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08-01 投稿


washbasin 发音

英:['wɒʃbeɪs(ə)n]  美:['wɑʃbesn]

英:  美:

washbasin 中文意思翻译



washbasin 网络释义

n. 脸盆

washbasin 词性/词形变化,washbasin变形


washbasin 相似词语短语

1、washin ─── [航]机翼正扭转;内洗

2、wash basin ─── 洗脸盆;洗涤盆

3、washbag ─── n.洗漱包

4、washballs ─── 洗衣球

5、washball ─── 洗衣球

6、cash basis ─── [会计]现金基础;现金制

7、washbasins ─── 洗脸盆

8、washbags ─── 洗衣袋

9、wash basins ─── 洗脸盆;洗涤盆

washbasin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This is Bill in room 999. The washbasin is stopped up. Could you.. ─── 我是999号房间的比尔.这里的洗脸池被堵塞了.请你派人上来修理好吗...

2、From 1996 to 2000, we received twenty patients hurt at bathroom due to washbasin rupture.Their age, gender, injury mechanism, the brand of washbasin and its using interval were recorded. ─── 从1996年至2000年间,于本院急诊所见因洗手台崩裂致伤的病例共计有20位,其年龄,性别,受伤机转,洗手台厂牌与使用年份予以登录,并各别以电话采访当时情况。

3、You have to design, the water can not be treated as a washbasin water, not as Qinghe, Qinghe in governance, Qinghe governance End or foul water, but more bad than before. ─── 你要设计的时候,不能把水当做一个脸盆的水对待,不能当成清河,清河在治理,清河治理完还是臭水沟,而且比以前更臭。

4、It can supply the hot water shower room, washbasin, kitchen and washing machines and so on, achieving multiple family while heating water for your household water guesthouse issue. ─── 它产生的热水可供给淋浴房、洗脸盆、厨房和洗衣机等,实现家庭多处同时供热水,使你的家庭用水宾馆化。

5、Stainless steel mold;washbasin mould; ─── 不锈钢玻璃模具;

6、Love is not ownership, do you like the moon, it is impossible to capture the moon on the washbasin, But the moon still shines as into your room. ─── 爱不是占有,你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里,但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。

7、Undercounter washbasin. ─── 台下盆.

8、My brother and I took a small washbasin and came to the pond. ─── 我和弟弟拿着一个小脸盆来到池塘边。

9、People can see that the rules are not geometric shapes, such as asymmetric washbasin and bathtubs. ─── 人们看到的不是有规则的几何形状,例如一些不对称的洗脸盆和浴缸。

10、The accessorial products are washbasin, kitchen drainage, drainage tub, precision forged parts, check valve, pipe fittings and so on. ─── 该辅助产品洗脸盆,厨房排水,浴缸排水,精密伪造的部分,单向阀,管件等。

11、Next facial immerge in another washbasin of clean Wen Shui, bubble dip clean, 20 seconds. ─── 然后把脸浸入另一个装有干净温水的脸盆中,把泡沫浸净,又20秒钟。

12、Washbasin the bottom can be closed, containing washing supplies, a complete bathroom decoration integrity. ─── 由于卫浴间空间一般都较小,只有3平方米左右,稍做豪华的布置,花费不会太多。

13、3 arrive the 3rd times when clear water is abluent, oil of skin of a few embellish can be added in the Wenshui of washbasin, immerse 20 seconds again; ─── 3 到第三次清水洗净时,可在脸盆的温水中加几滴润肤油,再浸泡20秒钟;

14、Can be used for bathroom, kitchen, balcony, washbasin, foyer, gardens, baths, walls ground. ─── 可用于卫生间,厨房,阳台,洗手台,门厅,花园,浴场,墙地面。

15、Give water opening: Put pinnacled mouth giving water to make fill full washbasin becomes simple. ─── 出水口:放在高处的出水口使灌满脸盆变得简单。

16、Can be combination of washbasin, tub, the corner between washbasin, tub places ambry of type of triangular chair wall or cabinet to wear. ─── 可以是脸盆、浴盆组合,脸盆、浴盆之间的墙角放置三角形椅墙式橱柜或橱架。

17、Then he pushed the spittoon with the tip of his shoe, and went to wash his hands in the washbasin. ─── 接下来,他脚尖往前踢了踢痰盂,又把手放到脸盆里洗手。

18、2.Young women with washbasin oil increasing, the use of special attention should be paid to plug the hair. ─── 2.年轻妇女用洗脸盆洗发的越来越多,使用时要特别注意毛发堵塞的问题。

19、Our main products include toilet, washbasin, bidet, cabinet, urinal, and other bathroom accessories. ─── 我们的主要产品包括卫生间,洗脸盆,浴盆,柜,小便器,水龙头,浴缸和其他浴室配件。

20、leading water distribution, cooker plus Zanussi cooker hoods and pans tied washbasin, such packages portfolio, and now very popular. ─── 北京闽龙世纪建材市场有限公司董事长陈进林表示,专业市场将成业态中有力的竞争对象。

21、pedestal washbasin ─── 立式洗面器

22、The washbasin shall be made of easy-to-clean and impervious material. ─── 洗手台内外应使用易清洗不透水材料构筑。

23、I have my walking stick, a drinking bottle, my begging bowl (also serves as a washbasin), a cushion and some food. ─── 我有我的拐杖,一个水瓶,我的讨饭碗(也用作脸盆),一个坐垫和一些食物。

24、My company mainly produces various specifications grilled bending,hydraulic and crafts stainless steel mould,lamp cover mould,washbasin mould and glass furniture mould. ─── 我厂主要生产各种规格烤弯、油压和手工艺不锈钢模具、洗手盆模具、灯饰热弯模具、家私玻璃模具。

25、This is Bill in room 999. The washbasin is stopped up. Could you please send someone up to repair it? ─── 我是999号房间的比尔.这里的洗脸池被堵塞了.请你派人上来修理好吗?

26、love is not possessing,you like moon,it is impossible to hold it in your washbasin. ─── 爱并非占有,你喜欢月亮,却不可能将它禁锢在自己的洗漱盆中。

27、Bath crock, washbasin, closestool wants size appropriate, tonal should consolidate harmony; ─── 浴缸、脸盆,马桶要大小合适,色调要统一和谐;

28、Fitted with lights and a pump-powered washbasin, Dai's home relies on electricity from the solar panel on its roof, as well as a battery. ─── 据了解,这件小屋里装有电灯、抽水式面盆,依靠屋顶的太阳能板和一块电池供电。

29、Daisy was in the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on. Water was pouring into the washbasin and vanishing down the drain. ─── 黛西在浴室里。那时她正在刷牙,但是水龙头开着。水流入水槽,消失在下水道中。

30、each bedroom has a washbasin with hot and cold water. ─── 每一间卧室都配有一个脸盆,且有热水和冷水供应。

31、Someone says to wash a face to be not compared good with washbasin, right? ─── 有人说洗脸不要用脸盆比较好,对吗?

32、The new company, "water-saving fittings inductive foot", "washbasin into the water regenerator," "stainless steel water" companies are developing new products. ─── 公司新推出的“感应式脚踏节水洁具”、“洗脸盆下水再生器”、“不锈钢蓄水器”都是公司研制的新产品。

33、be available with the exception of a 5 star as a 4.5/3 Water Closet with integral washbasin. ─── 5和6星级的评定虽然存在,但一般不适合厕所产品。

34、Children play basketball with the makeshift basket made of a washbasin by themselves, Yaoshan Township, Tongxin County, Ningxia, China. ─── 在宁夏同心县窑山乡,山区的孩子们用自制的篮筐打篮球。

35、Bowl washbasin. ─── 碗盆.

36、Then he pushed the spittoon with the tip of his shoe, and went to wash his hands in the washbasin. ─── 他用鞋尖往前踢了踢痰盂,然后去脸盆那儿洗手。

37、The integration hangs the wall washbasin to suit the spatial small bathroom, succinct, the broadside spot may lay aside rinses mouth the cup, the soap box and so on tiny thing; ─── 一体式挂墙洗脸盆适合空间较小的浴室,简洁、宽边部位可以放置漱口盅、肥皂盒等细小物件;

38、The Coffe Cup and the washbasin ─── 咖啡杯与脸盆

39、Moab is my washbasin, upon Edom I toss my sandal; over Philistia I shout in triumph." ─── 摩押是我的沭浴盆。我要向以东抛鞋。非利士阿,你还能因我欢呼么。

40、Time-lapse self-closing washbasin faucet series Fittong series ─── 延时自闭脸盆龙头系列配件系列全自动感应洁具

41、washbasin pedestal with trap ─── 装有存水弯的脸盆基座

42、There is a ring of scum in the washbasin. ─── 这个脸盆内有一圈污垢。

43、Moab is my washbasin, upon Edom I toss my sandal; over Philistia I shout in triumph.' ─── 摩押是我的沐浴盆。我要向以东抛鞋。非利士啊,你还能因我欢呼吗?”

44、“But a boulder as big as a washbasin hit him and knocked him on the ground, and he couldn't move.He was yelling for help. ─── "但是一块脸盆大的巨石把他砸倒在地,他根本不能动弹.于是他大喊救命.

45、pedestal china washbasin ─── 台座式瓷脸盆

46、Be in a county a restaurant, clerk end gives one washbasin langouste, but hear extraordinary fragrance tangy, sample, as expected bright hot fertilizer is tender, deserve the reputations one enjoys. ─── 在县城一家饭店,服务员端出一脸盆龙虾,但闻异香扑鼻,一品尝,果然鲜辣肥嫩,名不虚传。大家纷纷弃筷,手抓嘴咬,一大盆龙虾转眼间就被统统“消灭”。

47、Washbasin and sink traps Bathtub drainers and shower traps ─── 洗脸盆存水弯和厨房水槽落水

48、Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet, one washbasin and one tub or shower. ─── 此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个洗脸池和一个浴盆或淋浴。

49、I do go to a bed and washbasin, etc. everywhere ask any house rental. ─── 我就这样背着提着被褥和洗脸盆等等,到处去问有没有房子出租。

50、Development of TIG automatic welding operation system of stainless steel washbasin ─── 不锈钢洗脸盆自动TIG焊操作系统的研制

51、APPROXIMATE ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF THE PIECEWISE-SMOOTH NONLINEAR SYSTEMS OF MULTI-DEGREES-OF-FREEDOM--The Self-excited Vibration of the Chinese Cultural Relic Dragon Washbasin ─── 多自由度分段光滑非线性系统的近似解--中华文物龙洗的自激振动

52、Can be combination of washbasin , tub, the corner between washbasin , tub places ambry of type of triangular chair wall or cabinet to wear. ─── 可以是脸盆、浴盆组合,脸盆、浴盆之间的墙角放置三角形椅墙式橱柜或橱架。

53、double washbasin ─── 双洗脸盆

54、Standard rooms do not have en suite bathrooms, but have a washbasin in the room. ─── 我们将用电子邮件发送即时信息给予您预定订确认。

55、Installs the market from the present family to look that the repair design becomes the mainstream effectively using the bathroom space, the broadside washbasin is one kind of popular element. ─── 从目前的家装市场看,装修设计有效利用浴室空间成为主流,其中宽边洗脸盆就是其中一种流行元素。

56、In fact, if the conditions, the best choice of colour tiles, such as orange red tiles, coupled with the color of the washbasin with curtains, bathroom will be filled with a warm feeling. ─── 其实若有条件的话,最好选用彩色瓷砖,如橙红色的瓷砖,配上同色的脸盆与窗帘,卫浴间便会充满热烈情绪。

57、The main products are: Advanced Computer steam room, massage bathtub, shower room, washbasin, toilet seat, bathroom cabinet and so on. ─── 主要产品有:高级电脑蒸气房、按摩浴缸、淋浴房、洗脸盆、坐便器、浴室柜等。

58、We are specializing in manufacturing top-grade series faucets, including for washbasin, kitchen, bathtub, shower and so on. ─── 公司专业生产高档面盆龙头、厨房龙头、浴缸龙头、淋浴龙头等系列产品。

59、many people use fixed customary use of mobile water washing his face, and that did save health, in fact, As long as regular clean washbasin, or promote the use of sometimes washing his face. ─── 许多人习惯用流动水洗脸,认为那样省事又卫生,其实,只要定期清洁脸盆,还是提倡使用面盆洗脸的。

60、It mainly produces series products of various specifications,including triangle valve,tap,flaor drain,wahbasin drainer,washbasin fauces,flush pipe etc. ─── 主要生产各种型号的三角阀、水咀,地漏、面盆下水、面盆龙头、冲水管等系列产品。

61、In fact, the bath, washbasin, toilet bowls and other bathroom equipment and the people's sense of physical "close" the most frequent contact with the living facilities. ─── 其实,浴缸、脸盆、马桶等卫浴设备当属与主人们的身体“亲密”接触最频繁的生活设施了。

62、ultrasonic washbasin ─── 超声波洗面器

63、In addition if hang bibcock of washbasin of bibcock of wall type shower, mesa relying on horn, weak opening,wait, economic space and contemporary flavour is dye-in-the-wood. ─── 此外如挂墙式淋浴龙头、靠角台面、单孔脸盆龙头等,节省空间且现代味十足。

64、It has the fundamental set has the washbasin, the bathtub, the shower head, the flush toilet and so on. ─── 它所拥有的基本设备有洗脸盆、浴盆、淋浴喷头、抽水马桶等。

65、a room (in a residence) containing a bath or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet. ─── 一处居所中能洗澡和进行日常盥洗的地方。

66、Bring me a washbasin and a pail. ─── 给我拿一个脸盆和一个水桶。

67、The coffee cup and washbasin ─── 咖啡杯和脸盆

68、UFO: Besides the function that play, can regard as the fruit tray on long-distance car, dish of the bolster plate that cuts dish, book to write, bowl, small washbasin, Cheng Shui implement. ─── 飞碟:除了玩的功能之外,可当作长途车上的水果托盘,切菜、书写的垫板、碗碟、小脸盆、盛水器。

69、Is correct, there is this small toothbrush Block, we disorder has become the washbasin Well Ordered! ─── 精美时尚,端端正正,有了这个小小的牙刷座,我们零乱的洗手台变得井井有序!

70、a pedestal basin(= a washbasin supported by a column) ─── 有底座的洗脸池

71、1 will wash special black to be with Wen Shui in the palm rub is foamy, put bubble carefully into filling the washbasin that has Wen Shui again, blend gently form vortical; ─── 1 将洗面专用皂用温水在手掌中搓起泡沫,再把泡沫小心地放入盛有温水的脸盆中,轻轻地搅和形成旋涡;

72、Plastic washbasin, plastic barrels,plastic Wankuai, plastic tablesand chairs, plastic bed, plastic flowers and so on who can create, is everything. ─── 塑料盆、塑料桶、塑料碗筷、塑料桌椅、塑料床、塑料花草等等;凡所能造的,已是应有尽有。

73、Each is equipped with a nappy changer, washbasin and paper towels. Open 24 hours a day. ─── 配有尿片更换设施,浴盆和纸巾,每天24小时开放。

74、Our main products include toilet, washbasin, bidet, cabinet, urinal, faucet, bathtub and other bathroom accessories. ─── 我们的主要产品包括卫生间,洗脸盆, 浴盆, 柜, 小便器, 水龙头, 浴缸和其他浴室配件。

75、a large pail used to receive waste water from a washbasin or chamber pot. ─── 盛放从脸盆或夜壶中出来的废水的大的桶。


“脸” 字共有 11 画,笔画顺序为: 撇、横折钩、横、横、撇、捺、横、点、点、撇、横

“盆” 字共有 9 画,笔画顺序为: 撇、捺、横折钩、撇、竖、横折、竖、竖、横





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