unburnt 发音
英: 美:
unburnt 中文意思翻译
unburnt 短语词组
1、unburnt boy ─── 未燃烧的男孩
2、unburnt hydrocarbon ─── 未燃烃
3、unburnt particle ─── 未燃烧的粒子
4、unburnt pocket ─── 未燃烧的口袋
5、unburnt calories ─── 未燃烧的卡路里
6、unburnt brick ─── 未烧透砖;坯
7、unburnt mysql ─── 未烧mysql
8、unburnt pockets ─── 未燃烧的口袋
unburnt 相似词语短语
1、sunburn ─── n.晒黑;[皮肤]晒斑;vi.晒伤皮肤;晒红皮肤;晒黑皮肤;vt.晒伤;晒黑;晒红
2、-burnt ─── adj.烧焦的;烧伤的;v.燃烧(burn的过去式、过去分词形式)
3、unburned ─── adj.未燃的;未烧过的
4、inburst ─── n.涌入,闯入;突入
5、burnt ─── adj.烧焦的;烧伤的;v.燃烧(burn的过去式、过去分词形式)
6、sunburnt ─── adj.晒黑的;有晒斑的;日炙的;v.晒黑(sunburn的过去式和过去分词)
7、outburnt ─── 爆发
8、sunburst ─── n.阳光突现;从云隙射下的阳光;镶有钻石的旭日形首饰
9、sunburns ─── n.晒黑;[皮肤]晒斑;vi.晒伤皮肤;晒红皮肤;晒黑皮肤;vt.晒伤;晒黑;晒红
unburnt 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Even one of the Housing unburnt earthenware, usually, nothing left ancient pavilion. ─── 偌大一个房坯,空空荡荡,一无所有,活像古代的凉亭。
2、The unburnt carbon exists in fly ash as two kinds of form, honeycombed or spongy carbon monomer, and commensal together with silicon and aluminium inside sinking and floating beads. ─── 粉煤灰中的炭有两种存在形态,一种是蜂窝状和海绵状的纯炭粒单体,另一种则与硅、铝结合存在于漂珠和沉珠内部。
3、the flame would flutter and go out - with still an inch of candle unburnt. ─── 蜡烛的火焰就会忽明忽暗地跳动,最后完全熄灭——中间仍有一英寸未燃尽。
4、Through removing partial unburnt carbon in fly ash by flotation, the quality of fly ash can be improved. ─── 采用浮选法可除掉粉煤灰中部分未燃尽炭,在降低了含炭量后,粉煤灰的质量得到很大提高。
5、effect on the unburnt carbon in fly ash ─── 飞灰可燃物影响因素
6、The binders, matrix and phases of unburnt alumina-spinel brick for ladle have been studied.The calculation formulafor phase composite of the matrix were put forward. ─── 研究了不烧铝尖晶石钢包砖的结合剂、基质组成及相变化,提出了基质中相组成的计算公式。
7、unburnt gas ─── 不完全燃烧气体
8、Keywords blast furnace coal injection unburnt pulverized coal behavior; ─── 高炉;喷煤;未燃煤粉;行为;
9、Bad mojo similar to #2, as this is how unburnt bones are moved to the urn at a cremation. ─── 因为在尸体火化过程中就是这样把未燃化的骨头移到骨灰缸的。
10、sundried mud bricks; adobe; unburnt bricks; claybricks ─── 土坯
11、Through mixing a little unburnt pulverized coal in slag, the decrease of adhesion and melting temperature of slag was got. ─── 对未燃煤粉进入炉渣进行了粘度测定,测定结果表明:极少量的未燃煤粉进入炉渣炉渣有稀释作用,使炉渣粘度及熔化性温度下降。
12、The fly and bottom ashes are both composed of amorphous glass, minerals and unburnt coal particles. ─── 结果表明,飞灰和底灰均由玻璃体、矿物和未燃炭组成。
13、Keywords unburnt pulverized coal;solid particle;slag viscosity;combustion rate; ─── 未燃煤粉;固体质点;炉渣粘度;燃烧率;
14、It points out there are both advantageous and disadvantageous influence of UPC(unburnt pulverized coal)on the work of BF. ─── 指出,未燃煤粉的存在对炉况的影响有利有弊。
15、To reduce costs and avoid second decoration wastage, the Housing building facades uniform decoration, within niches for unburnt earthenware Housing. ─── 为降低成本,避免二次装修造成浪费,房屋建设外墙进行统一装修,内龛为坯房。
16、Keywords atmospheric fluidized bed combustion ash;pressurized fluidized bed combustion ash;flue gas desulfurization by-products;fly ash with high unburnt carbon content; ─── 常压流化床燃烧灰渣;增压流化床燃烧灰渣;烟气脱硫副产物;高碳粉煤灰;
17、In a few moments the flame would flutter and go out - with still an inch of candle unburnt. ─── 再过一小会儿,蜡烛的火焰就会忽明忽暗地跳动,最后完全熄灭--中间仍有一英寸未燃尽。
18、unburnt particle ─── 未燃烧的微粒
19、Keywords alumina-magnesia based;carbon-free unburnt brick;magnesium oxychloride cement;physical properties; ─── 关键词铝镁质;无碳不烧砖;氯氧镁水泥;物理性能;
20、Bad mojo similar to #2, as this is how unburnt bones are moved to the urn at a cremation. ─── 因为在尸体火化过程中就是这样把未燃化的骨头移到骨灰缸的。
21、unburnt fuel ─── 未燃烧的燃料
22、Keywords blast furnace;injection of pulverize coal;unburnt pulverized coal; ─── 高炉;喷吹煤粉;未燃煤粉;
23、The studied results of behavior of unburnt pulverized coal in process of PCI in BF are summarized. ─── 总结了高炉喷煤尤其是大量喷煤中未燃煤粉行为的研究结果。
24、The studied results of behavior of unburnt pulverized coal in process of PCI in BF are summarized. ─── 总结了高炉喷煤尤其是大量喷煤中未燃煤粉行为的研究结果。
25、5.Thus fuel, once burnt, cannot be again used as fuel;what can be so used is only any portion which has remained unburnt the first time. ─── 例如燃料,一旦烧过以后,再也不能当作燃料使用,能作这样 用的只不过是第一次未烧尽的部分。
26、unburnt brick ─── 未烧透砖
27、Organic group can further be divided into coal grains and unburnt carbon, while inorganic group includes cenosphere, magnetic sphere, irregular grains, quartz fragment and mullite, etc. ─── 有机组分包括煤粒和残炭2个亚组;而无机组分则可进一步分为玻璃微珠、磁铁微珠、不定形颗粒、碎屑石英和莫来石。
28、Keywords pulverized coal injection (PCI);decrease coke rate;unburnt coal; ─── 喷煤量;降低焦比;未燃煤;
29、Keywords unburnt pulverized coal;gasification reaction;coke;pulverization properties; ─── 未燃烧煤粉;气化反应;焦炭;粉化性能;
30、The interior is completed using mainly wood, glass and brick walls plastered or, in the case of unburnt brick, left uncovered. ─── 内部完成主要利用木材,玻璃和砖墙贴,或在案件坯,缺漏。
31、If effective measures to strictly control the cost of housing construction, allowing more profits to the appropriate departments or to the future to provide unburnt earthenware Housing-price may drop. ─── 如采取措施得力,严格控制住房建设成本,部门给予适当让利或今后以提供坯房为主,价格还可降低。
32、Thus fuel, once burnt, cannot be again used as fuel; what can be so used is only any portion which has remad unburnt the first time. ─── 例如燃料,一旦烧过以后,再也不能当作燃料使用,能作这样用的只不过是第一次未烧尽的部分。
33、Keywords Microsilica;Dextrin;Combined binder;Unburnt brick; ─── 硅微粉;糊精;复合结合剂;不烧砖;
34、pick out unburnt coal from cinders ─── 捡煤核儿
35、The torch must always be lit outside the space unless specifically allowed by a Work Permit specifying the precautions necessary to avoid accidental accumulation of unburnt gases, ─── 除非经作业许可证特别允许并规定了避免未燃烧气体意外积聚的必要预防措施,否则一般情况下均必须在受限空间外面点燃焊枪;
36、Because structure of equipment of square unburnt brick is simple, transform send a person not quite. ─── 因为方坯设备结构简单,改造投人不大。
37、Moreover, the walls of the final treatment, but unburnt earthenware Nizi, such letters will benzene in Qiangli and long infiltrate wall, the dissemination of harmful gases not go out on forever. ─── 更何况,在墙面的最后处理上,还要坯腻子,这样会把苯封在墙里,并漫漫渗透到墙体里,这种有害气体就永远散发不出去了。
38、The interior is completed using mainly wood, glass and brick walls plastered or, in the case of unburnt brick, left uncovered. ─── 内部完成主要利用木材,玻璃和砖墙贴,或在案件坯,缺漏。
39、Advantages and disadvantages of unburnt coal (char) for blast furnace running and the char producing controlling are studied. ─── 在炼铁生产的高炉喷煤中,不可避免的要产生未燃煤粉。
40、Owing to the high proportion of unburnt oxygen in this efflux, after-burners are often provided in the jet pipe, whereby the hot gases are again ignited. ─── 由于在这种流出的气体中有相当多的未燃氧气,所以通常在喷管处装设后置燃烧器,这样便会再度点燃热气。
41、Furnace machine matchs to go up in square unburnt brick very get effective. ─── 炉机匹配在方坯上很见效。
42、Mechanism of the combined binder made of microsilica and dextrin used in unburnt bauxite clinker-spinel ladlebrick has been investigated. ─── 研究了以硅微粉作结合剂,以四种外加剂在不烧高铝矾土-尖晶石钢包砖中的作用机理;
43、studied results of behavior of unburnt pulverized coal in process of PCI in BF are summarized. ─── 总结了高炉喷煤尤其是大量喷煤中未燃煤粉行为的研究结果。
44、The fly and bottom ashes are both composed of amorphous glass, minerals and unburnt coal particles. ─── 结果表明,飞灰和底灰均由玻璃体、矿物和未燃炭组成。
45、Owing to the high proportion of unburnt oxygen in this efflux, afterburners are often provided in the jet-pipe ─── 由于这种喷气流中含有大量未燃烧的氧气,在喷管中往往安装加力燃烧室。
46、Shimoda.A.Sugano.Y.Watanabe Prediction Method of Unburnt Carbon for Coal Fired Utility Boiler Using Image Processing Technology of Combustion Flame 1990(4 ─── 王飞.马增益.卫成业.严建华.岑可法根据火焰图像测量煤粉炉截面温度场的研究[期刊论文]-仪器仪表学报2000(7
47、Study on Properties of Carbon-free Unburnt Brick Bonded by Magnesium Oxychloride Cement ─── 氯氧镁水泥结合铝镁质无碳不烧砖性能的研究
48、Unburnt vegetation rots quickly, but black carbon persists in the soil for many centuries. ─── 燃烧的植物腐烂得很快,但黑碳在土壤中存留了好几个世纪。
49、Owing to the high proportion of unburnt oxygen in this efflux , afterburners are often provided in the jet-pipe. ─── 由于这种喷气流中含有大量未燃烧的氧气,在喷管中往往安装加力燃烧室。
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