epilogue 发音
英:['epɪlɒg] 美:['ɛpɪlɔɡ]
英: 美:
epilogue 中文意思翻译
epilogue 短语词组
1、epilogue of my life by bill clinton ─── 比尔·克林顿《我生命的尾声》
2、introducing epilogue ─── 介绍尾声
3、epilogue of my life ─── 我生命的尾声
epilogue 词性/词形变化,epilogue变形
epilogue 相似词语短语
1、eclogue ─── n.牧歌;田园诗
2、epilogues ─── n.结语,收场白;尾声,后记
3、epiloguize ─── 后记
4、epilog ─── n.收场白;尾声;跋
5、epiloguise ─── 后记
6、apologue ─── n.(尤指以动物为角色的)寓言,道德故事
7、epilogued ─── 结语
8、epilogize ─── 结束语
9、epilogise ─── 流行病学
epilogue 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、However, the most interesting part was the epilogue. ─── 不过,最有意思的还是小说的尾声。
2、This dissertation includes three sections: the introduction, the body and the epilogue. ─── 本文共分引言、正文、结语三个部分。
3、The last part is epilogue,the conception of art should be a open systerm not a close one. ─── 第五部分为结语,得出结论:艺术不是一个封闭的系统,具有开放性的结构。
4、The epilogue of Xianchi Movement is a soundless music. You heard no sound so you were bewildered. ─── 咸池乐章演奏到尾声已成为无声之乐,你倾耳也听不到声音,所以深感困惑。女欲听之而无接焉,而故惑也。
5、The epilogue talks about the great effects that Lu Jianceng"s activities in Yangzhou have imposed on the local culture even to the whole country. ─── 卢见曾曾先后两次出任扬州,扬州是他官宦生涯中任期最长的地方,也是他政治生涯达到了顶峰的地方,所以他对扬州的感情非常深厚。
6、Effect and Controlling Measures on Shenyang Autocar Epilogue Pollution ─── 沈阳市机动车尾气的污染影响和控制对策
7、prologue and epilogue ─── 序幕和尾声
8、novel's epilogue tempers the tragic destruction of the ship. ─── 小说的后记部分淡化了捕鲸船悲惨毁灭的一幕。
9、From the first casting of the parts, to the epilogue, it was all bewitching ─── 从最初选派角色,到最后的闭幕辞,样样都使他们入迷。
10、At last, in the epilogue I have point out the pity and localization of the suspense, and try to evaluate Hitchcock’s suspense roundly. ─── 最后结语部分笔者指出了希氏电影悬念的缺憾与局限,并力图给希氏电影悬念以全面评价。
11、Comparison of Implementation Mechanism between Epilogue and BSD Protocol Stack ─── Epilogue和BSD协议栈的实现机制的比较
12、Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's Hamlet'. ─── 在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,由福丁布拉斯念收场白。
13、In the epilogue, the Silk Road resounds with the song of friendship. ─── 尾声:丝绸之路上洋溢着友谊之歌。
14、The third portion is the epilogue which valuates the city novel"s pursuit of modernity and prospects the tendence of it. ─── 第三部分结语,对于城市小说的现代性诉求进行价值评估,并对其未来发展趋势进行展望。
15、In the light of this comparative study, I present some historical apocalypse as epilogue. ─── 在文末,作者归纳了研究这个问题所带给我们的启示。
16、Narrator: [epilogue] And so, all ended well for both Horton and Who's, and for all in the jungle, even kangaroos. ─── 旁白:于是,霍顿和无名氏们都平安无事了,整个丛林,甚至袋鼠也都一团和气。
17、I had a picture with a statue in the museo the previous day, and later realized that it depicted the epilogue when everything was cleaned and restored to “top of the show. ─── 我前一天参观博物馆馆拍了张照。看完斗牛,才知道这雕塑说得是尾曲的部分。
18、She paused at an epilogue by Old Mr. Wu, which read: ─── 卷后有吴老太爷在“甲子年仲春”写的跋文:
19、Mr Gorbachev narrates the introduction and the epilogue to the story. ─── 戈尔巴乔夫在这个故事开场和结束时担任解说。
20、" I think this partnership is a solid basis on which a romantic relationship can be based in later books and/ or in the epilogue to the series. ─── 我想他们俩的这种关系为今后这一系列小说以浪漫的关系作为描写主线建立了一个稳固的基础。
21、Book Nine - Epilogue "Time for you to leave. ─── 现在是你出师的时候了。
22、Epilogue concludes the influence of national culture in the production of the art of print and the existing problems. ─── 结语将就版画创作的现状和本土民族文化选择的重要性作一宏观概括。
23、Epilogue, epilog; the last act in a Chinese opera ─── 一出戏中安排有主要情节的最后一场戏
24、When reading he attaches great importance to the epilogue of books. ─── 他看书时很重视后面的补记。
25、Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock an Epilogue. ─── 在困难难度设定下完成游戏可以解锁一则后记。
26、Epilogue: The summary of the freedom and oppression of literature in the literature history. ─── 余论:对文学史中文学个性自由与压抑状态的总结。
27、The epilogue shows all of the children boarding the train for Hogwarts together. ─── 结尾描绘了所有的孩子在一起登上霍格沃茨特快列车。
28、S. papers ran reviews on Thursday, and on Friday, France's Le Parisien published a short summary of the final book's epilogue, printing it upside down to give readers a chance to look away. ─── 当两家美国报纸在周四刊登了评论,又在周五,法国的LeParisien发布了给这最后一部哈利波特书结尾的简短概要,印刷采用倒印,以给读者们一个把眼睛撇过去的机会。
29、That's exactly the same code as before, just wrapped with prologue and epilogue code. ─── 这与之前的代码完全相同,不过增加了序言和尾声代码。
30、The epilogue, however, is well known and is formed by the World Cup-Champions League double. ─── 结果众所周知,我们中的某些人获得了世界杯和冠军杯的双料冠军。
31、The last part of the paper is the epilogue which to enumerate a number of notable linguistical phenomena those need deeper exploration. ─── 文末是结语,主要列举与论题相关的一些值得注意的语言现象,并对下步研究作一展望。
32、Finally, as night falls, Oberon and Titania bless the house, its occupants, and the future children of the newlyweds, and Puck delivers an epilogue to the audience asking for applause. ─── 后来也正是按着仙王的旨意,魔力得以解除、情人终成眷属、仙人和好如初,仙界、人间复归太平。
33、It consists of nine movements and an epilogue, portraying the different dynamic movements of running water. ─── 但其音乐风格总的来说是倾向静态的、简单的、含蓄的、古淡的、阴柔的、抒情的、典雅的美。
34、In a brief epilogue, Ginzburg writes that hers is merely “the story of an ordinary Communist woman. ─── ”在简短的尾声,金兹伯格写道,她只是“的故事,一个普通的共产主义妇女。
35、This article has been divided six parts in all: preface, four chapters, as well as a epilogue. ─── 全文分前言、四个章节以及结束语,共六个部分。
36、The article has three parts: preface, formal part and epilogue . ─── 全文共分成前言、正文、结语三个部分。
37、His businesses have survived investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission, including one crucial episode that appears only in an epilogue to this book. ─── 巴菲特的公司已在证券交易委员会的调查中幸免于难,而整个事件中的一个关键段落却只出现在本书后记当中。
38、A cadenza should not break away from the style of the work, it should be like a summing up, an epilogue, but with a little touch of Whoops! ─── 一个华彩乐段应该保持在作品的风格范围内,它应该像一个总结、一个收场白,但是要有一个小小的闪现:喔唷!
39、This is really where I wrap everything up, it's the epilogue. ─── 在这里我把所有事情完全、结束,是全书的尾声。
40、Epilogue: From Yehudi Menuhin To Lord Menuhin ─── 尾声:梅纽因的终曲乐章
41、I am deeply moved by his epilogue. ─── 我看了他写的编余,很有感触。
42、An epilogue: the economist who gave his 1959 lecture on blackmail later ended up with more practical experience of it than anybody would want. ─── 结束语:1959年就勒索 这一话题做演讲的那名经济学家后来却有一次无人愿意尝试的实战经历。
43、At last, the epilogue part summarizes the research fruits and problems to be lucubrated. ─── 最后,结语部分总结了论文的研究成果及有待深入研究的问题。
44、The third part, which is epilogue, is a sum-up to whole paper, relate the linguistic direction and foreground of humour study that current work illumes us. ─── 第三章相当于结语,是对整项研究的一个总结,并简述了本项研究工作启发我们认识到的幽默研究的语言学方向与前景。
45、Epilogue (chapters 32 to 34). ─── 尾声(32 - 34章)。
46、Epilogue: Briefly review the destiny of the maniac images in the history of Chinese modern literature. ─── 余论:简要回顾癫狂意象在中国现代文学史中的境遇。
47、The thesis comprises exordium, straight matter and epilogue. ─── 本文共分绪论、正文与结语三部分。
48、If I didn`t remember its epilogue so vividly, I would actually be tempted to think of it as a bad dream. ─── 如果我没如此生动地记得那最后的一景的话,我实际上就会总想把它当作一个噩梦的。
49、Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'. ─── 在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中, 由福丁布拉斯念收场白.
50、Now, fifty years later, that experience came to me and I wrote it out on paper as the epilogue of the book, ─── 年后,这次经历再现,就是这本书的跋,书名是
51、DCA:[So is this an epilogue? ─── [这就是收场白了?
52、The epilogue summarizes the interaction between the imitating the imitating ancient poetry,including Yuefu poetry, and the meaning of the poems modeled. ─── 结语总结拟古诗(含拟乐府)在魏晋南北朝诗歌发展史上的意义。
53、an epilogue; an epilog ─── 收场白
54、The epilogue is the summarization of this dissertation. ─── 最后结束语部分是对全文的总结。
55、In the epilogue, this thesis appeals to the construction of remedy system of administrative contract earlier to insure the realization of liability of administrative contract. ─── 结语中,论文呼吁早日构筑行政契约救济机制,以确保行政契约责任的实现。
56、introduction by I.Bernard Cohen ;epilogue by Brian Randell. ─── 作者声明: by the office of Charles & Ray Eames ;
57、In the epilogue, he appears to have become a reformed character after joining the police. ─── 结尾处他的个性有了改变,成了一名警察。
58、The dissertation comprises three sectors besides the prologue and the epilogue. ─── 本论文除前言和结语外共由三个部分组成。
59、The story of his final downfall, his flight, his capture, and his execution is not pretty, and its epilogue in the Piazza Loretto here this morning was its ugliest part. ─── 墨索里尼的垮台、逃亡、被捕以及毙命是很不体面的,而他今天早上在洛莱托广场的结局则是丑剧中最丑恶的一幕。
60、Some explanation is given in the epilogue. ─── 结语部分对一些问题进行了说明。
61、Epilogue Closing section at the end of a novel or play. ─── 在小说或剧本后的结束文章。
62、In the epilogue, thesis point out that a process of "evolution" is recommended for the intervention of new urban elements in historic area. ─── 在结语中,论文指出历史地段中新城市“基因”的适应性注入应当体现一种“进化”的过程。
63、The epilogue summarizes and appraises Beauvoir’s philosophy thoughts and consequently indicates the value of her novel. ─── 结语部分对波伏娃小说的哲学思想进一步做出归纳和评价,从而彰显其小说的独特价值。
65、Georg G.lggers,Historiography in the Twentieth Century:From Scientific Objectivity to Pastmodem Challenge with a new epilogue,Wesleyan University Press,Middletown,Connecticut,2005 ─── 伊格尔斯,帕克编.历史研究国际手册:当代史学研究和理论[C].北京:华夏出版社,1989
66、Now, in a delightful epilogue, he has a new set of pictures of some of the same people reenacting the moment captured all those years ago. ─── 现在,在一个愉快的后记中,他拍下了一些由相同的人在多年后重演同一幕的照片。
67、an actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action ─── 在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员
68、This dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue. ─── 本文包括前言、正文和结论。
69、The epilogue summarizes the paper and estimates the novel's realism significance to South Africa. ─── 结语部分在总结全文的基础上,客观地评价了这部小说对南非的现实意义。
70、Epilogue give a overall summery of this thesis and points the hardship of administrative supervise reform and improvement. ─── 结语部分对本文进行了总结性的概括,指出了行政监察体制改革和完善的艰难性。
71、the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters. ─── “结语说了最后主角怎么样了”。
72、It's too bad, because the build-up is very strong.Pay attention to the epilogue scene for great use of irony. ─── 我们看当时的作品都会有所体会,而在特瑞夫和希区柯克的对谈录中更可以清楚看到。
73、Writing Methods of Composing Prelude, Intermezzo, Epilogue and Their Artistic Manifestations ─── 歌曲创作前奏、间奏、尾声的写法及其艺术表现
74、The epilogue puts forward to the prospect of the Death Compensation. ─── 结论部分提出作者对这一问题的展望。
75、The dissertation consists of three parts, which are Foreword, Text and Epilogue. ─── 全文共分前言、正文和结语三部分。
76、recites the prologue and epilogue ─── 朗诵序言和后记
77、The thesis consists of the foreword, the main text and the epilogue. ─── 本文共分为前言、正文和结语三大部分。
78、The epilogue summarizes and generalizes the epistemic productions of this dissertation. ─── 结语部分对本文的一些认识性成果作了总结与概括。
79、"Unfortunately, the response we feared came (for Shevchenko). Chelsea consider Andriy unsellable. This epilogue makes us very sad." ─── “很不幸的,我们询问过舍甫琴科的事情,但切尔西说他是非卖品。这个结果让我们很失望。”
80、Epilogue: How this book came to be an experiment in mediactivity, and how I hope it will change for the next version. ─── 这本书如何成为一个关于“主动媒介运动”的实验,以及我所期待的,它在下一个版本中将会产生什么样改变。
81、The epilogue shows all of the children boarding the train for Hogwarts together. ─── 结尾描绘了所有的孩子在一起登上霍格沃茨特快列车。
82、preface and epilogue ─── 序跋
83、" Dan also says in addition to filming the epilogue, "I think for me, that's intimidating is going to be the walk at the end to meet Voldemort in the forest. ─── 丹还说到了影片中尾声的拍摄:“我认为对我来说,最具难度的戏是哈利走进禁林并最终与伏地魔对峙。
84、The developping trend is discussed assumably in the end.The pollution of automobile epilogue has been doing bad harm to our living space step by step. ─── 汽车尾气中的有害物造成的污染,给人类赖以生存的大气环境带来了越来越严重的危害。
85、Beside the introduction, prolegomenon and the epilogue, the whole essay divided into three chapters. ─── 文章除了引言、绪论、结语等部分外,正文的主体结构分为三章。
86、In her epilogue the author suggests that independent-minded women should accept the loss of old traditions and make their peace with the new situation. ─── 文章结尾,作者建议那些有主见的女性朋友们可以接受老传统的消失和适应这种新的形势。
87、In the epilogue, Kate talks about her grief after Anna's death. ─── 结尾处凯特提及她对安娜的死的悲痛。
88、The thesis has been incorporated by three parts, including preface, five chapters and epilogue. ─── 全文共分个三部分,包括引言、正文和结语,正文共分五章。
89、The pavilion is a home for the Grant Park Music Festival. Listen as the Grant Park Symphony plays "Julius Caesar: Symphonic Epilogue After Shakespeare," Opus Twenty-eight. ─── 大帐篷也是大公园音乐节的举办地.请听大公园交响曲演奏恺撒大帝:莎士比亚后期的结尾曲章.
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