境的分类和形态学分级证明都是一种毫无效果的病理学活动。
84、Some large vacuoles appeared in the tapetal cells of the sterile anthers at the early uninucleate pollen stage. ─── 在单核细胞早期,不育花粉的四分体细胞中有较明显的大液泡出现。
85、The sterile female ants are the ones that do all the work. ─── 不育的的雌性蚂蚁是工蚁。
86、It can be completely sterile and is not hazardous to health. ─── 它可以完全处于无菌状态,不危害人的健康。
87、Cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage. ─── 将烧伤处包上消毒纱布。
88、Entrenched prejudices, obdurate opinions are as sterile as no opinions at all. ─── 固有的偏见、执拗的观点与没有观点一样贫瘠可怜。
89、Maybe the stinko waters in Venice add up to the romance - it felt almost sterile &clinical here. ─── 但也许臭水才能增添那一份浪漫,这里的感觉像是洁净室一样的冷淡。
sterile eye ointment 是什么眼药膏求中文翻译!以及用处
Mood during the day today, fell into the bottomless pit seems to look like the want to lose control of the falling tears, I am trying very hard to hold back the tears keep falling down!m stupid, I am very fragile and is sterile! ! ! --Something in the future than anyone expected, and
今天的心情简直糟到顶了,我似乎无法控制自己的泪水,尽管竭力不让自己流泪。我又笨又脆弱,真的太无助! -- 但未来会比别人想的要好
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