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08-10 投稿


advocating 发音

英:[ˈædvəkeɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈædvəkeɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

advocating 中文意思翻译




advocating 短语词组

1、advocating for ─── 主张

2、advocating thrift ─── 提倡节俭

3、advocating learning ─── 倡导学习

4、advocating freed ─── 提倡自由

advocating 同义词

support | recommend | activist | sustain | encourage | advocator | barrister | proponent | counselor-at-law | backer | attorney | sponsor | supporter | recommend highly | lawyer | promoter | propose | solicitor | campaigner | promote | believer | counsellor | preach | counsel | champion | defend | pleader | counselor | suggest | prescribe | exponent | urge | uphold | back

advocating 词性/词形变化,advocating变形

动词过去式: advocated |名词: advocator |动词过去分词: advocated |动词第三人称单数: advocates |形容词: advocatory |动词现在分词: advocating |

advocating 反义词


advocating 相似词语短语

1、advocations ─── n.拥护;支持;辩护

2、invocating ─── v.祈求;援引;引起(等于invoke)

3、advecting ─── v.用平流输送

4、allocating ─── n.分配;vt.配置(allocate的ing形式)

5、abdicating ─── vi.退位;放弃;vt.退位;放弃

6、advocative ─── 提倡的

7、advocation ─── n.拥护;支持;辩护

8、evocating ─── 唤起

9、convocating ─── 会议

advocating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of, relating to, or advocating instrumentalism. ─── 工具主义的,与工具主义有关的

2、Has already been taken to task by overreaching critics who claim that he's advocating sexual slavery. ─── 何拉贝克已经遭到批评过火的评论家谴责,他们说他支持性奴役。

3、Lawyers and activists advocating gay rights have been harassed, and, though many gay websites are accessible, some are blocked. ─── 为了同性恋权利而奔走的律师和积极人士已经疲惫不堪,并且尽管很多同性恋网站可以访问,但有些还是被屏蔽了。

4、Re not advocating behavior? Your whole purpose is to make that lifestyle appear normal so that more people will want to try it. ─── 妳怎么敢说妳没有主张实际的行为?妳的主要意图就是要让那样的生活方式看来很正常,好让更多人想要变成那个样子。

5、The meeting adopted the Beijing Initiative, advocating a tripartite partnership among governments, educational and academic circles and business communities. ─── 会议形成的《北京倡议》,确立了政府、教育学术界、工商界之间的三方伙伴关系。

6、They were quite right in opposing the old stereotype and the old dogma and in advocating science and democracy. ─── 他们反对旧八股、旧教条,主张科学和民主,是很对的。

7、While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused on contraception. ─── 中国实行计划生育坚持以避孕为主。

8、China since ancient times has had a fine tradition of advocating kindness, friendliness, trust and good neighborliness. ─── 中国自古就有亲仁善邻,崇信修睦的优良传统。

9、Of or advocating church government by bishops. ─── 主教制的或倡导主教制的

10、It is oriented to denying the totalizing homogenous foundational power, and to pursueing heterogenic conception of power, hereby to result in actively advocating micro-politics. ─── 它拒斥总体化的同源性的基础性权力,转而寻求一种异质性的权力概念,积极倡导微观政治。

11、So building up a new concept of penalty and advocating the meaning of value of the venial penalty should be of the first importance. ─── 为此,树立刑罚新观念、倡导刑罚轻缓化的价值意蕴理应首当其冲。

12、As president, Reagan implemented new political initiatives as well as economic policies, advocating a limited government and economic laissez-faire philosophy. ─── 作为总统,里根实施新的政治倡议以及经济政策,主张有限政府和经济自由放任理念。

13、Be proud of advocating science, be shame of unwisdom. ─── 以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻,

14、Three men advocating press freedom evaded massive security and ran onto the field at the ceremony in Ancient Olympia before they were seized by police. ─── 三名男子崇尚新闻自由回避了大规模的安全和冉走上场在颁奖典礼上,在古奥林匹亚始被捡获的警察。

15、They are particular about the gala in different aspects, even advocating canceling it. ─── 他们对晚会的各方面做出了挑剔的评价,甚至提倡取消晚会。

16、Chinese people have been always advocating the justice career. ─── 中国人民始终支持正义的事业。

17、Koa Association was one of the earliest koa bodies advocating that "Japan and China cooperate' to revitalize Asia. " ─── 兴亚会是最早建立起来的兴亚团体之一,主张“日中提携”,振兴亚洲。

18、"We know that there are a lot of people advocating for more open government," Godwin says. ─── “我们知道有很多人主张更开放的政府,”戈德温说。

19、He was arrested as a member of a subversive orgnization advocating the forceful overthrow of the present government. ─── 他以一名颠覆组织分子的身份被捕,此组织主张以武力推翻现在的政府。

20、The author of this paper tries to expound Rorty's motive for advocating the world government and the reason for his criticizing post-modernism as well as their relationship. ─── 什么是罗蒂鼓吹世界政府的动机呢?为什么他要批评后现代主义呢?本文将试图反思这两个问题,并力图找到它们之间的联系。

21、They wanted to resurrect a mythologized rural past, while at the same time advocating ideas that would inevitably bring urban influences into the countryside. ─── 他们企图复活一个神话般的农村历史,与此同时又不可避免的将城市影响带入农村。

22、Chang Nai-chi was then advocating "issuing fewer calls and offering more suggestions". ─── 当时章乃器主张“少号召,多建议”。

23、The core of Confucianism and Taoism is the headstream of advocating elegance and despising popularity. ─── 儒家和道家的思想内核是尚雅鄙俗风尚的文化渊源。

24、Is the embodiment of natural and environmental horticulture, the show is a living advocating natural scenes. ─── 园艺体现的是自然与环保,展现出的则是一种崇尚自然的生活情景。

25、Characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality. ─── 以民主或者社会平等的原则为特点,赞成这些原则或者基于这些原则之上。

26、He went on record as advocating immediate integration. ─── 他公开提倡立即取消种族隔离。

27、The opinion of those advocating such measures. ─── 左派言论拥护这种措施的人的观点

28、Senior figures in both parties yesterday confirmed they will allot substantial six-figure sums to finance vigorous nationwide campaigns advocating a Yes vote. ─── 两党资深人士昨天证实,他们将拨出六位数的巨款来资助全国范围内轰轰烈烈开展的倡导全民公决的支持《里斯本条约》运动。

29、Advocating "quality, creditability and service", we provide customers with best products by making best use of up-to-the-minute market information and at lowest consumption. ─── 凭着一惯秉承的企业宗旨“以质量求生存、以信誉为竞争、以服务赢顾客”的经营理念,我们将最为快捷,迅速地运用市场信息,以最低的损耗为顾客提供最好的产品。

30、In fact, a bit of legal persecution is just what those advocating fringe history most want. ─── 事实上,一些法律迫害正是那些鼓吹这场惨胜的人最想要的东西。

31、She was given the task of advocating on behalf of WHO programmes and initiatives focused on maternal, newborn and child health. ─── 她的任务是代表世卫组织规划和行动进行宣传,注重于孕产妇、新生儿和儿童健康。

32、I therefore recommend a dual strategy: We should continue advocating the idea of BI in general and try to convince more and more people. ─── 因此,我推荐一个双重策略:我们应该继续支持一般的基本收入思想,以及设法说服越来越多的人。

33、If the Fed went further and started to buy illiquid assets outright, as some are advocating, that would be different. ─── 如果美联储更进一步,如同有些人所提倡的那样,彻底开始购买非流动性的资产,那情况将完全不同。

34、Advocating a policy that cannot be guaranteed to work, and that is neither costless nor riskless, is not usually sensible. ─── 如果提倡的建议不能被证明是有效的,如果这个建议既不是毫无成本,又不是毫无风险的,通常这不是一个明智的决定。

35、Worth advocating naturally, the natural beautiful pursuit like the celestial being not glossed over. ─── 天然是值得崇尚的,不加粉饰的自然之美宛如仙人的追求。

36、Advocating freedom but not overindulge! ─── 崇尚自由但并不放纵!

37、Advocating editor as scholar, it seems as if it was realistic sign. In fact it denies the work of editors. ─── 提倡编辑学者化,表面看有其现实意义,实质是对编辑工作的不认可。

38、In the strong sense I'm advocating here, culture modifies our genes. ─── 在此,我坚决倡议,让文化修改我们的基因。

39、On May 9, 1950 Schuman made a declaration in Paris advocating the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community, the precursor of today's EU. ─── 1949年1950年5月9日,法国外长舒曼在巴黎宣布倡立欧洲煤钢共同体,煤钢共同体就是今日欧洲联盟的前身。

40、He went on record as advocating immediate national unity. ─── 他公开声明主张民族大团结。

41、We chasing the world peace, advocating hunmanism, recalling historical creations, and expressing an ode to civilization. ─── 在这里我们追求世界和平,提倡人文精神,瞻仰历史的遗迹,赞美文明的火种。

42、Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses, especially by opposing legalized abortion. ─── 反堕胎的主张对胚胎或胎儿的全面法律保护的,尤其通过反对堕胎合法化

43、In advocating this approach, Deborah Gordon cites experiments in which intervention in a colony's makeup perturbed worker activity. ─── 在提倡这种方法时,黛博拉·戈登引用了一些实验,在这些实验中,对蚁群构成的干预扰乱了工蚁的活动。

44、Qassem's stubborn opposition to both Arafat and Israel and his blunt writings advocating the establishment of a free Palestinian state have landed him in jail several times. ─── 卡西姆对阿拉法特和以色列都持强烈的反对态度,他还直言不讳地写文章支持建立一个自由的巴勒斯坦国,这使他数次锒铛入狱。

45、In the town meeting Mr Smith spoke to the purpose in advocating the raising of more money to support the public schools. ─── 在镇民大会上,史密斯先生主张筹措更多款项支持公立学校的演说得非常中肯恰当。

46、Influenced by Zhuang Zi's thought of advocating nature,it expends and describes everything in nature, taking it as an independent aesthetics and contrasted object. ─── 它以老庄的崇尚自然为文化底蕴,把自然万物作为一种独立的审美观照对象来加以拓写和描绘。

47、Developing students' non-intelligence factors, or advocating quality-oriented education, is a byword of current educational thinking. ─── 培养学生的非智力因素,提倡素质教育,体现了当代的教育思想。

48、If you are a nostalgia, advocating simple, slow rhythm of the past era, and have strong interest in American culture, you would certainly like to create an atmosphere, 66 highway. ─── 你若是个怀旧的人,崇尚简单、慢节奏的往昔时代,且对美国文化拥有浓厚的兴趣,你一定会喜欢66号公路所营造的氛围。

49、The two FENGs' main poetic points are treasuring academic quality, advocating metaphorical excellence in expression, attaching importance to literary grace and analysing prosody. ─── "二冯"诗歌理论与批评的要点是学养为贵,倡导隐秀,重视文采,辨析诗体等。

50、Robinson continued to pursue the kind of life, the yearning of all communication from his tremendous love for life advocating the spirit. ─── 鲁滨逊那种对生活不断追求,对交往的向往都源于他那对生活无比热爱崇尚的精神。

51、In fairness, the group is not advocating a complete withdrawal. ─── 公平的说,小组不主张完全撤军。

52、You can also define your own export symbols, which is how WDMSTUB manages to define missing symbols for use by the kind of binary-portable driver I'm advocating you build. ─── 你还可以定义你自己的支持符号,那就是WDMSTUB如何管理以便定义遗漏的符号,(这些符号是)我提议你创建的那种二进制便携驱动所用到的。

53、Baoding advocating cultural emphasis on education. ─── 保定市崇尚文化,重视教育。

54、The deep-seated aspect of didactical work, which need special attention, is advocating virture, hammer-honldning workmanship and deepening attainment. ─── 彰显师德、锤炼技艺、加深造诣、教书育人更是督导工作要特别加以注意的深层次问题。

55、Surely, no matter what twists and turns a reality, the Chinese towards an open, free, advocating social life rather than political unshakeable. ─── 可以肯定的是,无论现实中出现怎样的波折,中国走向一个开放、自由、崇尚生活而非政治的社会不可动摇。

56、And his invariable conclusion was: "Our Mr. Wang Ching-wei is strongly advocating democracy and genuinely wants to develop China's industries. ─── 他还时常加着这样的结论:我们汪先生就是竭力主张实现民主政治,真心要开发中国的工业;

57、When you are interested in other perspectives, it doesn't imply, even slightly, that you're advocating it. ─── 当你对别的看法或观点感兴趣时,丝毫也不意味着你会去提倡它们。

58、One of those advocating for such loss is Weida Stoecker. ─── 她曾因为这样的事故痛失爱人。

59、The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrine or cause. ─── 宣传活动对一个学说、事业或信息的系统宣传,其反映倡导该学说或该事业的人的观点和利益

60、He describes how Barack Obama was hounded for advocating politeness towards people with whom one disagrees. ─── 他描写巴拉克.奥巴马如何鼓励提倡人们对持不同意见者以礼相待。

61、Health policies should be especially protective of vulnerable individuals who have difficulty advocating for themselves. ─── 受益者公平获益(公平)。卫生政策应尤其保护不能自我保护的弱势个体。

62、Maybe so.But you do not often hear people advocating similar inquisitiveness about the fundamentalist Christian mind. ─── 也许是,但你不常听人们对基督教基本教义派有类似的好奇。

63、Cialdini is not alone in advocating this strategy. ─── 西奥迪尼并不是唯一一个提倡这种策略的人。

64、In business, there probably would be pandemonium if companies started publishing everyone's salary, and I'm not advocating that here. ─── 在商业中,如果公司开始公开工资,可能有大的混乱,我在这儿不宣传这点。

65、Any persons found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters. ─── 发现任何人鼓吹打一场防御战,就应判他和这些精巧的怪物生活两个小时。

66、However, Holt felt little support from universities for the sorts of school reforms he, and others, were advocating, and he sought other avenues for change. ─── 可是,霍尔特觉得他和其他倡导教育改革的人所提倡的教学改革措施并没有得到这些大学的多少实质性支持,因而开始寻求其它渠道以推进学校的教学改革。

67、Of or relating to the philosophical system developed by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life. ─── 属于或关于老子和庄子发展的主张朴素生活的哲学体系的。

68、Tauren is one race of advocating peace and friendly yet they look strong and crude.Like other races, World of Warcraft gold is the currency for Tauren. ─── 在看完这帖子以后,我立即动手回复,因为我生怕迟到的回复不能使更多的人领悟你的圣明,以至使这等网上少有的好贴就此轮沉,我担不起这样的罪名!

69、They use the words privatize, liberalize, and deregulate when advocating the rules for applying information age technologies to businesses. ─── 他们在申请信息时代技术规则使用时,使用了企业私有化,自由化,解除管制这样的词。

70、She continues to evangelize on behalf of performance, both promoting product accomplishments as well as advocating on behalf of our customer requirements. ─── 她不断在性能方面传播福音,不仅促进产品完成,还提倡以客户需求为主导。

71、Advocating Gebrauchsmusik (“useful music”), he wrote solo sonatas and concertos for many of the standard orchestral instruments. ─── 他为标准的交响音乐乐器写了许多独奏曲和协奏曲。

72、The happiness viewpoint of Zhuangzi, one of the important contents of his philosophy of life possesses Nature-advocating quality especially. ─── 庄子人生哲学的重要内容——幸福观则尤其具有崇尚自然的品格。

73、In advocating a multipolar world, Russia sees itself as one of the poles, dominating its region. ─── 在建议多极世界的倡议中,俄罗斯将自己看成多极中的一极,统治着它的疆土。

74、Advocating good and the Mencius said: "The modern乍见these children will enter in the wells have compassion. ─── 主张扬善的孟子说:“今人乍见孺子将入于井皆有怵惕恻隐之心。”

75、Of, characterized by, or advocating utilitarianism. ─── 功利主义的实用主义的,其有实用主义特色的,提倡实用主义的

76、The systematic propagation of a doctrineor cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrineor cause. ─── 宣传活动对一个学说、事业或信息的系统宣传,其反映倡导该学说或该事业的人的观点和利益。

77、Not mystify, not grandstanding, advocating the law of natural beauty, this is the character of the Tibetan people in the form of manifestation of form. ─── 不故弄玄虚,不哗众取宠,崇尚自然美的规律,这正是藏族人民的性格在造型形式中的体现。

78、Houellebecg has already been taken to task by overreaching critics who claim that he's advocating sexual slavery. ─── 何拉贝克已经遭到批评过火的评论家谴责,他们说他支持性奴役。

79、Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses,especially by opposing legalized abortion. ─── 反堕胎的主张对胚胎或胎儿的全面法律保护的,尤其通过反对堕胎合法化。

80、While the effort was in line with the recapitalization measures that economists have been advocating, U. ─── 伴随着经济学家建议的资本化方法的实施,英国股市加快并迅速下跌,伦敦金融时报100指数下跌5.2%。

81、We're not advocating a major imposition of the government into people's lives. ─── 我们并不是主张把政府强加于人民的生活。

82、And only last week he released an audio tape attacking Iraq's elected leaders, and denouncing those advocating the end of sectarianism. ─── 在上周他发布了一盘录音带攻击伊拉克新领导人,并公开指责结束宗派主义的提倡者。

83、Although she was a poet, she spent much of her time advocating for better health care and housing for the newcomers. ─── 她虽然是一位诗人,却把大量时间用于为这些新来者争取更好的医疗服务和住房。

84、Therefore, advocating multidimensional methodology of tort law, applying with three interleaving justice opinion one another would be rational election. ─── 崇尚多维的侵权法思考模式,以三种正义观的相互交错适用毋宁是理性的选择。

85、Of, advocating, or practicing monometallism. ─── 单金属本位制的、提倡或实行单金属本位制的

86、The potential motive consists of three levels: expressing emotions and feelings, advocating ideas of cultivation and promoting the attention to fabricate and create. ─── 其潜在动机主要可分为情绪情感的抒泄、教化意识的宣扬、作意好奇的发挥三个层面。

87、The authors assumed that history would deal kindly with those advocating large withdrawals. ─── 作者们大概认为历史对主张大量撤军者会采取仁慈的态度。

88、They have been violently advocating neutrality. ─── 他们一直激烈地鼓吹中立。

89、The president found strong support among the members of the Chamber of Commerce, which has been advocating an immigration reform bill that includes a guest worker program. ─── 布什总统得到了美国商会成员的大力支持。美国商会一直提倡移民改革法案要包含一个临时客工计划。

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