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08-15 投稿


accomplisher 发音


英:  美:

accomplisher 中文意思翻译



accomplisher 词性/词形变化,accomplisher变形

动词过去分词: accomplished |动词现在分词: accomplishing |动词过去式: accomplished |动词第三人称单数: accomplishes |形容词: accomplishable |名词: accomplisher |

accomplisher 相似词语短语

1、accomplishing ─── 完成

2、accomplice ─── n.同谋者,[法]共犯

3、accomplishment ─── n.成就;完成;技艺,技能

4、accomplices ─── n.共犯者们;[法]同谋犯(accomplice的复数)

5、accomplished ─── adj.完成的;熟练的,有技巧的;有修养的;有学问的

6、unaccomplished ─── adj.未完成的;没成就的

7、accomplishes ─── vt.完成;实现;达到

8、complished ─── 完成

9、accomplish ─── vt.完成;实现;达到

accomplisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No task is so difficult but ( that ) we can accomplish it. ─── 不管任务怎样困难,我们都能完成。

2、Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much. ─── 善意的言辞成本最少,而成效最多。

3、The talks in New Delhi focused on how to accomplish that task. ─── 在新德里进行的谈判主要集中在如何完成这一任务上。

4、He can't accomplish anything significant. ─── 他成不了大事。

5、What can public hearings accomplish? ─── 公众听证会可以完成哪些事宜?

6、Focus on your goals. Know what you want to accomplish. ─── 关注你的目标。知道你要完成的东西。

7、Sweeping reform takes a lot of courage and time to accomplish. ─── 全面性的改革需要很大的勇气及很长的时间来完成。

8、If you don't rely on the masses,you will accomplish nothing. ─── 如果不依靠群众,就将一事无成。

9、He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things. ─── 他这个人成事不足, 坏事有余。

10、We must accomplish four jobs for the second phase. ─── 在第二个阶段我们做好四件事情。

11、The wholesale purge so often advocated would accomplish no good. ─── 人们经常建议采用大换班的办法来解决这个问题,但决不会取得什么好效果。

12、They didn' t accomplish the purpose desired. ─── 他们没有达到预期的目的。

13、If you can harness your energy, you will accomplish a great deal. ─── 如果你能控制你的精力,你将获得巨大成功

14、This paper expounds the requirements for the quality of information personnel, and explains the concept of "information accomplisher" and his characteristics. ─── 阐述了信息时代对信息人员的素质要求,解释了“信息素养人”的概念及其特征。

15、We must pull out all the stops in order to accomplish this task. ─── 为了完成这一工作,我们得竭尽全力。

16、Know what you can realisti-cally accomplish. ─── 你要清楚你在现实工作中能取得什么样的业绩。

17、To accomplish by the use of finesse. ─── 以技巧实现利用巧妙的手段完成

18、One who doesn't work hard can't hope to accomplish much. ─── 不努力工作的人不能指望有多大成就。

19、Your goal is to accomplish your mission. ─── 你的目标就是要完成你的使命.

20、He can accomplish more in a day than any of us. ─── 他一天完成的工作量比我们任何人都多。

21、How do you plan to accomplish this? ─── 你计划怎样来实现它呢?

22、She did accomplish the task in time. ─── 她的确准时完成了任务。

23、The new master hope of WinZip Computing can accomplish this. ─── WinZip Computing 的新主人希望能够做到这一点。

24、If we pull together, we can accomplish the tash in half the time. ─── 如果我们齐心合力,我们可以用一半的时间完成这项任务。

25、What is Game Theory Trying to Accomplish? ─── 博弈论的目标?

26、If we pull together, we could accomplish the task in half the time. ─── 如果我们齐心协力,我们可以用一半的时间来完成这项任务。

27、But this is the most challenging task to accomplish. ─── 但这是最具挑战性的任务。

28、You should accomplish the task within the allotted time. ─── 你们必须在规定时间内完成这项任务。

29、To accomplish their dreams and efforts to fight! ─── 为了完成自己梦想去打拼和努力!

30、What have you done to accomplish your dreams? ─── 为了实现梦想,你都做了哪些努力?

31、How did Nido accomplish so much? ─── 他是怎么得到这些的?

32、Happen what may, I will accomplish my purpose. ─── 不管怎样,我一定要达到目的。

33、To be responsible to accomplish Extrusion Powder LWR in time. ─── 及时完成铝型材粉末实验室工作.

34、She seems to accomplish nothing. ─── 她似乎没有任何建树。

35、I am the Genie of your heart, and, yet, you are the accomplisher of your wishes. ─── 我的精灵,你的心,然而,你是成果完成你的愿望。

36、And, what to hope to accomplish by its continuation. ─── 你们持续示威有什麽目的?

37、For the wrath of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God. ─── 20因为人的忿怒并不成就神的义。

38、And, what do you hope to accomplish by its continuation. ─── 又,你们持续示威有什麽目的?

39、Otherwise, we shall accomplish nothing over the next decade. ─── 否则,下一个十年没有希望。

40、Are you content to be a person who will never accomplish anything? ─── 你甘心做一个将永远一事无成的人吗?

41、He will go all lengths to accomplish his purpose. ─── 为了达到目的,他会不择手段的。

42、Can you accomplish by your own? ─── 你能够独力完成吗?

43、He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class. ─── 他一天所完成的工作比他班上其他的孩子都多。

44、Know what you can realistically accomplish. ─── 你想做些什么?

45、If you can harness your energy,you will accomplish a great deal. ─── 如果你能控制你的精力,你将获得巨大成功。

46、Whatever he wills he may accomplish. ─── 他决心做的事情都能完成。

47、I mean to accomplish the task, one way or another. ─── 不管怎么样,我决意要完成这个任务。

48、You can accomplish anything as long as you set your heart on it. ─── 只要你下定决心,你可以做成任何事。

49、If the economy develops, we can accomplish anything. ─── 先把经济搞上去,一切都好办。

50、Accomplish special project or activities as assigned. ─── 其他特别指派的项目或工作。

51、Assist with superior and accomplish of work assigned by supevisor. ─── 协助主管工作,积极完成上级分派的工作.

52、One more week, and we will accomplish tha task. ─── 再有一周,我们就能完成任务。

53、We'll leave no stone unturned to accomplish the great task. ─── 为了完成这一件伟大的任务,我们将会千方百计。

54、To cease trying to accomplish or continue; abandon. ─── 中断,放弃停止完成或继续进行;放弃

55、Achievers are doer. They like to accomplish things. ─── 喜欢工作,干劲冲天;全天拼搏去完成任务。

56、We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types. ─── 在这一步骤中,我们指定人物角色类型。

57、Why do we have to do something themselves impossible to accomplish? ─── 为何还要去做一些自己不可能完成的事呢?

58、He had done what he wanted to accomplish. ─── 他终于完成了他想完成的伟业。

59、But if you have a goal you want to accomplish. ─── 但如果你有一个目标::你要完成。

60、We're so callow yet still hope to accomplish great deeds? ─── 不成气候到这个地步,还想成大事?

61、At fifty, he would be a man to accomplish great things. ─── 他到五十岁时会有很大的成就。

62、I believe that i can accomplish this task. ─── 2我相信我能胜利完成这项工作。

63、The more we give,the more we accomplish. ─── 多一分付出,就能多一分成就。

64、She would like to accomplish her plan at all costs. ─── 她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。

65、Any fool can accomplish failure. ─── 傻子们都会失败。

66、How does your wealth help accomplish this? ─── 你的财富对实现这些目标有什么帮助?

67、They will accomplish their new project by this means. ─── 他们将用这种办法来实现他们的新计划。

68、How on earth can one accomplish such a feat? ─── 一个人怎能完成如此伟大的工作呢?

69、A strong organized effort to accomplish a purpose. ─── 为达到目的而进行的强大的组织力量

70、He is so lazy that he will never accomplish anything. ─── 他那么懒,将一事无成。

71、They made a concerted effort to accomplish the task. ─── 他们通力合作完成任务。

72、He went to all lengths to accomplish his purpose. ─── 他用尽手段以达到目的。

73、The position is set up to accomplish the missions as follows. ─── 为完成下述使命而设本职位。

74、But we cannot accomplish this on our own. ─── 但单靠我们自己是办不成的。

75、How can you make sure you will accomplish it? ─── 你怎样能确保完成出口任务?

76、The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. ─── 万军之耶和华的16热心,必成就这事。

77、Present the final result and accomplish the whole work. ─── 呈现最终效果,完成网站制作。

78、You can accomplish this with a constraint. ─── 可以用一个约束来实现这一点

79、Assist CTT UK to accomplish modification work of New Products. ─── 协助英国总部完成新产品修改工作。

80、If their can accomplish these, so can you. ─── 如果她们可以事有所成,你也一定能。

81、C. Only through cooperation can we accomplish great tasks. ─── 只有通过合作,我们才能完成重大任务。

82、You think fear is the best way to accomplish things. ─── 你认为害怕能够解决问题,但是你错了。

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