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08-01 投稿


assails 发音

英:[əˈseɪlz]  美:[əˈseɪlz]

英:  美:

assails 中文意思翻译



assails 同义词

belabour | assault | criticize |attack | lay into | round | beset | lash out | belabor | charge | vituperate | snipe | rush | abuse | revile | storm | rail | flay | set about | berate | set on | raid

assails 反义词

safeguard | defend |guard | protect

assails 短语词组

1、assails men ─── 袭击男人

assails 词性/词形变化,assails变形

动词过去分词: assailed |名词: assailableness |动词第三人称单数: assails |形容词: assailable |动词过去式: assailed |动词现在分词: assailing |

assails 相似词语短语

1、agnails ─── n.倒刺,逆剥,甲刺;化脓性指头炎

2、assailer ─── 袭击者

3、reassails ─── 重发

4、assais ─── adv.(意)极其

5、assail ─── vt.攻击;质问;着手解决

6、assailed ─── vt.攻击;质问;着手解决

7、assaults ─── n.攻击(assault的复数);vt.攻击;袭击(assault的第三人称单数)

8、assoils ─── vt.补偿;赦免,宣布……无罪

9、wassails ─── n.酒宴;祝酒时所用的酒;vi.痛饮;vt.为...干杯;int.干杯!

assails 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her innocence had kept her in ignorance of the dangers that might assail a young girl of her age. ─── 她还很天真,不知道象她这种年龄的年轻姑娘可能遇到的种种危险。

2、How long will you assail a man So that you may slay him, all of you, Like a leaning wall or a tottering fence? ─── 3你们大家攻击一人,把他杀害,如同毁坏歪斜的墙,将倒的壁,要到几时呢?

3、Wolf- Denotes valiant captains that do in the end gain their attempts after long sieges and hard enterprises. One whom it is dangerous to assail or thwart. ─── 狼-征无畏的军人,在长期艰苦围城之后仍决不屈挠,并以此取得最终胜利的坚毅者,一种不能被阻拦的人。

4、flowers assails one's nose. ─── 花气袭人。

5、Great General Who Assails the West ─── 征西大将军

6、Ling:(laughs) Good job, Shin! You knew he would try to assail me, right? ─── 灵:(笑)童心作得好!你知道他会来打我是吗?

7、But now and then, a frustrated worker will assail his assistant by casting aspersions on some aspect of the otIT's work. ─── 不过,时不时会有一名灰心丧气的工人抨击他的助手,就其任务的某方面停止诽谤。

8、2 immediately came to the police car, far from being a strong smell of liquor from assail the nostrils. ─── 2位民警立即来到车旁,远远一股浓浓的白酒味扑鼻而来。

9、As a tempter, the evil spirit still assails us and insinuates himself into our minds; ─── 撒但是引诱者,这邪恶的灵总是设法乘虚而入,引诱我们的心偏离正道;

10、Acts 18:10 Because I Myself am with you, and no one will assail you to harm you, because I have many people in this city. ─── 徒十八10有我与你同在,必没有人下手害你,因为在这城里我有许多的百姓。

11、Whenever fear assails you, whenever your children are exposed to danger or contagion, realize that "He shall give His angels (his thoughts) charge over them, to lead them in all their ways. ─── 无论何时恐惧来袭,无论你的孩子暴露在怎样的危险和疫病的环境之中,只要你意识到“上帝会派他的天使们(也就是他的思想)来接管这些孩子,带领着他们各自前行。”)

12、irritate the nose; assail one's nostrils ─── 刺鼻

13、English: Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. ─── 中文:位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。

14、It gets all the time the assail of bourgeois scholar. ─── 它一直受到资产阶级学者的抨击。

15、assail: attack violently, either by words or blows; assault(动) ─── 敌人可能明天就攻击我们的防守据点。

16、He fiercely assails the ruler's external policy and the accomplishment views, initiates Utilitaranism and seeks the ability adepting with both pen and sword and forthright personality. ─── 他猛烈抨击现实和理学家们的修养论,倡导功利主义,追求能文能武的才具和血气方刚的粗豪人格。

17、The reactive ability of free radical is so strong that it can assail to lipid、 protein of biomembrane and tissue. ─── 由于其电子是不成对的,所以自由基的反应能力特别强,可以攻击生物膜和组织的脂质、蛋白质。

18、thirdly, it assails the hypocritical phenomenon of ruined moral degeneration of the Feudalism. ─── 三是抨击了封建社会的道德沦丧和世风虚伪现象。

19、God assails me and tears me in his anger and gnashes his teeth at me; ─── 我虽说话、忧愁仍不得消解.我虽停住不说、忧愁就离开我麽。但现在神使我困倦.使亲友远离我。

20、Although their initial anger had----somewhat, they continued to----the careless worker who had broken the machine. Blazed. Assail diminished. Appease abated. Berate subsided. Condone intensified. ─── 尽管他们最初的怒气有所减缓,但他们依然对那个弄坏了机器的粗心大意的工人厉加斥责。

21、1.You ought to assail all the difficulties that may come your way with great courage. ─── 你应当勇敢地面对所有可能迎面而来的困难。

22、Night falls and a fierce knocking assails your quiet home. ─── 夜幕降临,一阵急促的敲门声打破了家里的沉静。

23、God assails me and tears me in his anger and gnashes his teeth at me; my opponent fastens on me his piercing eyes. ─── 主发怒撕裂我,逼迫我,向我切齿;我的敌人怒目看我。

24、1 Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. ─── 嫉妒折损高贵,如同环绕在最高峰上的狂风的咆哮。(高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹)

25、from the wicked who assail me, from my mortal enemies who surround me. ─── 使我脱离那欺压我的恶人,就是围困我,要害我命的仇敌。

26、But TCM's reputation has been blackened by uneven efficacy and harsh side effects, prompting critics to assail it as outmoded folklore. ─── 但是中药的名声由于其不可靠的疗效和严重的副作用而大受损害,导致批评者抨击它是过时的民间医术。

27、Assail the nostrils when the aroma bowl, bowl green, red and white has embraced the Ma-on food before, not to mention the number of incense, that color alone is enough to cause salivary Nanyi greedy. ─── 当一碗香气扑鼻,碗里绿、红、白相互辉映的麻食子放在面前,不要说有多香,单那色泽就足以令人馋涎难抑。

28、to assail bitterly an enemy fort ─── 猛攻敌人要塞

29、God assails me and tears me in his anger and gnashes his teeth at me; my opponent fastens on me his piercing eyes. ─── 主发怒撕裂我,逼迫我,向我切齿;我的敌人怒目看我。

30、that time has come. The black crest assails Sakura. ─── 那个时候来临了。黑色的羽翼攻击小樱。

31、Meanwhile, campaigners on the left assail him for not pushing hard enough for a public health-insurance plan. ─── 同时,公共医改措施的左派推动者也因为他在这方面的努力力度不够而抨击他。

32、But now and then, a frustrated worker will assail his assistant by casting aspersions on some aspect of the other's work. ─── 不过,时不时会有一名灰心丧气的工人抨击他的助手,就其工作的某方面进行诽谤。

33、Cicai ruddy color, succulent Feinen, aroma assail the nostrils, the more chewing gets sweeter, taste delicious, well received by the customer welcome, soon famous. ─── 此菜色泽红润、肉质肥嫩、香气扑鼻、越嚼越香、味道鲜美,深受广大顾客欢迎,不久便闻名全国。

34、Great General Who Assails the North ─── 征北大将军

35、To assail persistently, as with requests. ─── 痛斥不断攻击,如用质问

36、We feel so feel and uplifted that assail us are instantly forgotten. ─── 我们感到如此的无拘无束、天马行空,那一切困扰我们的苦痛顿时遗忘殆尽。

37、Envy assails the noblest, the wind howls around the highest peak. ─── 位高招人怨;山高刮大风。

38、9 I am the prey his wrath assails, he gnashes his teeth against me. My enemies lord it over me; ─── 他在愤怒中撕裂我,窘迫我,向我咬牙切齿;我仇人锋利的眼睛常盯着我。

39、We feel so free and uplifted that the miseries of daily life and the difficulties that assail us are instantly forgotten. ─── 我们感到如此的无拘无束、天马行空,那一切困扰我们的苦痛顿时遗忘殆

40、Poltrona Frau has managed to persuade investors that a luxury brand can protect it from the troubles that assail the Italian furniture industry. ─── 波尔托那?弗劳说服了投资者相信奢侈品牌能够免受意大利家具业遭遇的冲击。

41、"If anyone fiercely assails you it will not be from Me. Whoever assails you will fall because of you. ─── 即或有人聚集,却不由于我。凡聚集攻击你的,必因你仆倒。(因你仆倒或作投降你)

42、It assails the factions for fighting and the Arabs for selling out the Palestinians. ─── 本剧斥责了为争权夺利而不断打斗的各政治派别和出卖巴勒斯坦人的阿拉伯人。

43、to assail the nostrils ─── 扑鼻

44、Envy assails the noblest , the winds howl around the highest peak. ─── 位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。

45、Erythrodermic its yellow flesh, delicious meat, steamed meat after the skin split open, the scent named after assail the nostrils. ─── 因其红皮黄肉,肉质鲜美,蒸熟后皮开肉裂,香味扑鼻而得名。

46、he must keep his faith in himself while the incredulous world assails him with its utter disbelief; ─── 所以我还要说一遍,给我力气,甭给我钱,这才能赶走一个人的荒唐念头呐!

47、Schoolchildren the world over are brought up on the twists and turns of Agatha Christie's crime novels. Except in her homeland, where critics assail her works as cliched and flimsy. ─── 全球各地的学童都是看著阿嘉莎.克莉丝蒂错综复杂的推理小说长大,但在她的故乡(英国),评论家却抨击克莉丝蒂的作品充满陈腔滥调、情节薄弱。

48、[NIV] My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me. ─── 4[和合]我心在我里面甚是疼痛,5死的惊惶临到我身。

49、Although traditional media in succession assail cereal song, but each are big the company does not explain why to prevent Gu Ge to search its website page. ─── 尽管传统媒体纷纷抨击谷歌,但各大公司都不解释为何不阻止谷歌搜索其网站页面。

50、Now if a general can prevent these four situations, he will be able to traverse high mountains, cross over deep rivers, and assail strong formations. ─── 将帅如能制止这四种情况发生,那么高山可以攀登,深水可以跨越,坚固的阵地也可以摧破。

51、Critics Assail Weak Dollar at OPEC Event ─── 欧佩克组织指责美元贬值导致高油价

52、Then doubts and fears did assail the very strongest . ─── 疑惑和恐惧的确困扰过意志最坚强的人。

53、My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me. ─── 我心在我里面甚是疼痛;死的惊惶临到我身。

54、Because the aroma of barbecue flavor assail the nostrils, food Youwei's become the party of choice for many people. ─── 因为烤肉味道香气扑鼻、食之有味,成为许多人聚会的首选。

55、Nonetheless, as soon as one walks out of the village, the stench of garbage begins to assail the nostrils. ─── 但是,走出了村子,充满恶臭无比的垃圾,期待有一天资源回收。

56、Assail sb with questions,insults,etc ─── 对某人质问,侮辱等

57、There are moments when hideous surmises assail us like a cohort of furies, and violently force the partitions of our brains. ─── 有时,我们是会感到种种骇人的假想象一群魔怪似的,齐向我们袭来,而且猛烈地震撼着我们的神经。

58、Assuming he conducted them at all, they very probably did not produce the neat results that he used to assail his opponents. ─── 就算他真的做了那些实验,它们可能并没有产生他用来攻击对手的结果。

59、By 1000 BC waves of invaders began to assail the land. ─── 到公元前约1000年,埃及遭受到蜂拥而来的入侵者的掠夺。

60、Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. ─── 位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。

61、Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. Why? Interest or conflict is the reason. ─── 位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。为什么?利益和冲突是原因。

62、assail sb. by name ─── 指名攻击

63、If this Paroxysm of sorrow was to assail him again that night, there was but one place for him to be. ─── 如果这一晚,这种排山倒海式的哀愁又要来折磨他,那他只有一个好地方可去。

64、He assails me and surrounds me with tribulation and bitterness. ─── 他在我四周筑起围墙,用毒草和痛苦环绕我,

65、Great General Who Assails the East ─── 征东大将军

66、Than the wide blossom which the wind assails; ─── 只不过是狂风吹打下的娇嫩的鲜花

67、Evening stroll, moist sea breeze blowing, the trees came assail the nostrils aroma, is in a state of complete relaxation experience the vitality of fresh, easy go. ─── 晚间漫步时,吹着潮湿的海风,扑鼻而来的是绿树香气,使人在完全放松的状态下感受到新鲜的生命力,轻松惬意。

68、I need Jesus; when foes my soul assail, ─── 我灵与敌相攻时需要主

69、She went to the meeting on the supposition that people would not assail her with questions. ─── 她参加了这次会议,心想人们是不会向她提许多问题的。

70、Four lives vanished suddenly.When people are regretful for the four lives, we again assail the safety education of the school. ─── 四个鲜活的生命转瞬即逝,人们在惋惜的同时,再一次质问学校的安全教育。

71、The government will not assail you.... You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it. ─── 政府不会攻击你们。。。你们绝对不可能摧毁政府,而我是保持、保护和守护它的最忠诚一员。

72、They will come against you with chariots, wagons and throngs of people who will assail you from all sides with buckler, shield and helmet. ─── 他们率领大军、车辆和辎重车,大队士卒,都佩著甲、盾和盔,由四周攻击你。我让他们处罚你,照他们的法律判决你。

73、Making a speech to countrywide student union in the center, reagan is main assail an old end, namely a variety of malady of daily paperwork, bureaucratism reachs the government its are endangered. ─── 在对全国学生联合会演讲当中,里根全力抨击一个老目标,即政府日常文书工作的种种弊病、官僚主义及其危害。

74、Into a small dish of thin noodles, Luzhisuxiang, Xianxian mild, fragrance assail the nostrils, very Ruwei. ─── 成菜面条细薄,卤汁酥香,咸鲜微辣,香气扑鼻,十分入味。

75、Therefore when the belief of sickness assails you, it must come either from your conscious mind or from outside suggestion. ─── 那么如果你受到疾病信念的攻击,这种攻击不是来自你的意识就是来自外界的声音。

76、assail the difficulty ─── 毅然面对困难

77、1.to assail from two or more sides; 2.a pincers movement ─── 夹攻

78、Night falls and a fierce knocking assails your quiet home. Mischievous laughter resounds outside. ─── 夜幕降临,一阵急促的敲门声打破了家里的沉静。门外面回荡着顽皮的笑声。

79、assail sb with questions, insults, etc ─── 对某人质问、 侮辱等

80、No tree becomes rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assail it . ─── 不经多次风吹,树本难固枝荣。

81、thirdly, it assails the hypocritical phenomenon of ruined moral degeneration of the Feudalism. ─── 三是抨击了封建社会的道德沦丧和世风虚伪现象。

82、John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son’s whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China to assail him. ─── John派出他全部手下去搜寻他儿子下落,但是只查到他的对手在中国正召集人对付他。

83、Wolf - Denotes valiant captains that do in the end gain their attempts after long sieges and hard enterprises. One whom it is dangerous to assail or thwart. ─── 狼-象征无畏的军人,在长期艰苦围城之后仍决不屈挠,并以此取得最终胜利的坚毅者,一种不能被阻拦的人。

84、Xiren...had been one of the Lady Dowager's maids...Baoyu knew that her surname was Hua(7) and remembered a line of poetry which ran,"the fragrance of flowers assails men. ─── 原来这袭人亦是贾母之婢......宝玉因知他本姓花,又曾见旧人诗句上有“花气袭人”之句,遂回明贾母,即更名袭人。

85、The Government will not assail you. ─── 政府不会攻击你们。

86、How long will you assail with your threats, all of you, to bring someone down - as you would pull a wall or smash a fence? ─── 他是我的堡垒,我决不致摇倾。

87、Envy assails the noblest,the wind howls around the highest peak. ─── 位高招人怨,山高刮大风。

88、To attack verbally or physically;assail. ─── 猛烈攻击;痛击

89、Steaming miso soup, the aroma of Dolsotbap assail the nostrils ......"Korean cuisine" has now become a "Korea and Kazakhstan," the most beloved family. ─── 据世界卫生组织统计,在众多致癌因素中,环境致癌因素最为重要,而其中又以化学致癌因素为主。




























































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