societies 发音
英:[səˈsaɪətiz] 美:[səˈsaɪətiz]
英: 美:
societies 中文意思翻译
societies 常用词组
human society ─── 人类社会
modern society ─── 现代社会
in society ─── 在社会上;社会中的权力
societies 短语词组
1、affiliated societies ─── 附属社团
2、matriarchal societies ─── 母系社会; ─── 母系氏族社会
3、getting involved in societies ─── 参与社会
4、friendly societies ─── 互助组织, ─── 互相保险协会,友谊社团( friendly society的名词复数 )
5、classification societies ─── 船级社
6、humane societies near me ─── 我身边的人文社会
7、societies define ─── 社会定义
8、societies treat ─── 社会对待
9、development of societies ─── 社会发展
10、historical societies ─── 历史学会
11、honor societies ─── 荣誉团体
12、civil societies ─── 公民社会;民间团体
13、clubs and societies ─── 俱乐部和社团
14、League of Red Cross Societies ─── 红十字会协会
15、societies all over the world name ─── 世界各地的社团名称
16、clubs and societies ppt ─── 俱乐部和社团ppt
17、building societies ─── [经] 住宅互助社团
18、societies child by janice ian janice ian ─── 的儿童社团
19、human societies ─── 人类社会
societies 词性/词形变化,societies变形
名词复数: societies |
societies 相似词语短语
1、socialites ─── 上流社会人士(socialite的名词复数)
2、socialities ─── n.社会性;社交;好交际
3、societyless ─── 无社交
4、socializes ─── vt.使社会化;使社会主义化;使适应社会生活;vi.交际;参与社交
5、subsocieties ─── 亚文明
6、socialises ─── vt.使社会化;使社会主义化;vi.参加社交活动;发生社交往来(等于socialize)
7、moieties ─── 部分
8、sociates ─── 社交
9、sociations ─── 社会
societies 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In societies with strong family bonds, people tend to live longer. ─── 在家庭关系密切的社会中,人们往往长寿。
2、The Red Cross Societies at higher levels shall direct the work of the Societies at lower levels. ─── 上级红十字会指导下级红十字会工作。
3、He is a founding member of the Academy for Learned Societies in the Social Sciences in UK. ─── 他也是英国Academy for Learned Societies in the Social Sciences的创会会员。
4、A new group says its goal is to recapture kindness within societies. ─── 一个新成立的社会团体声称自己的宗旨是在社会上重新树立真善美的形象。
5、Consumerism in this second sense and environmentalism, both powerful in Western societies, do not coexist comfortably. ─── 作为这第二种意思的消费主义与环保主义在西方国家都很有势力,但二者是不能和睦共存的。
6、He was the leader of several school societies and also, the representative of his class throughout his graduate study. ─── 他在上研究生期间是学校好几个社团的组织者,并且一直担任班长之职。
7、In Western societies, the commonest association of chronic pancreatitis is alcohol abuse. ─── 在西方国家,导致慢性胰腺炎最常见的因素为酒精滥用。
8、Where necessary, the Red Cross Societies may be established in different national trades and professions. ─── 全国性行业根据需要可以建立行业红十字会。
9、Chastity before marriage is still demanded in some societies. ─── 在有些社会中仍然要求保持结婚前贞洁。
10、Native peoples have been studied by anthropologists in many societies. ─── 土著人已经被许多协会的人类学家研究过了。
11、The plural societies of the world. ─── 世界上各种各样的社会
12、Some major publishers, some institutions and societies, have therefore begun to make the adjustment to the new age. ─── 一些主要出版社,机构和学会开始进入新时代。
13、Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city. ─── 在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。
14、Urbanization will interact with the transformation of human societies by aging. ─── 同时,人类社会因老化而转变,都市化会与老化的过程互动。
15、In many societies women are subordinate to men. ─── 在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。
16、Societies that do not experiment can be historical dead ends like the closed and static feudal manors of medieval Europe. ─── 不进行试验的社会是要被历史进程所抛弃的,就像中世纪欧洲那些闭塞的封建庄园一样。
17、Trade and investment concessions should be given to governments ready to open up their societies. ─── 应向准备好开放本国社会的政府做出贸易和投资让步,放宽对转型中国家的移民规定。
18、The family then may be called the first model of political societies. ─── 因而,我们不妨认为家庭是政治社会的原始模型。
19、The ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt. ─── 叙利亚和埃及的古代世界性组织
20、Human societies have to suffer one disaster after another that follows in the wake of the ecological damage. ─── 人类社会不得不遭受一个接一个的随着生态破坏而来的灾难。
21、It is true, for example, that some societies approve of infanticide while others do not. ─── 例如,有的文化认可杀婴行为,而有的却不是这样。
22、Red Cross Societies at all levels shall participate in and promote the blood donation work in accordance with law. ─── 各级红十字会依法参与、推动献血工作。
23、Reciprocation All societies subscribe to a norm that obligates individuals to repay in kind what they have received. ─── 互惠所有的社会都认同一个准则,即每个人都要对自己的所得作出回报。
24、He received many honours from many cities, colleges and societies. ─── 他享有许多城市、大学及学会所授予的荣誉称号。
25、In these societies the Roman Church was more able to continue the practice of price discrimination. ─── 在这些社会中,罗马教会更有可能延续其价格歧视的做法。
26、He made this announcement in a meeting at the Union of French Societies of Athletic Sports (USFSA), for which he was Secretary General. ─── 顾拜旦在法国田径运动协会联合会的会议上宣布了这一决定,当时他是该组织的秘书长。
27、Why might there be less religion in more complex societies? ─── 为什么信仰在复杂的社会中在减少?
28、At least two courses at other law schools focus on the concept of the rule of law in post-conflict societies. ─── 在其它法律学校至少两个课程侧重于在冲突后社会的法治的概念。
29、To protect the environment, most industrial societies have established stringent laws. ─── 为了保护环境,大多数工业领域制定了严格的法律。
30、What are the differences between Eastern and Western societies in human rights and other values? ─── 东西方社会在人权和其他价值观方面有何差别呢?
31、In such societies the building of a political community goes hand in hand with the acceptance of democratic ideals. ─── 在这样的社会里,政治社会的建议和民主理想的承受,是携手并进的。
32、In many societies women are subordinate to men. ─── 在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。
33、The legal status of a concubine has varied in different societies. ─── 在不同的社会,妾的法律地位有所不同。
34、The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall be established in the country. ─── 全国建立中国红十字会总会。
35、In civilized societies, especially in English-speaking societies, this is too apt to be forgotten. ─── 在文明社会中,特别是在讲英语的社会中,这一点很容易被忘却。
36、In matrilinear societies the real head of the family is the mother's brother. ─── 在母系社会中,家庭里真正的头领是妈妈的兄弟。
37、In some societies, people still hold on to the narrow brand of nationalism --- one that is confined to their region. ─── 一方面,我们可以看到狭隘的地方忠诚在人们心目中仍然占据着重要的地位。
38、Development is about the transformation of societies which ultimately involves people changing how they think. ─── 发展是关于社会的变革,最终涉及人们如何改变它们思考的方式。
39、But we have in common the desire to retain our superiority and avoid the defects and evils that exist in capitalist societies. ─── 但是,共同的一点是要保持自己的优势,避免资本主义社会的毛病和弊端。
40、Why is education democratic in bookless tribal societies? ─── 为什么在没有书籍的部落社会,教育是民主的?
41、Some of the northern groups were companies called emigrant aid societies. ─── 一些北方群体是名为迁移协助协会的公司。
42、Analytical chemistry is very close to our modern lives and societies. ─── 分析化学与我们的现代生活和社会是密切相关的。
43、People are still very conscious of social class in many societies. ─── 在很多国家,人们还是很在意社会阶层。
44、In some societies a childless woman is rejected by her tribesmen. ─── 在某些社会里,不能生育的女人会被她的部落抛弃。
45、In some societies the failure to bear children (or males) is a threat to the marriage and a ready cause for divorce. ─── 在某些社会,不能生育(或不能生男孩)会对婚姻产生威胁,并成为离婚的一个现成理由。
46、Many of these universities have local campus societies like the one at Jinan University (in Chinese). ─── 例如,济南大学的“新野农村发展促进会”。
47、How is family policy related to the state in capitalist societies? ─── 在资本主义社会,家庭政策是怎样和国家发生联系的?
48、Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. ─── 今改为奉献生活及使徒团体部。
49、Such fetishes were, and still are, worshipped in many preliterate societies. ─── 在许多文字出现之前或无文字的社会里,这样的偶像曾经和仍然受到人们的顶礼膜拜。
50、When both mothers and children survive and thrive, the societies in which they live prosper. ─── 只有保障母亲和儿童的生存和健康福祉,他们所生活的社会才能欣欣向荣。
51、Societies can be brutally theocratic in either or both of two senses. ─── 从下述两个意义或其中任何一个意义上来说,社会都会被野蛮地神权政治化。
52、Development economics embraces the whole transition from the poor primitive to modern industrial societies. ─── 发展经济学抓住了贫穷的原始社会到现代工业社会这一整个的过渡时期。
53、Development is all that relates to the sound management of administrations and societies. ─── 发展归根结底是与妥善进行行政管理和社会管理相关的。
54、In societies where the groom had to pay for his bride, the dowry served as a "return gift. ─── 在新郎必须想新娘的佳人支付金钱以迎娶新娘的社会里,嫁妆就起着”回赠礼物”的作用。
55、As with all societies, behavioral patterns stem from upbringing. ─── 在所有的社会里,人们的言行举止是根据小时候的教养所调教出来的。
56、Ossified societies guard positional goods more, not less, jealously. ─── 僵化的社会更加嫉妒和警惕着象征地位的商品。
57、Men in monogamous societies imagine they would be better off under polygyny. ─── 在一夫一妻制的社会里,男性会想象他们在一夫多妻制度下会有更么的好。
58、All societies through the ages have had intoxicants and people will use them whatever the cost. ─── 古往今来一切社会都有麻醉剂,饮用者并不计较耗费多大。
59、Learn more about our policies and find technical information for scholarly publishers and societies. ─── 了解更多有关我们政策的信息。
60、In every region, free markets and free trade and free societies are proving their power to lift lives. ─── 在世界上每个地区,自由市场、自由贸易和自由社会正体现出他们的威力,这些原则能使人们的生活水平得以提高。
61、To develop an understanding of and appreciation for traditions of culture and belief in human societies. ─── 培养对文化传统以及人类社会信仰的理解和欣赏。
62、Time is not very important in nonindustrial societies. ─── 在非工业社会中,时间并不是很重要。
63、In swift mountain streams bryophytes may actually form pure societies. ─── 在急速的山溪中,苔藓可能实际上形成纯组合。
64、In simple societies the lack of differentiation means that the same individual is both hunter and warrior. ─── 在简单社会中,没有分化意味着同一个人既是猎手又是战士。
65、Nonetheless, there are plenty of irrational feelings involved, which resemble the racism found in Muggle societies. ─── 但其中却有大量不合常理的感情牵涉在里边,类似于麻瓜世界的种族状况。
66、It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. ─── 不仅只有在富裕的社会里,人们才这么着魔似的想挣更多的钱。
67、Only some upper societies can get the comps of this concert. ─── 只有一些上层人物才能获得这场音乐会的赠券。
68、But all classes in all class societies invariably put the political criterion first and the artistic criterion second. ─── 但是任何阶级社会中的任何阶级总是把政治标准放在第一位,艺术标准放在第二位的。
69、Low back pain (LBP) is one of most common problems in modern societies. ─── 下背痛(LBP)是在现代社会中常见的问题之一。
70、In our evolution from tribes to the societies of today,mankind has never been able to forsake religion. ─── 人类从部落社会发展到现在,始终离不开宗教。
71、He knows a great deal about history and the ebb and flow of successful (and unsuccessful) societies. ─── 他知道有很多关於歷史和潮水成功(失败)的社团。
72、But in the more expressive societies of southern Europe, such behavior be considered cold and impersonal. ─── 但在感情丰富的南欧人看来,这种行为会被认为是冷酷和不近人情的。
73、Federation of Asian Chemical Societies. ─── 亚洲化学联合会。
74、In the traditional societies of Africa, the onset of puberty marked the change from child to adult. ─── 在非洲的传统社会中,青春期一开始就标志着从孩子变成成年人了。
75、In our evolution from tribes to the societies of today, mankind has never been able to forsake religion. ─── 人类从部落社会发展到现在,始终离不开宗教;
76、What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? ─── 你参加了什么俱乐部和协会,担任什么职位?
77、In societies under the rule of exploiting classes, there are various kinds of mental workers. ─── 在剥削阶级统治的社会里,有各种各样的脑力劳动者。
78、Success in many societies often goes unrewarded. ─── 在许多社会,成功通常不能获得奖赏。
79、A static village community and a completely undynamic type of agriculture,static feudal societies. ─── 停滞不前的村落社会和完全没有活力的农业,停滞不前的封建社会。
80、The implication system in ancient societies was a very cruel penalty system. ─── 古代的连坐制度是一种十分残忍的刑罚制度。
81、When you are talking with people from Western societies, which part of face should you look at? ─── 和西方人交谈时,你应该看他们脸的哪个部位?
82、God-based societies will spring up theistic thinking. ─── 以神为根基的社会将涌现一神论的思想。
83、Healthy mothers and children are the real wealth of societies. ─── 健康的母亲和儿童是社会的真正财富。
84、Most Western societies are liberal in outlook. ─── 西方社会大多思想观念开放。
85、Most societies have their own creation myths. ─── 大多数社会都有它们自己的创世神话。
86、Perhaps, although it's not all that clear that they were less happy than their counterparts in less autocratic societies. ─── 事实也许如此,尽管我们并不清楚处于较开明社会的艺术家是否比他们更好过。
87、In certain societies shame was the only sanction against wrongdoing. ─── 在某些社会中,羞耻曾是做坏事的唯一约束力。
88、Oh, implacable march of human societies! ─── 呵,人类社会历久不变的行程!
89、In Western societies people read left to right and top to bottom. ─── 在西方社会,人们习惯从左到右从上到下的阅读模式。
Society 表\"社会,上等阶层,交谊\"时是不可数名词,无复数形式。
所以societies 的话考虑翻译作\"社团\"或\"…群体\",具体语义看上下文。
1.Obviously,every modern society has a bit of that.
2.Such moves have a chilling effect,the asia society report says.\"
3.National geographic news is part of the national geographic society.
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